1349. R. peetinata Fr. (from the sulcate margin of the pileus, like
the teeth of a comb ; pcctcn, a comb) a c.
P. convex to flat or slightly depressed, rigid, viscid, yellowish-
umber or dull ochre, with a dark or purplish mid.. Incoming
pale; marg. tuberculoso-sulcate. St. equal, spongy-stuffed,
rigid, slightly striate, white or faintly greyish. G. attenuato-
free, subcrowded.
Suspected poisonous. Taste somewhat acrid ; odour weak, nauseous, somewhat
hke 1341. Woods, mixed. Aug. 3 X i f X ® in.
1350. R. oehroleuea Fr. (from the usually yellowish-white pileus ;
Gr.. ochros, pale yellow, leukos, white) abc.
P. convex to slightly depressed, lustrous, deep or light yellow,
becoming pale, never reddish ; marg. striate when old!
St. equal, slightly reticulato-wrinkled, white to lemon-white,
becoming pale steel-grey. G. rounded, white or pale yellowish.
Taste of flesh mild, gills acrid ; odour none, or pleasant. Woods, chiefly
fir ; frequent. July-Nov. 3f x 2j x | in. Var. claroflava Cooke.
P. deep chrome-yellow. G. white, becoming pale lemon then somewhat
1351. R. g'ranulosa Cooke (from the, at length, minutely granular
pileus and stem) a b.
P . convex to subinfundibuhform, pale or ochreous yellow ; mid.
darker ; marg. paler. 5/. equal, white above, as P. or somewhat
sienna below. G. adnexed or adnate, rarely furcate,
somewhat crowded.
Taste o f flesh mild, g ills acrid ; odour sour.
3i X 2i X f in.
Under trees. A u g .-S ep t.
1352. R. aepuginea Fr. (from the verdigris-green pileus; cerugineus,
like verdigris) a b.
P. convex to slightly depressed, even, somewhat dry, sometimes
olive or umber-yellowish, blotted with olive; mid. darker. St.
equal, even, smooth, white. G. attenuate behind and slightly
adnexed, somewhat distant.
Taste mild, pleasant. Woods. A u g . q f X i f X i f in.
1353. R. eitrina Gill, (from the citron-coloured pileus) a b.
P. convex to depressed, smooth, sulphur-lemon with mid. brassy-
yellow, sometimes faintly greenish with mid. becoming pale
ochreous. St. equal, striate, white to faintest lemon. G.
attenuate and furcate behind, adnexed. Flesh white, brassy-
yellow under pellicle.
Taste sweet to acrid ; odour almost obsolete. Woods, mixed, A u a -O c t
3i X I f X i in.
1354. R. fpagilis Fr. (from the brittle substance) abc .
P. convex and sometimes umbonate to depressed, crimson,
purple, rose-flesh-colour to buff or white, often clouded,
changing colour; mid. darker or fuscous, not red under the
11.1 ,
pellicle. St. equal, slightly striate, white. G. adnexed, thin,
crowded, ventricose.
Taste very acrid. Moist places in woods ; common. A u g .-O c t. 2® x i f X f in.
Var. nivea Cooke. P. white, Var. violacea Cooke. P. violet. Var.
fa lta x Mass. P. dirty reddish, or variously coloured as mid. pale greyish-
slate and marg. rose, or mid. brown and marg. rose and white. Included
under 1347 by Fries.
1355. R. punctata Gill, (from the dotted pileus; punctatus, dotted.) a.
P. convex to depressed, rosy or purple, punctate with dark
rufous pointed tubercles, becoming pale; mid. darker; marg.
sometimes cream. St. attenuate downwards, colour as P.,
base whitish, non-punctate. G. adnexed, white to yellowish,
edge often reddish.
Taste mild, sweet. Woods, grassy places. July. 2 f x i j X | in. Var.
leueopus Cooke. St. white.
1356. R. veternosa Fr. (from its uncertain affinities; veternosus,
languid) a b.
P. hemispherical to slightly depressed, deep to pale rose or
purplish; mid. usually yellowish or whitish; marg. plane. St.
equal, even, white. G. adnexed to adnate, crowded, white
then straw-colour.
Suspected poisonous. Taste acrid. Woods, amongst grass under trees.
July -Sept. 2 | X 2® X ® in.
1357. R. Integra Fr. (from its frequently perfect form;
entire) abc.
P. convex to depressed, viscid, red, purplish-crimson or rose with
marg. buff, or tan, clouded crimson, or dull yellowish, clouded
pale crimson-brown, or pale yellow with ochre mid. and purple
marg., or umber, slate-purple or almost black; marg. sulcate
and tubercular. St. somewhate ventricose, white, sometimes
faintly rose or pale yellowish. G. adnexo-free, very broad,
subdistant, white, sometimes rose or pale purple with ochreous
base. Pileus sometimes bleaching, almost white.
Taste mild to astringent. Woods, chiefly pine, o a k ; common. June-Nov.
5 X 2® X i f in. Var. alba Cooke. Who le plant, except gills, cream-
1358. R. deeolorans Fr. (from the changeable colour of the pileus;
deeolorans, changing colour) a b.
P. spherical to slightly depressed, orange-red becoming light
yellow, sometimes olive-ochre or variegated pale yellow,
orange or vermilion. St. rugoso-striate, white, shaded steel-
grey or faintest yellow-olive. G. rounded-free, white then
Taste mild. Woods, pine, mixed ; uncommon. A u g .-S ep t. 3 i X 3 i x f i n .
1359. R. aurata Fr. (from the golden-yellow pileus; aurum, gold)
P. hemispherical to plane ; mid. scarlet, orange or red; marg.
lemon; sometimes mid. sulphur; marg. vermilion. Si.
u 2