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c ) Riclu Pvelhau Fiora Cantabrigienfis» 8. Cantabrig,
1785. IL Ed, 8» Cantabrlg. I802^ Supplementum Florae
Cantabrigiac. S, ibid. 1786» li. SuppU 1788. Suppl.
III. 1793*
(1) E n g l i s h Botany, or coloiired figures of british
plants , whh their eiTential Characters , Synonymes
and places of growth, to which will be added occailonal
reinarlts; by Jam, Edw» Smi th, The figures by
Jam, Sowerby, 8- Lond. 1790, u» f» bis jetzt. Im
Anfange arbeitete Wi the r in g daran.
c ) Colin Milne' s and Alex, Gordon' s indigenous botany,
or habitations of English plants j containing the
refnlts of feveral botanical excurfions chiefly in Kent,
Middlesex and the adjacent counties in 1790 - 92* 8»
Lond, 1793.
f ) Gramina pascua , Specimens of paßure gralTes , with
descriptions and remarks by the Rev. G. Sway ne*
Fol, Lond. 1790.
Flora ruftica exhibiting accurate figures of fuch plants
as are either useful or injurious in husbandry, drawn
and engraved by Nodder. By Thom. Martyn,
Lond, 179:^-94, *
l ì ) John Sib t h o r p Flora Oxonienßs. S. Oxon. 1794.
i ) Nereis britannica, s. fuci, ulvae et confervas in infulis
britannicis crescentes , descriptione latina et anglica,
nee non iconibus ad vivum depictis ilhiftratae, auct»
J, S t a ckhous e , Fob Lond^ I795 - 97.^ 2 Fase,
It) Coloured figures of english Fungi or Mushrooms by
Jam. S owe r b y , Fol, Lond, I797- 98» 15 Nrn,
1) Flora Bedfordenfis etc, arranged according to the Syfcem
of Linnaeus, with occafional remarks, (by K«
A b b o t . ) 8, London, 1798.
in) Menthae britannicae , being a new botanical arrangement
of all ihe british Mints hitherto discovered, by
W i l l , Sole, Bath, 1798. Fol,
— ^tpl —
n ) Synopfis plantarum infulis britannicis indlgenarum,
complectens characteres genericos et fpecificos fecun'
dum fyftema fexuale diftributos, cur. J, Symons . u
Lond, 1798, (Lat. u, Engl,)
o ) The british Garden, a defcriptive Catalogue of hardy
plants indigenous or cultivated in the climate of
Great-Britain, with their generic and fpecific characters
etc. 8. Bath and London. 1799^ ä VoL
p ) Coloured figures of marine plants found on the fou.
thern coaft of England, illuftrated with defcriptlons
and obfervations, accompanied with a figure of the
Arabis ftr'icta from St, Vincent's rock; to which is
prefixed an inquiry into themo de of propagation peculiar
to Sea Plants by Th, VeLley, Fol, Lond,
q ) The british Flora, or a Linnean Arrangement of bri.
tish plants, with their generic an^l fpecific characters,
felect fynonymes, english names, places of growth,
duration etc, by J. Hul l . ^ Vol, Lond. 1799. l8ao.
r ) A fynopfis of the british Confervae, 4. Lond, 1802,
I - X V L H, - L. W e s t o n Dillwyn's Grofsbritanmens
Conferven: Wach dem Engl, für deutfche Bota.
nikcr bearbeitet von F, W e b e r u, Mthi , H. Mohr
S. Gotting, 1803 - 5. 4 H,
fe) Flora britannica, auct. Jac, Ed. Smith, 8, Lond, 1800.
X I, et II, 1804. Vol. IIL Recudi curavit additis
paffim adnotationibus J, J, Röme r , 8. Turici. 1804-
VoL liL Compendium Florae britanicae, auch
J. E, Smith. 8. Lond, igoo., In ufum Florae germanicae
editum a G, F, Hof fmann, 12. Erlang, igoi.^^
t ) Muscologiae hybernicae Spicilegium auct. Dawfon
T u r n e r , g. Lond, 1S14, _ Aufser diefem vortreftll-
Chen Werke ift «lir über die Flora IreJands in diefer
Periode, neben if^ade^s Catalogus plantarum indige^
narum in comit, Dublinenfi. 8. Dublin, 1794, kein an^
deres bekannt.
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