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1916 C. Berkeley! Mass. (after the Rev. M. J. Berkeley) a.
Sessile, globose, then expanded, at length campanulate, minutely
pilose, reddish-grey as is the even hymenium.
J'"'® A - A “ - Berkeley considered this to be
a form of 1909a. Massee has made it a species, owing to a difference
in size of the spores and the different habitat.
1917. C. Bloxamii Berk. & Phill. (after the Rev. A. Bloxam) « b
hloccoso-membranous, crenato-lobed, white villous externally
Hym. white, then pale yellow.
Furze. Mar.-April. Minute to j). in.
1917a. C eyefas Cooke & Phill. (from the shape, like the bivalve
shell, Cydas) a b.
Conchiform, dimidiate, attached on one side, pendulous, clad
with flexuous hairs, whitish. Hym. smooth, very pale rose-
colour. ®
Dead wood. ^ in.
1918. C. pallida B. & Br. (from the pallid colour) a b c
Sessile, at first orbicular, then irregularly lobed, plane, densely
tomentose to shghtly hispid. Hym. at length wrinkled, pallid
ochreous. ^
Old stems of Clematis Vitalba. Nov.-April. A A
1919. C. fraxinieola B. & Br. (from its habitat, bark of ash, Fraxinus ;
colo, to inhabit) abc.
Orbicular, shortly villous, white. Hym. light yellow, becoming
fuscous. Spores pale olive.
Proliferous. Dec.-Feb. Minute to , r in.
1920. C. museieola Fr. (from its growing on mosses; muscus, moss.
colo, to inhabit) a b.
Membranous, subsessile, cupulate, nodding, externally slightly
fibrilloso-striate; marg. slightly downy, repand, torn. Hym.
even, whitish, rarely cinereous.
Mosses; rare. Dec.-Mar. ® in.
1921. C. oehroleuea B. & Br. (from the yellow-white colour; Gr.
och?'os, pale yellow, leukos, white) a b.
Membranous, cupulate, villous above; marg. at length split.
Hym. even, pale ochre, brighter than exterior.
Sticks, bramble ; rare. July-Oct. ® in. Rarely stipitate.
1922. C. fuseospora Curr. ex Cooke (from the colour of the spores •
fuscus, dusky). ’
Sessile, white tomentose; marg. connivent. Hym. becoming
yellow. Spores subglobose, punctulate.
Bark. mm.
(From the short pipe-like shape ; Gr. solen, a pipe.)
Cylindrical, more or less contracted at the mouth, the external
hairs in some species rough with particles of oxalate of hme, cavity
covered with the hymenium. Basidia tetrasporous.
(Fig. 105.)
The species are all minute, rarely exceeding
-rV in. in height. They grow, usually in crowded
masses, on rotten wood. They are closely
allied to Cyphdla, but are distinguished by the
densely crowded habit and by the cylinders
never expanding. . , „ ,
Fries has placed this genus in xho Boly-
poraceoe, but each cylinder in Solenia is a distinct
Peziza-like plant and not comparable with a
mere tube of one of the Polyporaceoe. To be
allied to the Polyporaceoe each cylinder should
be lined with minute basidia-bearing tubes.
Species 1923—1925
Externally white.
Externally ochreous. 1925
F is . 105.— A, Soleitia
a n o in a la '^r., X 5. B , ditto
with c , section, X 20. D, 1923, 1924 basidium and spores, X 500.
1923. S. maxima Mass. (from the comparatively large size of the
spores; maximus, \axgtdC) a. , r uo
Greo-arious or subfasciculate, not crow'ded, subcylindrical, slightly
contracted at base, externally villous, with slender aseptate
hyphæ rough with minute particles of oxalate of lime, whitish
or pale buif, ochreous when dry.
May. F. X hr Forming patches ^ X | in. in- Spores 5 x 3 ^- This is
l1y9/S2O5,, vvaarr.. ceiinneer/etaa Cv-ouuoikveg..
1924. S. faseieulata Pers. (from its growing in groups or fascicles) a b e
Gregarious, usually fasciculate, cylindrico-clavate, externally
minutely silky and almost smooth, sometimes faintly shaded,
Willow, pine. Nov.-April. A X A “ ■ Spores 4 V
1925. S. anomala Fr. (from its superficially anomalous or perhaps
scattered character) abc. .r j ff 4
Usually densely crowded, pyriform, forming effused scattered
patches; marg. incurved, pilose externally, varying from dull
ochreous to ferruginous.
Birch, willow, vine, oak, beech, dog-wood Aug,--May. Ain. Spores
7 X 4 fi. Var. oehraeea Mass. is somewhat smaller in size than t)pe.
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