tlieir agents r and: English: merchants having been fong a’ccustomed- to1 trade to
Birm an ports without molestation , IT IS COMMANDED, that they cbritonuetheir
tuade in future without molestation; andshouldthe English Company think proper
to depute a>person to reside at.Rangoon,--to-superintend mercantile affairs, maintain
a- friendly intercourse:, and. forward letters to" the Presence, it is- ordered,
that such person shall have a right of residence; and should any English merchant
he desirous of sending a representation , -the officers of Government, in any port,
district, and town, shall forward such representation ; or i f a merchant should-be
inclined to present in person, a-petition at the Golden Feet, he shall be allbwed to
come to the- Golden Presence for that purpose :— This is peremptory.—And as
English merchants are unacquainted with the Birman language,- they are to be
allowed to employ whatever'interpreters they7 think proper; and as, imthe stormy
season, English ships are often dismasted, and’driven into" Birman ports by stress
o f weather, ships in-this unfortunate predicament shall be supplied with all neces-
saiy wood,, workmen,- fee.- at the current rates of the country; and the arränge-
ment that Captain-Michael: Spines has in friendship proposed, relative lo commercial
concerns,- for the encoruragement of merchants and-traders*, the Ministers
of the Palace have received the Royal Command to signify to the Governors and
Killedars of the several ports anddistricts, that: such arrangement is-tobe observed
and carried into effect: and1 respecting the- establishmen t1 of a- Chokey and village
on the frontiers of Arraoan, on the banks of the river Naaf, as there is strict
and confidential friendship with the King of England, there can in- future be no
difference or distinction between the countries; and with’ respect tb the desire,
that aid should not be given by this state to the enemies of England, as well European
as Indian, and that such enemies’ should not be assisted at our ports with
warlike implements, timber, or provisions, it is to;he. observed, that, to purchase
warlike, weapons, lead, and powder, is-forbidden to all-nations; but when
merchants come to trade, they will be allowed- to carry away their commodities,
agreeably to-the usage of: merchants. All the requisitions' made by Captain
Symes::respecting customs, timber, searchers, and commercial matters,- .are notified
ter Killedars, * Governors, Guards of the Gauts,+- and persons in authority ,
and-observance of th e orders issued, thereupon strictly enjoined. And to-Captain
Commanders of forts. ,t Pas se s.
M'ichaehSjtósC^^ifegc^ipïfiS^Slefi jjjts a/n aih oüf.^EjllwLqne luby and onesap-
nhire jjing ; and to W" and. U i, ll^utihari^n ,T caÆfo ji^arqby,-] ii ig),, also
,tq.,Captain Symes, a precjpuf .stpne^Vtflled-ifcfor, w^g|&jx: thre„e vjss and forty
taofeall.-.jand a...stone ° f j'^p v®ife/S'eighjn-gfi^ghfcyiss,, alsp^tw,qt.elephant’s teeth,
weighing thirty-PonrkyfM-,* thesé have been delivered \tb thé óafe jof, Captain
Syrnes. The Qiu en, likewise, has piesentedJLiuu with a ruby rin^pfjiiiiie,stones,
at silver béât weighing nifiéty.taefcally* and a^silv^c.Æfe^;eldvendapfcâll'âod three
quarters weight l!^&^aipo.tbffe!silv'e¥ IxM, weighing jfpjfy-fou-r ttfcktflE and another
cup^weighing sis tacka.11, and t-wAc|tye> .trays, one, weighing,sixty-six tackall,
the other severity-shVëri‘, and two’ gift traÿs öf a1 d is te n t smp’eV afiq' th'd lifge
bÔxes1; akd'frôto'the’sfecôhd'Qjfeén, called'Myack ,one raby ring; aria
threë sapphiV^rikgs; arid a chest with a? locSi^Sd tyri giT^u'|Wr ând (3Wee jfainf:
ed'cupj. Êfèsÿ several1 articles are sent 'to* tué iïlustr^^^öpVarior Général",
who is intrusted pithorifldehce1 by fhek ting* óf England, with ine!adnhriistrâffW
ôÿindxa,' ’arid1 wHo, éyer ahxîoûs for the welfare aha prosperity o f hK'cddSfty,
^ço’ùragès' aria assists’ Binrians tfiaf trade toËngljsri ports^®®:!' likfe'rnamieiV
friendship is1 happily maintained with the Chinese^ Gbyernmerit, and à COnstarit
intercourse is'-pfese'rvëfï. I f will therefore’ hé right that the illqsmous "Governor
general do àcqjiaMt'die King ofEngland, of'the1'friendship thaïis, dn tbisdècâ-f
sïön, established, and wSich it-is hoped will,Be peiiria-nent,
* A tack’all weighs a little more than Half an ounce'.
Iftte*—The following were eXpîaîned to me as the ten dutiêsîhpùmberit >on all kings,jwmeq
are alluded to in the foregoing letter :—Dlianààiï, universal’ hèriëfrCehce>| Seildati, ' daily prayed
- Oiverod'aan, to shew mercy ; Dhasamcda, to exact' only a' tenth ;’ Dherma, justice ; Ta-
matza, to punish- without angér'; Soumet, to support mankind as the earth sustains the weight
of all creation: Aleedziet,- to employ prudent commanders ; Matilha, to listen to counsel;
Dtige Kutma, to avoid pride.