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ferruginous colour of Cortinarius. Spores sepia-brown, bright
yellowish-brown, or light red. (Fig. 33.)
All the species except 596 and 597 grow on trees, stumps and
Pholiota agrees in structure and habit with Armillaria and
Pholiota must not be confounded with Cortinarius, where all the
species are terrestrial, have an arachnoid veil and spores the colour
of iron-oxide. Species 569—597
T r u n c ig e n æ . Mostly cæspitose, growing on trunks and stumps.
a. Ægeritinæ. Pileus naked, not scaly, but here and there
rimoso-riviilose. Gills pallid, then rufescent, becoming
fuscous. 569—574
b. Squamosoe. Pileus scaly, not hygrophanous. Gills changing
Gills pallid, then fuscous, olivaceous, clay-coloured, not
purely ferruginous. 575—579
Gills yellow, then purely ferruginous or tawny. 580—586
c. PPygrophanoe. Gills cinnamon, not at first light yellow.
Hygrophanous. 587—595
M u s c ig e n æ . Hygrophanous, resembling annulate Galeroe ; mostly
growing on moss. 596, 597
T r u n c i g e n æ .
569. P. radieosa Quél, (from the rooting stem) abc.
P. convexo-plane, viscid, pale tan-brownish, clouded darker.
St. spongy-solid, enlarged below and fusiform rooting, whitish-
tan. A. distant, fugitive. G. adnato-toothed or rounded.
Solitary or gregarious, rarely cæspitose. Taste pleasant or obsolete ; odour
strong, like prussic-acid or sweetish, not unpleasant. Woods, about
stumps, on wo od ; frequent,
times 6 in. in diam.
A u g .-O c t. 4j X i o | X I in. P. some-
570. P. pudiea Gill, (from its modest colour ; pudicus, modest) abc .
P. convex, moist, hygrophanous, rivuloso-wrinkled, tan ; mid.
sienna. St. solid, firm, rigid, paler than P. A. persistent.
G. adnato-rounded, colour as St. Flesh pallid white.
Sin g le or cæspitose. Odour strong, penetrating, disagreeable. Stumps,
eider, elm, rarely on lawns, downs. M a y -N o v . 2f X 2J x § in. S om e times
mistaken for 792.
571. P. leoehroma Sacc. (from its lion-tawny colour ; Gr. Icon, a lion,
chroma, colour) a b.
P. convex, then depressed ; mid. yellowish-white or pale sienna ;
marg. pale. St. solid, whitish above, brown below. A. persistent.
G. adnato-rounded, dark cinnamon. Flesh pale
livid-brownish, darker in St.
Cæspitose. Said to be edible. Stumps, elm, fir, larch. July-Sept.
34 X 4Ì X i in- Perhaps a form of 570.
572. P. eapistrata Sacc. (from a fancied resemblance in the annulus
to a halter, capistrum) a b.
P. fiat, subviscid, tan ; mid. pale sienna ; marg. rivuloso-wrinkled.
St. stuffed, squamulose, tan-white. A. large, inrolled, persistent.
G. decurrent or rounded, thin, tan-white.
Cæspitose. Said to be edible. Taste varying pleasant to unpleasant.
Stumps, elm. Aug.-Nov. 4 x 4 X f in. Intermediate forms occur
between this and 570 and 571.
573. p. ægerita Quél, (from its frequent habitat, poplar trunks ;
Gr. aigeiros, the black poplar) a b.
P. convex, rivuloso-wrinkled, pale buff to bright full tawny.
St. stuffed, sometimes substriate from the decurrent base of G.,
tan-white, white-mealy above. A. superior, swollen. G. serrulate,
adnate with a tooth, fuscous.
Cæspitose. Odour pleasant. Stumps, Populus fastigiata, willow, ash, elm.
July-Nov. 4 X 5 i X 4 hi- The “ Pioppini ” of Italy.
574. P. luxurians Gill, (from its frequent luxuriant growth) a b.
P. flat, silky, squamulose, yellowish-white then rufous. St. stuffed,
subsquamulose, colour as P. A. apical, fugacious. G. adnate
with a tooth, fuscous.
Cæspitose. Stumps, elm, poplar, oak, ash. July. 3 X 2| X § in.
b. Squamosoe.
575. P. eomosa Quél, (from the hairy scales of the pileus ; coma,
a hair) a b.
P. convex, obtuse, viscid, tawny ; sc. paler ; marg. appendiculate
w'ithV. 57. solid, bulbous, fibrillose, brassy-white. Li. superior,
subpersistent. G. adnate or adnato-decurrent, fuscous.
Subcæspitose. Odour faint. Stumps, beech, poplar, birch ; rare. Oct.-
Nov. 7 X 44 X i j in.
576. P. heteroelita Quél, (from the curved stem ; Gr. heteros, other,
klino, to lean) abc .
P. convex, obtuse, viscid when old and wet, whitish, yellowish or
brownish; marg. appendiculate with V. St. solid, bulbous,
fibrillose, whitish-brown at base. G. adnate or rounded-adnexed.
Solitary. Odour strong and pungent of horse-radish. Trunks, birch,
poplar ; small examples on chips. Sept.-Nov. 5^ X 3f X i in.
577. P. aurivella Quél, (from a fancied resemblance in the pileus to
a golden fleece ; aurum, gold, vellus, fleece) abc.
P. convex, subumbonate, sulphur or deep ferruginous yellow.
St. stuffed, fibrillose, colour as P. A. superior. G. adnate
with a tooth or sinuato-adnexed, brown.
Cæspitose or solitary. Odour faint. Trunks, ash, willow, beech ; uncommon.
Sept.-Nov. 4 | X 4 X 4 iu