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S u b g e n u s 2. M y xa c ium .
(From the glutinous pileus and stem; Gr. muxa, mucus.)
Veil universal, glutinous. Pileus fleshy, glutinous, somewhat thin.
Stem scarcely bulbous, viscid, more or less zoned. Gills adnate or
decurrent. (Fig. 54.)
Fig. 54.—C o rtm am tis{M y xa c ittm ) collin iiu sY x .
A , s e c t i o n o f m a t u r e e x a m p l e ; b , y o u n g s t a t e .
One-third natural size.
Collinitce. Stem floccoso-peronate, the flocci at first covered
with gluten. 1022—1027
Delibuta. ^ Veil entirely viscid. Stem not floccoso-peronate,
viscid, with a varnished appearance when dry. 1028—1034
Gills whitish, then clay-colour. 1028
Gills at first violaceous, dark blue or reddish. 1029—1031
Gills at first ochraceous or cinnamon. 1032—1034
a. Collinitx.
1022. C. arvinaeeus Fr. (from the viscid greasy pileus and stem :
arvina, grease) a b
P. flat, slightly depressed, repand, orange-tawny ; marg. striate.
57 solid, equal, silky-viscid, white. Co. fugitive, forming an
imperfect Z. G. adnato-decurrent, subdistant, crenulate, straw
or ochreous-tan to bright ochreous.
Woods, beech. Oct. 3 f X 5j X J in.
1023. C. eollinitus Fr. (from the pileus and stem, besmeared with
gluten ; collino, to besmear) abc .
P. convexo-fiat, obtuse, orange-tawny or umber, white-patched
with Co. ; marg. not striate. 57 solid, equal or attenuate
upwards, floccoso-glutinous and concentrico-scaly with the
fugitive viscid-floccose Co., tan-ochreous. G. adnate, subcrowded,
whitish-bluish-grey to cinnamon.
Woods, amongst heather; common. July-Nov. 4| X 54 X I in. Var.
mucosiis Fr., firmer, stem even, silky. Woods, pine.
1024. C. mueifluus Fr. (from the abundant flowing gluten; muci-
fluus, flowing with mucus) a b.
P. campanulato-expanded, obtuse, reflexed, livid-clay or shaded
olivaceous, white-patched with Co. ; marg. striate. 57 attenuate
downwards, white, with steel-blue gluten forming zones. G.
adnate, clay-colour then watery-cinnamon.
On the ground. Aug.-Oct. 3J x 5 X f in.
1025. C. elatior Fr. (from its tall growth ; elatus, tall) abc.
P. convexo-fiat, subreflexed, plicato-wrinkled, light yellow, dull
ochreous, deep orange, whitish, brown, grey or blackish;
whitish, violaceous or olivaceous at marg. 57 attenuate
downwards, longitudinally fibrous, viscid-scaly, whitish, greyish
or pale-purplish with a fugitive viscid Co. G. adnate, veined,
Taste mild. M i x e d woods, pine, beech ; common. Aug.-Nov. 4 j x 6 | x i 4 i n .
1026. C. grallipes Fr. (from the long, stilt-like stem ; grallæ, stilts,
pes, a foot) a b.
P. flat, umbonate, repand, hygrophanous, ferruginous to ochreous-
tan. St. stuffed to hollow, equal, fibroso-striate, yellowish-
tawny to ochreous, with a fugacious, arachnoid Co. G. adnate
with a decurrent tooth, crowded, clay to cinnamon.
Cæspitose. Mixed woods, grassy places near trees, poplar, oak. Oct.
34 X 4§ X A in-
1027. C. livido-oehraeeus Berk, (from the livid ochre colour of the
pileus) a b.
P. convexo-fiat, white, with faint ochre, pale dull-lavender, or
faint brown mid. or wholly brownish ; lavender-purplish when
young. St. violet, steel-blue or white above, brownish below,
with a fugitive Co. which forms an imperfect ochre Z. G.
rounded-adnexed, subdistant, ochre to cinnamon ; edge pale.
Odour none. Woods ; uncommon. Sept.-Oct. 24 X 2J X J in.
b. Delibutæ.
1028. C. nitidus Fr. (from its shining, beautiful appearance ; nitidus,
bright) a.
P. convex, plane, obtuse then depressed, honey-colour, sometimes
white. 57 clavate, pallid-white or yellowish-tan. G.
decurrent, crowded, serrate.
Subcæspitose. Woods, beech. Autumn. 3J x 3 X 4