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228 AGARICACEÆ Cortinarius
1050. C. Bulliardil Fr. (after Pierre Bulliard, French mycologist) abc .
P. convex, flat, crimson bay-brown or umber. St. solid, bulbous,
fibrillose, blood-red below, pale above, irregularly zoned.
G. adnato-subdecurrent, purplish to ferruginous, edge whitish.
Flesh pale purplish-rose, flecked pale blue.
Odour strong. Woods, mixed, beech. Sept.-Oct. x 2 x J in Sometimes
approaching 1041, at other times 1064.
1051. C. vinosus Cooke (from its colour ; vinosus, like red wine) a.
P. flat, subdepressed, shining. St. solid, marginato-bulbous, pale
violet above, reddish below, zoned. G. adnato-subdecurrent,
scarcely crowded, ferruginous-cinnamon.
Under trees. Oct. 2g X 2 x 4 in.
1052. C. bolaris Fr. (from its being marked with red; bolare, to
mark) a b.
P . convexo-plane, obtuse, light yellow-red, covered with sienna-
red sc. St. stuffed to hollow, apex white, elsewhere covered
with sienna-red sc., often in irregular zones. G. decurrent,
adnate or emarginate, crowded, pale to dark cinnamon.
Solitary or subcæspitose. Woods, beech; uncommon. Aug.-Nov.
2^ X 2^ X ^ in. When young P. and St. wholly sienna-crimson. Very
dark when dry. ^
1053. C. pholideus Fr. (from the scaly pileus and stem ; Gr. pholis, a
scale) abc.
P. convexo-plane, sometimes subum.bonate, fawn-colour, covered
with smaller umber and sepia sc. St. solid, pale white-purplish
above, fawn below, clad with dark umber sc., often in zones,
zoned cortinate above. G. adnexo-emarginate, violaceous or
pale slate to cinnamon.
Woods. Sept.-Oct. 3 X 3J X 4 in .
1054. C. sublanatus Fr. (from the somewhat woolly pileus ■ lana
wool) abc . i- , ,
P. campanulate, expanded, umbonate, fawn, becoming ferruginous
covered with dark sq. St. solid, clavato-bulbous, apex faint
azure-purphsh, colour as P. below, covered with dark sc.,
sometimes zoned. G. adnate, scarcely crowded, olivaceous!
yellowish to cinnamon.
Oct.Odour of radish. Woods, larch, fir ; rare, 3 i X 3i X 4 in. Intermediate
between 1063 and 1084.
1055. C. phrygianus Fr. (from the colour, like gold embroidery •
phrygio, an embroiderer in gold) a. ’
P. convex, obtuse, honey-colour, covered with small black sc
57 subbulbous, paler than P., black-scaly below. G. rounded!
adnate, subcrowded, dull yellow.
Odour of radish. Shady moist places.
under beeches. Autumn.
2 | X 2 j X 4 in.
Habit like that of 69.
Cortinarius AGARICACEÆ 229
1056. C. arenatus Fr. (from the granulose pileus, as if sand-covered;
arena, sand) abc.
P. convexo-expanded, sometimes umbonate, pale yellowish-
fuscous ; mid. umber, minutely squamulose. St. usually
attenuate upwards, pallid above, fuscous and dark squamulose
below. G. adnexo-emarginate, yellowish-cinnamon or salmon.
Woods ; uncommon. Aug.-Oct. 2j X 2| X § in.
1057. C. penieillatus Fr. (from the pencilled pileus) a b.
P. campanulato-convex, subumbonate, ferruginous-fuscous,
densely floccoso-scaly. 57 stuffed, attenuate upwards, clothed
with ferruginous-fuscous, concentric sc. G. rounded-adnate,
dark brown. Flesh ferruginous-fuscous.
Woods, pine. Sept.-Oct. i j X 2j X A in.
SuBGENus 4. D e rm o c yb e .
(From the thinly fleshy pileus; Gr. derma, skin, kube, a head.)
Veil single, fibrillose, forming a zone in 1064. Pileus thin,
equally fleshy, at first silky, with innate villous down, becoming
smooth when old, dry, not viscid or hygrophanous.
Stem hollow or stuffed, except
1058. often equal or attenuate, rigid, elastic
or brittle. Gills changeable in colour.
Flesh when moist watery or coloured.
(Fig. 56.)
Polymorphous species defined with difficulty
owing to the changeable colour of the
gills. Species 1058—1085
Gills at first whitish or pallid.
violaceous, becoming
Gills at first
Stem and fibrillose Cortina coloured.
Gills bright cinnamon, red or
yellow. 1071—1080
Olivaceous. Pileus not torn into scales,
Fig. 56.— Cortinarius {Dermocybe)
chmamomeus Fr.
A , s e c t i o n o f m a t u r e e x a m p l e ;
B, y o u n g s t a t e .
One-half natural size.
Veil dull pallid or
1058. C. oehroleueus Fr. (from the yellowish-white pileus; Gr. ochros,
yellowish, leukos, white) a b.
P. convex, gibbous. St. solid, ventricose or subbulbous, naked,
fibrillose above with Co., colour as P. G. adnexo- or adnato-
rounded, clay to ochreous or cinnamon.
Taste none or bitterish, not unpleasant ; odour none or sweetish. Woods,
mixed ; rare. Sept.-Nov. 2§ x l | X f in.
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