by an Armenianmamed Gabriel, stood their ground, and poured three discharges
front their , cannon on the assailants. ■ After a smart conflict; the
event winch usua]iyidfiies the fate of battle between Eastern armies,der-
minated this; Gabriel was' killed by the stroke of a^fff88gl and his party
fled-’Sn the fall 'of their leader: the ministers o f Chenguza: were. pul to
death on the spot. As soon as the tumult subsided,- Momiên was solemnly
proclaimed' sovereign.of the Birman Empire; arntew council was sworn,
officers of state'appointed, and dignities conferred on the most active partisans'.
The next measure adopted to secure possession of the throne, was to
proclaim Chenguza an Outlaw, in amanifesto declaratory ofMómien s prior
claim, and expatiating :on the unworthinesS Of'his: predecessor. An armed
force was likewise detached both by land and water to Keoptaloun, to seize
his person: but Ghenguza^ having received timely information, withdrew
across thé fiver; and, accompanied by several attendants;-effected his
escape to Ghagaing, where some men o f .consequence, who yyere sensible
that they had little to hope from the-benevolence of the newsgHti
hidj fófftiflèS, -affd fed him with hopes; of beiag.-abte/lfeiresosersith?
sceptre so suddenly wrested from him. These expectations, however; were
of short duration; a tyrant dethroned, has no other friends than the. companions
of his profligacy, and the accomplices, of 'his guilt.
: The fort-of Chagaing was immediately invested by;troops iq^he. interest
of thé new king. Chenguza at first thought offi defendingrhimself-t but
finding that he was deserted by those on whom.he placed his chief reliance,
after a resistance of four days, bis resolution failed; and he determined on
flying to the Cassay country, there to throw himself o n . of
the Munnipoora Raja. This intention he privately communicated to his
mother; the widow of Shembuan Praw, wlio. resided in his.palace, in thf
6rfkjtekgmdrhhr sp® ti^peDse^ere.dabspypusilliani-
mo'Usacresulve^tel^apestlydissuadedffiiin4cfi|pil$hbhmrgiing^tiiat it was
farfmore.'glor.iuushorffie>even^dgmible-ihands;i,wijihimthe prompts of his
owrirpalacêv-jtha®u to preserveulife iumdermhpai^miniflgaa. character,5 óf,-a
meitdiéaïi^fei'ïfey stmt e asi,. '-and iadebted gfer.y i^prenarifoimjlA syj 11 m to,;a
^ 0My*pottntdle.i>-(uhettguzai,\iichled lojffis/iijjidaL^yApuiisd^wmUitre'h.ii^yg
death; to djggraeefuh exile^ohduausadi a smalL boaO tojhe^psigai;èd,
duel-kept, in »readiness at .thu«gaüte,oi dumhri^pkcui'.di'iguiSJfgt.luTusell m
thediabit oiJ.cpiivate gentleman: arid dtft. iidciLoSl^uh^uipherikd^;, hefleh
iSfiagaragahy break ,®j|fday^aud hmbmiking^fomed|t|^aj'dst^v^io® the
OppOSiftPslmei cWhen-theiÈMt apjte«as^e&jdije^t^ipal'%aut^ati,th© foot
c®<tke'Whlis,ehé waSmlmMengedibyitheKentaUelsi miijpigei <|eskous
%f êsafeUalbighiiBselfv heepaifedput in. a; loi^sc&jk^^at't he iwasJhjGhem
guza-Nafidawhyfieng.Praw»;’i .MChenguza^tevffiMord taf the palace:V qAicem-
ment., -whofnekh^n owerawedubyffiiscipresenhe^qmatcaGlQsmhpiwjtoacbbfor
Want'of inSU>u€tionsf.Saffered!him,to;proceediurimoIested,;htlae .crowd aisjop,
i%tepèctfelJyjmade.'way»forhim>toip'ass,'.cjSGarcöJhadjjhe reached ithë%are'df
fhë öMt&meourt ofddiesipalacg, ;wheuahqws:»n;m/ByïtheFAsttawoon;ï'father
öffchepris^ss »whom.he had»soiarihümanlyslain;:o(>ihmigaza, nnaperceiving
MM,fWrfa4med,vss.TrAit0v?di!hm taomeitaUBfeet'pós^sskmi afimyiiiighlviand,
tbWtéhfcvenge^tm^fnwmJlgneaBiest’: a Th®Attawn®iïiinStahtLyishiaiehèd
a-sabrèsfroitfian attendant office®,-and auone-stroke cu.t.tb&Hiihappy>.Cherii
gttza through-tfeei!bdWpfsvand-laid himsbreathlesstat his'ifeel.-1 No person
was found W*preventy op avenge his deaths hefellmnlamented,as..he'had
Hvèd dé«|)ised;: !