than I had as, ye* discovered in any of his countrymen f • 'ho informed: me
his name w a sS S aw ifan d a Kimiaayttat die iiiald^cosmnmi^ed ^e^teoflfii
wJ«yh- f l » mterfri'lths British teamtiaries^ and imeti£ieneral Erskineaa the
borders of,’Chittagong, | mentioning cktuimteB^ces : tha t'le ft 'no room to
doubt his veraeisy.; iH^ 'seqmsd exceedingly pleased? t®,hear that .the
fagjftv*»; rfeliwflMfirttiffi hM been given u p to the justice ©f their toun*ry; a®d
expressed himself in handsome tenns. of »Cbnetal E*slsine> whose mode-
ration and good sense, he observed, prevented the effusion-of much blood;
intimating also; great doubt, as to. what might have bee» ihe issue- of fee
contest, had Hitters been poshed to, extremity. Of this little ebullition- of
vanity 1 took hd notice, and, at the request of Babd’Sheen, ordered the-presents
designed. fat. the Viceroy to fedisplayed i they .consisted of several
pieces of gold, silver, and plain muslin, three pieeps of broad clotByfa-piSCO
of velvet, and one of flowered sating av high finished fowliMg-piOebv' a-
omsabah of Persian rose-water, specimens of ioeb glassy and.soiBe: smaller
articles. 0 ur visitants examined them, with close- attention ;- one of their
attendants wrote a n inventory on the spot, and, I. afterwards understood,*
calculated the. value of each distinct article. The Raywoon expressing-
approbation of the- cloth, particularly that of a- blue colour; I requested
permission to send- a. piece to. his house: he returned. a> civil answer., in
general terms, without either declining or accepting my offer. After some-
unimportant, conversation; .they withdrew; and a t my desire;- Captain.
Thomas, saluted-, the Raywoon with seven guns: shortly afterwards^ sent a
* Similar curiosity was expressed by the mandarines at Canton, to learn, from the India
Company’s Commissioners, the particulars and value of the presents that were brought by
L'ord Macartney, for the Emperor of China.' 8 Sir George Staunton's Embassy, Vol. I.
chap. 9th.
* with compliments, '.juifts’thfi ptetet&f-tilbth' I-hatCpH#
mised, j whicfrji to Md ddtlihetf; aiid Returned by
-reasons pr&Vdnted him at that -rifne frofft receiving sihyjpretent. Tot this
Mribigaotl*- conduct f eptilfll'-no' otherwise!' a-dcbuht, -than1 b y asdriBihg:* fi
to that ‘SuSpi-dotls distrust which was so $pMrfly -intHiattfl- ih Sfll thfe
•acticdiS of'this singular 'peopl-ei: 15 !-
The tireumsiatices' I haWe'tel&tedj togefchtef %ith iiiahy Olhetpstty rh-arfcS
o f authorised disrespect ftotn -different quarters, determined hid fb-c’CrtieTb
"teeth to I -wmidd -cdrisehfr to -visit the WfeStoJ at Pegud. Id pbVsdihcfe* df
this -resold, tiony-1 -sent early in the mottmAg to JhtbadShedH,-. deSirhtg to toe
Mm : JTTe d to e to die hoube-sa-bout ten tTefonk.
After reeajat-olating the various -causes -of umbrage Whkftr
me, I added, -<ha£ all tfese tdaseos combined, wMch .fertihM'
steengthesed' ^ft^he viceroy’s having returned' a-. yagOesf ^ d ydifoai, sfdply
to the -Govei®or G®fiemrd;10tte#^ doatrary to- tbeiS ItoWWi usage, retutebif ft
impossible for me to proceedto Pegue, 'tmrilihe;jsh0uM -ex|d-ftih‘t%e modVds
-©flshchmystermttscofiduet; a d d 1 cfesited, that if any doubts were-eht-S^
tamed reSpectiiigthig objeds o f my mitered; dpture of rnydesigmJ,
th a t -he wordi^ eff^ess IfeSseff freely, and-giVe me- arf-opportunity,fJfey
removing them, to undeceive theirgoverdment. Pfe -replied, ^%'suMySi
-equivocal -terms, aud hy-afi -assurance, that it w&S-db Mote thalSWliSfWas
conformable to custom*. I saM; I -was-sorry for it, as ou# customs Were so
ineomparible with «heim-f-Shat I -ebuM'«tty tfom$Stefi£--with- wf|at-I-oWed
to the-'digtiity of my own gwernrdemS, longer submit td-myipJesdrftiitasf'
tion: that as their forms and ours d ip p ed so- W-kfoly, and; from-What he