it was dectaihlyi a- fcandsoihe ja®d !Hh©mi'toefetiro^f ©E?b^\4s9tf§itet|>rOT
^ f l ^ ^ h f i y -A a S g h e wmddatta -afereeabie-tb Aeirigaest*. .:
M afldilib» M .(*» f%
amusement, there were P m €»1»©*»»»,; fab® «egited.passages»
bjiedrdarioTm5 cbimi^aB«e|i^fe*!(tejf: tffcr® feh-iiaforidr *t© the
bniiatajde .pterfortiaer we iad seea-at -jReguev j
kS| laving r fiaishdd pur mfihduhtoiy visits t© the dWiefetot iaemtefc -of the
royal fondy, wfeMd newiaim^^0#aii{y;Gmo|it:y5 fey viewiBg.wbtkCey#
te ^ p te te oB ta k ^ d ,^ h a tw aW 6st4 (^i'virtg4be(itotit)e-ofpra^FSxT&edaJy
not being &T advanced; we walked: frep-lift: pakete'of^te piiiteedfRegahi»,
tojSee, theJPiedigaut ;Tiek, Or royal library: it is ditsfeted ak<fche aoWh-west
angle of the fort, in -thejdg&tre of a’oourb paved with broad flags,, andejl|®
tp.p .yerjr handsome Kioum, torkhon&stery;, <:Befcrd we, ojtfefeedilfalibapy
we ascended'the Kiontn, and found the, -inside \eonse§ph)afct with etfe -eae-
ternal appearance-; the building -was; .-spacious .and -richly .gilded; the pillars,
the ceiling, and the painnels -were -entirdly.-covered with igold leaf;
and the image, of.’G-audma jshpne with brilliant lustre. -A -bahastrade of
wood, minntely and beautifully carved, protected the image Ifomin tenders-.
On the pannels of the walla, were represented figiiijesfof inferior ,a gents of
the divinity, and of prostrate Rhahaans in the_:a c to f devotion : these weire
all shaped in fret-work in the wood, and were of «.©'contemptible workmanship;
a well wrought fpl-iage of the-same, -bordered the pannels. The image
of Gaudma, in this Kioum, was large, and'made-of-marble; it was seated-oil
a broad pedestal, entirely gilded; in front of which, within the balus trader
stood; a handsome Igirandole of cut glass-, -of EurQpean-manufacture: -near
the image, was a gilded couch, Which,we were informed, was the-ctistomary
bed of the principal -Rhahaan, of head of all the Birman priesthood, when
he oMs^ to-pafctthe nightintefee dort| ^iÄhaBeLyhappened-, It was splgn-
d}dfy giit-ysthebottarai»,? however^ wasronLÿ albara,beard; pillowawejr^ijßti
wantitegp there-were tiwo^ §§kt(they wer^npadpdfciwoacb :: Jjn :®ah.sp$ead:©Sfe
the“ floor,' is- theihighestt.lHKury ef'nopdsh^m.whieh-hhe RhgHaansi ipdulge,. I
Fro ^ ith e teouni ye< procQednd' to vjkit,thba(h^sM'kHrary ÿit k ai tog©
briökfbuM'diiigy.pateed onta terrace, -and, cawjsredfbiyoa ço»f .of'kfiryreompduhds
à t ^ Â t e ï ' ft- consists of ®ftets6[iisral,& roonvwithiari, enclosed virando, or
galleryfsurrdAding'lè-îtfhiStro’ojiajWia« Itofeed; agckaswo had -not braiighb
a ^ 'e $ y t ord!er>fQi«seeipg it,,the. person whet-haihdha; ears-ofi^he■ libraiy
Said that; hOJwSsimdp aï- liberty*to-'®pen, the dbors, httteassured, usi that the ES;
tdaS ö o thia ^ä»;Ä # |i^ iid ifie ^ e n b from* whatweljMi^ ia thevrirandaK
where-a pumbbr off-large' Gh'e§ ts, bnrtojîs with, gikfing Mid'
jXpa'rtï wfete-ranged: in-, regular order, fagaipst*-stHevwalli.|tBo»ppledi fifths, butt
thdre were many more*, probably* n o t less) than a-'hundred.sfD^s; honks
were tögularJy classed', ‘and’ the contents oflI’eanhijabefet^.' wese; writtsiii!®
gold-'lfeètèrs- on-!the- lid!- The- libra®âhmopefiâd\twdy aoeid shewsddme -same!
^e^hdakti&l* wriling5 c«9 flâiw* leaivejyo!rivbnÿ, thè'.marg&skoE whisk)
Were4 ornamented withifiGWofsof gb]dVfflsatJ$o'ekeai$ad. I saw also,some;
books writ-ten @ in- the- ancien® Mis-th^rdligioMS tgxi. Everything- séâïBôdi
fe-lfci3feâl®èd--'Wïfh perfeetregelari«y,ij»dil},was iaithnmflkdiMiilierftWQrß;
books kpbh;dfv%f^siabjeete^ (ipore-oiltdîvi&ityi tfeajï'OH;anÿj
feryj musiôj-fii’edioïHe, päihtiäg, swd romance,'had^thein separaloÄ®2^ 66^'
■Fhe- volumes wese .disposed^ undêf* dîstÔp»t>|eads>s regulaçlyf npmheôsdï;'
and' if-all dieioth€ir*öhests-were a»well:filled*, as those that w32ïa;SHÜipittsd
to-6t|r 4ftèpheti^sï’tkishokiffiphpihSÂi5^ia,t'hi®:,9 irHilian<hfa|tetç& s^y'pàfe?
sess a morpiiuaierous library;, than airy, potentate fiwi'the, badep-of the
Bapubps to- the .bwdëra oi®hteax H