The Power Terrace elevated 10 feet, a, side measuring r3gi feet.
•235» Vppcrllhaae eft >u,d afore die Isnrer Terrace surftet, a, tide 7.
Tfl&Mase o f ike GreatPaqodn, each side 16z feet.
Two Payrs sof S7rudler Pagodas surrounding die Geuzter.
Uro Saloons orPeoums 770t yep finished/. -
? P S/ied Yorthe accommodation o f 2)cvotceiP*.:
ThreetPeHr suspended, Z>e&veenPiSarsr i - •
yj S,m// Square Pudding contmnina a Marble Slab wide an insa
__(§1 i
3'. Pagodas at -die styles of the Timice.
Jj JZrurPaSoo or Guardians o f die Building
IjT Cylindrical Plays.
O Pagodas and Plains.
nariy p^ileiof^buMttmg-.'isl ei®6tedj;o n ^ i Houblssl'terrace,; 'or®- raised upon
another the doä«eB andagkeaieie tetrgGecisoabaub temfeBtSabaye ;thesnatur-al
lerielj öfctHe ;gr<Hiirf jfcßmingiamexätet ^®aiiefa^araiiitfaeaipperf and lksseY
terraceuk similar* in: shape, and -rises^Mjojitf: twenty feet lab«««, the; lower
terrace,■'•ori-thirly talbbrieithe lereltijo&dhe'iarcnaiaitry.. • Iyudgodi ätsidelöf 'the
lower* terrace W b b \l^ |« f e e t •, of the" upper, SS&in ibhej walls that sasr-f
tained '4befisidlst ©fhthe.tfer.raee; upper* andnlower|^ciM) af rjlinriüs
State JtheyhWere* form&fiy cowered! 1 witho pi aster, wraughteinto -Waraaius
figürfes-j' thiejasea?^)f-'the dowerjis strewed!wklö'thejfiäagmpnts Pf hmaji
dedayM^buildih^S', but the upper is-keptifröfe from filth; arid .is in tolerably
^o't&horder.^ The$e is r.ea'sorf* tb'Goptelude ■ that'this building1 arid-the for-r
tress* aretfeeYal';* disdhe'e'arth of-whith-the 4er-raees!-'Sr&' öEMipfeSsd^ap'prars
tö:häve^beeir%ken3iröih.'tiietäditehf£'theä!e*ifeeähg rrb^otherfexSaYat-feh1!!!!* Ä
b f t^ ’b r iri its'rieighbdürhoodi’ tlmt'could Jha¥eJäibräed'ä)tefithK^ai!tJof-the
|fpT h e terraries'dre- ksdertdedhyfliglAs* of stche^epsj'Y^bheaWrid'W'bria'ken’
St ;isl%eTOSa sovereign and a,s?ceidptal title, aqst is frequently used by an inferior when
Jjddressing .hij^superipr..^f£hej analogy Ijetween the.Birmans,, ^^p fb n t-iE^k& OS y in*» the
application of th|s term, a% also,in ytany other;M^ -*feserving’'of notice.- ,
M /y i^ ra Was die proper name under which'the Egyptians adored the sun^fjefopAB're-
"ceived the aflegorieal appellatiori'oreilisf o f Author of T rm t, the) likewise e n te rn d " be
same? title^bn.their. kings anti'oh fhSiriprl^ife' *’
I- tn<the first hook o f Moses, chap.' -xdi, Phhraoh’ give's k<* Jf.seplr t6 wife, thedluf ghtet of
Pflnphera,or .the priest of Ond’dilrithc'hQQk.of Jexemiah'&tkig^bflEgyptu.s.k&ylddoPhdraolT
Qfpra.; and it is not a very-improbable conjecture,'that dhe,0fJ%gfjP^raQb,.giyeri>;t$£sqG-i
cessive kings -of, Egypt, is aGorruption of the, word .Phraw or.Praw, in its original sense Signifying
the sun, and applied to the sovereign and priesthood, as the representatives oh earth-
of that splendid luminary. '" ' ■