f * '
I ; - i
slightly velvety, colour as P. above but paler, brown below
G sinuato-adnate, distant, pale to deep ochre. Flesh thick at
mid., thin at marg., yellow-white, then yellowish, rufous
externally at base.
Cæspitose. Interior rotten elm. Jan. X 3} x § in. Rooting base 4Ì in.
227. C. platyphylla Quél, (from the broad gills; Gr. plains, broad,
phulloti, a leaf) a b c. jt , ,
P. flat, ashy- or livid-yellow-brown to sepia, streaked fibrillose
A/, not attenuate or rooting, colour as P. G. adnate or
Woods, amongst leaves, on rotten logs; rate. May-Oct. 4Î X 4Î X # in
228. C. semitalls Que'l. (from its growing in footpaths, semita) a b c.
plane hygrophanous, sooty-brown, yellowish or grey when
dry. St. attenuate upwards, greyish. G. sometimes narrow,
adnato-rounded, sometimes with a tooth, white, brown-spotted
Oi X 4^ X f in. Sometimes turns black. ‘‘fCt“om pare 227.«in- Oct.-Nov
229. C. fusipes Quél, (from the spindle-shaped stem ; fusus, a
spindle, pes, a foot) a b c.
P. convex, umbonate,^ brown. St. attenuate downwards, rooting
often split, yellowish. G. adnexed, pale brown, pinkish,’
faintly brown-spotted. > v ,
iXov. 2 j X 4j X 4 in. V.ir. ædmiatopus has a stout ventricose St.
229a. C. laneipes Gill, (from a fancied resemblance in a longitudinal
section of the stem to the blade of a spear; lancea^ spear,
pes, a foot) a b , ^ f >
p . convex, expanded, umbonate, radiately rugose from mid., dry
glabrous, pale flesh-colour, becoming pallid; marg. striate.
S t solid or stuffed with twisted filaments, striate, gradually
attenuate to the rooting, downy base, whitish or pale flesh-
colour. G. adnexed, emarginate, broad behind, distant, thick
firm, connected with veins, pale flesh-colour. Flesh thick
firm, not watery.
ontheground. Antumn. 2^ X 5 X Î in.
230. C. maculata Quél, (from its foxy stains ; macula, a spot), a b c
White or pale brown, spotted—sometimes wholly—rufescent
P. convexo-plane. St. hard, subventricose, attenuate downwards
sometimes deeply rooting. G. rounded free.
Taste slightly acid, unpleasant, odour not unpleasant. Woods, chiefly pine
beech, alder, moist places. May-Nov. 3è X 4J X i in There is i
permanently whiUsh or white var. immaculata Mass., with G. sometimes
231. C. fodiens W. G. Sm., Agaricus fodiens Kalch. (from the rooting
stem ; fodiens, digging) a.
P. convex, faintly yellowish ; mid. ochreous-flesh-colour. St.
ventricose, attenuate downwards, rooting, white. G. rounded
or emarginate-free, yellowish-white.
Odour of meal. Grass-borders. Oct. 3è X 5J X I in.
232. C. prolixa Gill, (from the stretched out appearance of the
pileus ; prolixtts, stretched out) a b.
P. campanulate, subumbonate, rufescent-brown ; mid. darker.
St. solid or imperfectly hollow, often contorted, paler than P.
G. rounded-free, whitish, unspotted.
In dense clusters on leaf-heaps. Aug.-Sept. 4I X 4 j X J in.
233. C. distorta Quél, (from the twisted stem) abc .
P. convex, subumbonate, buff-brown ; mid. darker, usually with
darker blotches. St. attenuate upwards, pale brown. G.
rounded-free, hvid white, stained brown if bruised.
Gregarious or fasciculate. Taste insipid ; odour strong, mephitic, like 35.
On tree-roots, pine, rotten pine-trunks, heaps of leaves. Oct.-Nov,
2f X 4 X f in. Somewhat resembling 230.
234. C. butyraeea Quél, (from the pileus, buttery to the touch ;
butyriim, butter) abc.
P. plane, subumbonate, pale brown with a darker marginal
zone ; mid. almost black. St. attenuate upwards, pale rufescent
or ochreous-brown. G. adnexed, white. Flesh pale
Woods, fir. Jan.-Dec. 3i X 2j X J in. Becomes whitish when dry.
234a. C. bibulosa Mass. (from the bibulous substance) a b.
P. fleshy, subglobose, obtuse, expanded, moist, very smooth,
even, deep olive- or blackish-green when moist, pale grey to
whitish when dry. St. cartilaginous, spongy within, stuffed to
imperfectly hollow, attenuate upwards, minutely striate, pale
clear warm-brown, often rooting into the wood. G. adnexo-
rounded, thin, edge subundulate, dingy.
In groups of three or four. Stumps. Autumn. 2 X3 X f in.
235. C. stridula Quél, {strideo, to creak, derivation obscure), a b.
P. broadly umbonato-plane, dark brown. St. fibrous, paler than
P. G. adnexed, pale brown.
On the ground. Oct. 2j X 2j X J in.
235a. C. pulla Gill, (frompulltts, dark-coloured) a b.
P. fleshy, thin, fragile, campanulate, then expanded, obtuse,
smooth, even, glabrous, hygrophanous, shining dark rich
brown, purplish-bay, livid purplish-slate or nearly black, paler
when dry. St. hollow, twisted, somewhat striate, soft, naked,
sometimes slightly rooting, whitish. G. adnexed, somewhat
broad, crowded, transversely pellucid-striate, whitish. Flesh
Under birch-trees, amongst Polytrichum. Oct. 2j X 34 X i in.