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above, rosy-umber below. T. sulphur-primrose. Po. minute.
Flesh pale sulphur, vinous under pellicle of P.
Woods. Autumn. 4® X 4J X i® in.
1492. B. earnosus Rostk. (from the fleshy pileus ; caro, fiesh) a.
P. pulvinate, smooth, crimson-brown. St. bright yellow above,
orange below or warm brown, somewhat finely streaked red
and crimson. T. ochre-greenish or dark yellow. Po. somewhat
large, angular. Flesh pale ochre.
Woods. Autumn. 4 x 2® x I® in.
1493. B. vaeeinus Fr. (from the reddish colour of the pileus ; vacca,
a cow) a b.
P. convex, expanded, minutely tomentose, rich orange-umber,
brighter at marg. or deep chestnut. St. yellowish, reddish or
brownish, not dark. T. adnato-rounded, white to sulphur and
bright yellow. Po. minute. Flesh white to pale siennayellowish,
vinous under pellicle of P., becoming pale blue.
Woods, beech. Autumn. x 2 x | in.
1494. B. Rostkovii Fr. (after Friedrich Wilhelm Rostkovius) abc.
P. convex to piano-expanded, minutely tomentose, ochre, orange,
or dull olive-brown or rufous. St. attenuate downwards,
obconic, warm umber, buff, or pale reddish-yellow. T. adnate,
yellow, sulphur or yellow-green. Po. irregular, compound.
Flesh buff- or vinous-white, becoming reddish-brown under
pellicle of P., here and there blue.
Under trees, beech. Aug. 3® X i j X i in.
1495. B. fragrans Vitt. (from the pleasant odour) a.
P. pulvinate, subtomentose, yellowish rosy-umber. St. somewhat
clavate, sometimes fusiform-rooted, yellowish, pale vinousclouded
below. T. cream-yellowish. Po. minute, round.
Flesh buff- or yellow-whitish, changing to pale blue.
Single or cæspitose. Woods, oak. Sept.-Oct. 5® X 3® X i f in.
1496. B. impolitus Fr. (from the dull colour of the pileus ; impolitus,
unpolished) a b.
P. pulvinate, sometimes cracking into areolæ, flocculose, dull
warm- or dull yellowish-umber. St. clavate, pubescent,
yellowish- or olive-white above, brown or olive-brown below.
T. rounded-free, sulphur to yellow and dull olive. Po. minute.
Flesh dull biscuit-colour, sparingly changing to blue.
Edible. Taste and odour pleasant. Woods, mixed ; rare. June-Sept.
5è X 3® X in- Pileus sometimes 9 in. in diam.
1497. B. SBStivalis Fr. (from its time of growth; oestivalis, pertaining
to summer) a b.
P. convex to expanded, almost white, shaded pale buff, yellowish
or brownish ; marg. often' waved. St. clavate, even, smooth,
pale yellow or pale buff above, vinous-brown below. T. pale
to bright yellow then sulphur-greenish. Flesh white to pale
yellowish, sometimes with a pale blue line over the T., sometimes
vinous at base.
Edible. Taste and odour pleasant. Woodland pastures, roadsides, field-
sides. June-July. 5® X 3I X 2 in. Pileus sometimes i ft. 2 in. in diam.
f . Lurida.
1498. B. satanas Lenz (from its fancied bad qualities) abc .
P. subviscid, smooth, tan-white, shaded grey-white. St. carmine
above, dark carmine reticulate, pale yellowish, dull brownish
or crimson below. T. sulphur-ochre. Po. minute, carmine.
Flesh whitish, clouded rose and bright blue.
Said to be poisonous, probably harmless. Taste mild. Woods, mixed, oak,
woody and chalky places ; rare. July-Oct. 6 x 3J X 2j in.
1499. B. luridus Schæff. (from the lurid colours) abc.
P . subviscid, tomentose, dark umber or dark olive-brown. St.
scabrous, dull ochreous-orange, speckled crimson. T. pale
yellow. Po. round, dark dull crimson or dull dark red. Flesh
pale ochre, changing to dark dull blue, stem streaked blue and
red, crimson-streaked at base.
Said to be poisonous. Taste pleasant, sweetish; odour not unpleasant.
Woods, mixed, woody places ; common. June-Nov. 4® X 4 X i f in.
Var. erythropus Fr., smaller than type, stem within and without
1500. B. puppureus Fr. (from the sometimes purple pileus, stem
and flesh) a b.
P. pulvinate, subvelvety, dry, clouded dull claret-purple, and red
or brown. St. stout, yellow, base deep claret-purple, sometimes
wholly ochre, variegated with purple veins and dots, or red-
reticulate above. T. adnato-rounded, yellow. Po. crimson.
Flesh yellow changing to blue, deep claret-purple, or wholly
crimson in St.
Taste mild. W'oods, oak. June-Oct. 4I x 3î X i f in.
T ephroleucæ.
g. Favosa..
1501. B. larieinus Berk, (from the habitat, larch plantations ; larix,
larch) abc .
P. convex, rarely umbonate, somewhat squamulose with V.,
viscid, olive-white, shaded pale olive, pale ochre, or pale slate-
purple ; marg. white at first, appendiculate with V. St. equal,
annulate, cribrose above A,, pitted below, whitish, pale slate-
purple above, pale sepia-streaky below, or pale claret-brown
above and pale buff below, or pale claret-crimson-patchy.
T. adnato-decurrent, nearly white, pale whitish-purple. Po.
compound. Flesh white, unchangeable.
Frequent. July-Sept. 3J X 2j X | in.
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