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381. 0. glaueophylla Gill, (from the olive-grey gills ; Gr. glaukos, the
bluish-grey of the oNt , phullon, a leaf) a c.
P. plano-umbilicate, mouse-colour; marg. striate. St. colour
as P.
Woods, mossy places. Sept. J X f X A in. Pileus sometimes i in. in
diameter. “
382. 0. rustica Quél, (from its habitat ; rus, the country) a b.
A. plano-umbilicate, fuscous to grey, or whitish-umber, ' shaded
lavender ; marg. striate. St. colour as P., or dull rather pale
lavender. G. thick, olivaceous or olive-grey.
Woods, grassy avenues, heathy ground, charcoal heaps. Au n -Sent
4 X 4 X iV in. s F •
382a. 0. alutaeea Sacc. (from its colour ; aiuta, tanned leather) a b.
Tan-colour, or dull pale ochreous.
P. membianous, convex, then umbilicate, smooth ; marg. incurved,
even. St. hollow, smooth, paler than P. G. somewhat
narrow, crowded, arcuate, colour as St.
Amongst grass and moss. Sept. | X i j X A ini'.
383. 0. demissa Karst, (demissus, drooping) a b.
P. infundibuliform, fuscous-rufescent to tan-brown. St. liver-
rufescent to pale tan-brown. G. becoming purple.
Waste places, banks in woods, burnt wood ; rare. Aug-Oct S X 4 X A in
Agaricus rufulus B. & Br. Not unlike some forms of 224.
384. 0. hepatiea. Gill, (from its colour ; Gr. hepar, the liver) abc.
P. infundibuliform, tough, rufous flesh-colour to tawny and tan.
St. fuscous flesh-colour. G. whitish.
Lawns, mossy pathsides in woods, etc. ; rare. Nov.-Dee. l i X X i in
Often in company with 373. -i a b
385. 0. muralis Quél, (from one of its habitats; ^ 7777«, a wall) abc.
P. infundibuliform, rufous-brown to tan-umber; marg. striate.
St. paler than P. G. brownish-white.
Old mossy walls, amongst moss in woods, on turf walls, sandy banks, etc.
Jan.-Nov. i x f X 4 in. Sometimes only 4 x 4 in. There is a white
var. Several other species of Omphalia occur on old mossy walls.
386. 0. umbellifera Quél, (from the umbrella-like pileus ; umbella,
an umbel or umbrella,/ ít-í?, to bear) abc.
P. plano-depressed, deep brown to ochreous-whitish; marg.
striate. St. slightly attenuate downwards, colour as P. G.
grey-whitish, umber or dusky flesh-colour, edge whitish.
Taste none; odour at first somewhat disagreeable, evanescent. Boggv
ground, stumps, rotten wood, old walls, heathy banks, etc. Mar.-Dee
t X 4 X A in- Var. abiegna Mass. grows on firwood. Var. viridis Sacc
IS verdigris-green. There is also a wholly deep yellow variety.
386a. 0. velutina Quél, {velutinus, velvety) a.
P. convex, umbilicate, striate, greyish or yellowish-grey. St.
solid, colour as P., white at base. G. arcuate, wide, distant,
colour as P. Flesh dark grey.
In heaths. Sept. 4 X l4 X A in. Has characters between 386 and 391.
387. 0. infumata Sacc. (from its colour ; infumo, to smoke) a b.
P. obtuse, at first green. St. dilated at base, tomentose, yellow.
G. yellow.
Moss on hark. Autumn. A X i | X 4 in. Colours of 350.
388. 0. retosta Gill, (from its appearance ; retostus, scorched) a c.
Umber within and without.
p . plano-depressed. St. equal or attenuate below. G. somewhat
darker than flesh.
Lawns, etc., amongst dead leaves. Oct. i4 X i X 4 in. Firmer than 386.
389. 0. abhorrens Sacc. (from its fetid odour) a.
P. plano-depressed, fuscous to warm ochreous. St. brown-ochre
above, dark brown below. G. colour as P.
Cæspitose. Odour dung-like. On lawns, under yews. Oct. 4 ^ i R ^5 « •
A close ally of 388 ; much like 1411.
390. 0. pseudoandrosaeea Gill, (from its resemblance to 1420
Marasmius androsaceus Fr. ; Gr. pseudos, false) a c. 'White,
whitish-grey, or umber-white.
P. plano-depressed; marg. striato-plicate, crenulate.
Mossy lawns. Oct.-Nov. 4 R '4 R A « -
391. 0. griseopallida Quél, (from its colour; grisetis, grty,pallidus,
pallid) abc.
P. infundibuliform, squamulose, fuscous-grey or pale greyish-
umber ; marg. sometimes slightly striate. St. paler than P.
G. fuscous- or slate-grey.
On the ground, gardens. Sept.-Oct. 4 X | X 4 in-
392. 0. Stellata Quél, (from the star-like, radiate base) abc . White.
P. plano-depressed, diaphanous-striate.
In woods, on sticks, decayed stems of herbaceous plants, wood ; uncommon.
Feb.-Nov. A X I X A in. Must not be confounded with the Basipedes
section of Mycena.
M v c e n a r iæ .
d. Campanella.
393. 0. campanella Quél, (from the shape of the pileus ; campanella,
a little bell) abc.
P. campanulato-plane, umbilicate, yellow-ferruginous, orange or
brown. St. brown, usually dark strigose at base. G. dull
Cæspitose. "Woods, pine, trunks. Aug.-Nov. î X 14 X A in. Sometimes
completely covering stumps. There is a var. with a small acute papilla
in the umbilicus.