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simple, cartilaginous, tubular or stuffed, glabrous, sublustrous. Gi/ls
adnexed or adnate, readily separating from their attachment to
the stem, not decurrent, variable in colour. Spores smooth or rough,
salmon. (Fig. 26.)
Many of the species are gregarious and grow in troops, they are
mostly small, inodorous, except 517 and 524, and often beautiful in
colour, shades of light or dark blue or green being frequent.
All grow on the ground except 521 ; they chiefly grow in mossy
pastures and marshy places. One non-British species—L. parasitica
Quél.—grows on the hymenium of 1370. They are most common
in rainy seasons. The species generally are suspected to be
Leptonia agrees in structure with Collybia, Naucoria, Psilocybe
and Panceolus. Species 514—528
Pileus slightly fleshy, without striae, hygrophanous. Gills whitish.
Gills light or dark blue or bluish. 520—523
Gills pallid, becoming yellow or green. 524—526
Pileus somewhat striate, hygrophanous. Gills grey or glaucous.
527, 528
514. L. placida Karst, (from its pleasing appearance) a.
P. campanulate, broadly subumbonate, dusky brown or dusky-
slate-squamulose on a tan ground. St. stuffed, slaty-blue,,
black-dotted above. G. adnexed or somewhat adnate, salmon-
white. Flesh brownish or lavender.
Usually solitary. By beech-trunks. Autumn. 2 X 2j x A «•
515. L. anatina Quél, (from the colours; anatimis, pertaining to a
duck) abc.
P. campanulate, broadly subumbonate, umber-squamulose. St..
stuffed, purple-bluish or smalt above, brown and whitish below.. ,
G. adnexed or somewhat adnate, pale salmon.
Fields. Oct. If X i f X Ì in.
516. L. lappula Quél, (from the prickly pileus ; lappa, a burr) a.
P. convex, umbilicate, grey or purple-slate ; mid. black-punctate..
St. hollow, lilac, shaded brownish. G. subadnate, broad,,
white, faint greyish or whitish-salmon.
Odour none. Amongst beech-leaves. Autumn, i j X X pg in.
517. L. lampropus Quél, (from the lustrous stem ; Gr. lanipros,
shining, pous, a foot) abc.
P. expanded, depressed, mouse-colour, steel-blue, pallid yellowish,
brownish or brown. St. fistulose, steel-blue, pale slate or
purplish, brownish below, white at base. G. adnexed or subadnate,
broad, pale salmon.
Taste and odour somewhat strong, disagreeable. Pastures ; common.
July-Nov. i f X 2j X J in.
Leptonia AGARICACEÆ 113
518. L. æthiops Gill, (from the black pileus and stem ; Gr. aithiops,
an Ethiopian) a.
P. plano-depressed, smooth. St. stuffed, fuscous-blackish. G.
subadnate or adnexed, narrow, pale salmon-white.
Woods, grassy places. Sept. iJ X 2j X J in,
519. L. solstitialis Gill, (from its sometimes appearing in the summer
solstice—June) a.
P. plane, umbonate, fuscous, brown- or olive-shaded. St. fistulose,
dusky, whitish above or as P. G. emarginate, pale salmon.
Amongst stones, grassy ground, woods. Aug.-Sept. i f X 2 X f in.
520. L. serrulata Quél, (from the black-toothed edge of the gills,
contrasted with 528 ; serrula, a saw) abc.
P. convex, depressed, blackish-blue. St. fistulose, paler than P.
G. adnexed or adnate, slate-whitish, then grey-salmon, varying
slate-purplish. Flesh slate-white.
Sometimes cæspitose. Pastures and grassy woods. June-Oct. i f X 2f X J in.
521. L. euehroa Gill, (from its fine colour, Gr. euchroos) abc.
P. convex, subumbonate, purple-blue or bright smalt-purple. St.
stuffed, colour as P. or lighter, or bluish flesh-colour. G.
adnexed or subadnate, pale grey-blue, blue, purple-blue or slate.
Solitary, gregarious or cæspitose. Probably poisonous. Woods, trunks,
stumps, branches, alder, hazel ; rare. Aug.-Oct. i f X 2 X J in.
Pileus sometimes J in. or less in diam.
522. L. ehalyhæa Quél, (from its steel-blue colour; Gr. dialups,
steel) abc.
P. plane, subumbonate, separable, dark violaceous, brownish-slate
or slate with satin-like threads from mid. to marg. St. stuffed,
colour as P. G. adnate, bluish-grey-whitish, pale olive-salmon,
salmon or purplish.
Taste somewhat musltroom-like, but strong and unpleasant. Pastures ;
frequent. July-Oct. i f X i f X f in.
523. L. lazulina Quél, (from the lapis lazuli colour of the stem) a b.
P. expanded, dusky-black, steel-slate, dark-brown-streaky. St.
fistulose, light or dark blue. G. adnate, colour as St., then
shaded salmon. Flesh slate-steel.
Gregarious. Amongst moss and grass. Sept. f X 2f x A «■
524. L. ineana Gill, (incanus, hoary) abc.
P. plane, umbilicate, striate, olive- or bronzy-green, streaked.
St. fistulose, colour as P. or verdigris or greenish-blue. G.
adnexed or adnato-toothed, whitish-green then salmon.
Gregarious. Odour strong of mice. Woods, pastures, downs ; frequent.
Jùly-Üct. i | X 2 X A in -
525. L. formosa Gill, (formosns, beautiful) a b.
P. plane, broadly umbilicate, yellow or brownish, minutely sooty-
squamulose. St. fistulose, yellow. G. adnato-toothed, light
salmon-yellow, then pale flesh-colour.
Kmanggt Equisetum, grass, commons, pine woods. Sept. 2f X 3f X f in ,
Var. suavis Sacc. St. steel-bluish.