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977. C. crassus Fr. (from the thick stem ; crassus, thick) a b.
P. expanded, plane or slightly depressed, subfibrillose, dull
yellow or tan-brown. St. fibrillose, mealy above, whitish,
with an imperfect Z. G. rounded, crowded.
Moist woods. Aug.-Oct. 6 X 4§ X i j in.
978. C. balteatus Fr. (from the band or zone round the stem from
the veil ; balteatus, belted) a b.
P. convexo-expanded, gibbous, innato-floccose, umber ; marg.
lilac. St. tomentose, palest lilac. G. rounded or variously
attached, crowded.
Chiefly pine-woods, under birch, dry places. Sept.-Oct. 4J X 2 j X ê in.
979. C. sehaeeus Fr. (from its colour and clamminess, tallow-like ;
sebum, tallow) a.
P. campanulato-convex, then repand, smooth; marg. fringed
with Co. ^ St. subfibrillose, paler than P. with an imperfect Z.
G. emarginate, veined, not crow'ded.
Taste mild. Woods, mixed, pine. Sept.-Nov. 4§ X 5J X f in.
980. C. lustratus Fr. (from the absence of colour; lustratus,
purified, whitish) a.
P. convexo-expanded, smooth ; marg. fringed with Co.
St. zoned. G. crowded.
Sunny places, amongst heath, grass. Autumn. 2j X i j X J in.
981. C. varius Fr. (from its changeable characters) abc.
P. convexo-expanded, obtuse, yellow-tawny or umber; marg.
fringed with Co. St. adpressedly flocculose, whitish, zoned.
G. emarginate, subcrowded.
Taste somewhat nauseous. Woods, fir ; uncommon. Sept.-Nov.
4 i X 3 i X i in. Must not be confounded with 1015.
982. C. eyanopus Fr. (from the dark to pale purple stem ; Gr. kuanos,
dark blue, pous, a foot) a b c.
P. convexo-plane, obtuse, date-brown-livid, then tan. St. naked,
colour as P. G. adnate or emarginate, edge unequal. Flesh
sometimes changing to violet.
Woods, under oak; frequent. Aug.-Nov. 4 X 3f X J in.
983. C. variieolor Fr. (from its variable colour) a b.
P. convexo-expanded, reddish-bay; marg. violet, fringed with
Co. St. solid, grey-bluish and whitish, transversely 3-5 zoned
with Co. G. emarginato-decurrent, crowded.
Woods, pine. Sept.-Nov. 5 i X 6J X iJ in. Var. nemorensis Fr. smaller.
P. rivulose, yellow-bay. St. hollow. Woods, beech.
984. C. largus Fr. (from its large size) a b.
P. convexo-plane, obtuse, tawny brick-red, sometimes deep bright
purple when young; marg. pale purple, fringed with Co.
St. fibrillose, pale purple above, tan below, sometimes
becoming red when bruised. G. emarginate or adnate,
Somewhat cæspitose. Woods, pine. Sept.-Oct. 2 | x 4f X f in.
985. C. Riederi Fr. (after M. Rieder of St. Petersburg) ab.^
P. campanulato-expanded, obtuse, ochreous ; marg. fringed with
Co. St. lilac-silky and tan-fibrillose. G. adnate or rounded,
eroded, somewhat thick.
Woods, pine. Sept.-Oct. 2J X 4§ X § in.
986. C. saginus Fr. (from its great size ; sagina, corpulence) ac.
P. convexo-expanded, obtuse, repand, yellow; mid. darker;
marg. paler. Co. fugacious. St. somewhat bulbous, fibrillose,
light yellowish. G. decurrent, eroded.
Gregarious, somewhat cæspitose. Woods, larch. Oct. 5f X 4 X i f in.
987. C. russus Fr. {russus, red) a b. o u i
P. campanulato-expanded, obtuse ; marg. fibrillose. St. no t bulbous,
whitish. G. adn ate or subadnate, crow'ded, veined.
Taste nauseous-bitter. Woods, moist places; uncommon. Sept.-Oct.
4l X 3 X è in.
988. C. infraetus Fr. (from the broken and bent margin of the
pileus ; infraetus, broken, incurved) a c. ^
P. expanded, slightly depressed, virgate, olive then yellowish;
marg. at first broken, then revolute and wavy. St. adpressedly
fibrillose, dull olive becoming pale. Co. fugacious. G. adnate,
broad, crowded.
Taste nauseous-bitter. Woods, beech. Oct. 3 X iJ X f in. Becoming
olive-blackish in drying.
989. C. anfraetus Fr. (from the margin of the pileus; anfractus,
recurved) a b.
P. convexo-expanded, then repand, dark ohvaceous ; marg.
thinner than 988, broken, usually sinuous and very irregular.
St. fibrillose, violaceous above, dull olivaceous below. Co.
superior. G. emarginate, distant. Flesh reddish when cut.
Woods ; rare. Sept.-Oct. 3I x 3 X i in.
990. C. Berkeley! Cooke (after the Rev. M. J. Berkeley) a.
P. convexo-expanded, obtuse or subumbonate, silky, bright
ochreous-brown, white-patched with Co. ; marg. plicato-sulcate
tan-brown, lilac or violaceous, appendiculate with Co. St.
fibrillose, whitish. G. emarginate, arcuate.
Woods. Autumn. 7j X 4Î X iJ in. In infancy the whole plant is covered
•with a whitish veil.
b. ScaurcB.
991. C. multiformis Fr. (from its varied shapes) abc.
P. convexo-plane, slightly depressed, light yellow, clay or tawny ;
marg. fringed with Co. St. white or pale yellow. G. emarginate
or free, serrulate, crowded, thin.
Taste and odour usually mild, odour sometimes of Stephanotis. Woods,
beech; uncommon. Aug.-Nov. 3f X 2| Xfin. V a r . C o o k e .
P. tawny-yellow. G. yellow. Flesh tinged yellow.
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