I t
is dotted with their orifices or pores, easily separating from the
hymenophore and from one another; the mouths of the tubes or
pores are round or angular, in the subgenus Gyrodon sinuous or
gyroso-plicate; trama none. Spores usually fusiform, rarely oval or
roundish, white, rosy, yellowish or brown. (Fig. 7 3 .)
Terrestrial, fleshy, putrescent fungi ; mostly edible, a few
poisonous. Species 1456—1515
Subgenus i . E u b o le tu s . Pores round or angular, not sinuous or
gyroso-plicate. Trama not descending between the tubes.
EuchrOiE. Tubes usually yellow, not white or grey.
a. Viscipelles. Stem solid, not bulbous or reticulate, except
1458. Tubes adnate, decurrent in 1457, 1467 and 1468.
Pores rarely sinuate, of one colour. Spores usually yellowish.
b. Subtomentosx. Pileus villous when young, rarely at length
becoming smooth. Stem not bulbous or reticulate; here
and there rugose or striate. Flesh rarely changing colour.
Tubes adnate, of one colour, 1459__ 1477
<r. Subpruinosx. Pileus pruinose to smooth. Stem equal, even,
not bulbous or reticulate. Tubes adnate, yellowish.
d. Calopodes. Stem stout, at first bulbous, reticulate ; reticulations
usually red. 1432__ 1488
A Edules. Stem stout, bulbous, not reticulate or dotted red
except 1489, 1490, 1491 and 1493. Tubes somewhat free,
adnate in 1494. Pores not red. Flesh scarcely changing
colour. Taste pleasant. 1 4 3 9 ___ 1 4 9 7
f . Luridx. Pileus pulvinate, compact then soft. Stem stout at
first, curt and bulbous, then elongate and clavate to nearly
equal, somewhat reticulate or dotted. Tubes rounded-free.
Pores red to red-brown. Flesh juicy. Suspected poisonous.
Growing chiefly in woods of deciduous trees. 1498—1500
T e p h r o l e u CiE . Tubes at first white, or grey.
g. Favosa. Tubes large, angular, unequal, often shortened
near the stem, adnate, not rounded-free. Spores brown.
h. Versipelles. Tubes free, ventricose. Pores minute, round,
equal. Spores ferruginous. 1595__1508
I. Hyporhodix. Tubes whitish to pale salmon. Spores rosy to
white flesh-colour. 1509 1510
J . Cariosx. Stem not reticulate, stuffed to hollow. Tubes
white to light yellowish. Pores minute, round. Spores
white. 1511—1513
Subgenus 2 . Gyrodon. /Izfer short, somewhat adnate. P iir « sinuous
or gyroso-plicate. 1544^ 1515
3 19 'i
Subgenus 3. B o le tin u s . Trama descending somewhat between the
tubes, the hymenophore is therefore not smooth after their
removal; in this respect Boletinus resembles Strobilomyces.
The relationship between Boletus and Boletinus is similar to
that between Polyporus and Trametes. 1515a
Subgenus i . E u b o le tu s .
(From being typical examples of the genus; Gr. eu, well.)
a. Viscipelles.
1456. B. luteus L. (from the yellow tubes ; luteus, yellow) abc.
P. gibbous, pulvinate to convex, deep vinous brown, covered
with dark purplish gluten which is at first continuous over the
tubes, forming a V. St. equal, dull light yellowish. A. large,
membranous, white to dark purplish. T. yellow or brownish-
yellow. Po. minute.
Edible. Woods, pine; common. July-Nov. 5 X 2§ X ® in.
1457. B. elegans Schum. (from its elegance) a b c.
P. convex, dark rich yellow, shaded orange. St. sulphur to
orange above A., darker below. A. broad, fugacious, sulphur.
T. decurrent, sulphur to bright yellow. Po. minute.
Woods, chiefly larch, oak, pine ; common. June-Oct. 4® X 2 | X ® in.
1458. B. flavus With, (from the yellow pileus ; flavus, light yellow)
P. convex or pulvinate, full luminous yellow, covered when
young with claret-brown gluten. St. equal, reticulate, yellow
above, brownish-yellow below. A. membranous, fugacious,
white to yellow-white. T. adnate, bright yellow or brownish-
yellow. Po. larger than in 1456 and 1457.
Woods, mixed ; common. Aug.-Nov. 4 i X 3J R i iU’
1459. B. flavidus Fr. (from the yellowish pileus; flavidus, light
yellowish) abc.
P. convex, obtuse, brownish-yellow or pale yellowish-buff.
St. equal, whitish-yellow or straw-colour, granular above the
brownish viscid A. T. adnate to slightly decurrent, yellow,
somewhat sulphur. Po. angular. Flesh pale ochre.
Woods, pine. July-Oct. 2® X 2j x J in.
1460. B. eollinitus Fr. (from the gluten-besmeared pileus; collino, to
besmear) abc.
P. pulvinate to expanded and slightly depressed, brownish-buff,
sometimes pale, covered with rich vinous-brown gluten.
St. attenuate downwards, rooting, white, becoming brownish.
T. adnate to subdecurrent, pallid to yellow. Flesh white.
Solitary. Edible. Woods, fir. Nov. 3f X 2® X i j in. When young
resembles 1456.