pretensions Whatever. The members-, however, were treated apparently
with much personal respect ahd attentie®.
Thé building denominated Rhoorü, Ms already been described as the
official halhbf Justice, where thé members ofp.tefinmaI gsveraments^ and
■all municipal dffie&Sj-ate accustomed to assemble for the ttaaasactibn ®f
pdblie Msiftess. Every man ®f high rafck in the Bianan empire is & magis>-
ttetfe, and has a place *ef this description and name contiguous to his
'dwelling, btft always bn the-bfltside bf the enclosure of his«b«teyaBi> and
not stmmrftdcd by any fbhee br-raËihg, ra order t® m®ift^puMi©ityr a»d
shew that it is the seat of majesty andj'ustice, «0 %hiöh nil ‘fflanMntl may
Mve free atecêss. An imperial mandate to a governor; or an -order from a
governor to a petty miougeé, or chief o f a small town or district, is invariably
opened and read aloud -in this sanctified hall. The Birman government,
in the adm-inistration of public affairs, suffers no -such thing as -privacy
or concealment. The rhoom is likewise an-appendage o'fdigniiy, as
it-denotes him to Whose -habitation it is annexed, to be -a person of. rank
and consequence; a building of this sort Was-èrected within .a few yards
-of the front gate-o'f our inclosure.
Tor two days after our landing, the boatmen -and servants Were employed
in transporting our -baggage from the -boats to the house, and
our time was chiefly taken up in arranging the domestic economy of our
new residence, in which we found a liberal provision of all such necessaries
as the natives'themselves require; my -roomswere carpeted, but the
chairs, tables, fcc. were my own. Rice, gee (clarified butter), firewood,
-against. The courts of Ava anid -Pekin appear to-resemble-each other m many points,(butiin
-none more than in their vanity, which often manifests itsélf-ïna manner.not. lessmihculous
than- contemptible.
andUp®tsafor.îdrèssihg:mc%a;ls,':meBe supplied'Jo,®ub'people In abmâa&fit-
-Affew stallsKorJ,p,febtyt|sp0^ iW 1ete..:established i^(%g;gK.Qÿe,ii9• jitbrd the
smaller iQg*edientsi@f'O0dc®By,hiwohgoefâs.,tspi^s.,..sfthJ .tamarinds, \k.cJ \
Heae alsoffeohaa£®ia)mdfbee£ls leaj&jsvere delefi; and to enable DW attendants
t© .purchase such ar tides-, «âne Ikuniired tackal, labeut ^ 1@USfeïfeg/ werf
distributed bamotigst afeyrillhis was/am actxxf teunificedte’wbich \ with
&tri$$ev edald prevail; oh, .the*-Btfroaa it iprkM:
instahee dfiour dohaMtiesfs ;v.
The dp-hnqnotit.rehigeks-,îofyhofa -mentionhas beenm ad e%■;&• -former
p a rt )of thhdb%$é as. (haying been.
iGeneralvste'Abiiustkte bf their .«sopatry, had ;6ëaphnd :U®8îiÊt^sbsa
.weeks previous to our.-artivabrT^-Birnwi
bTOM^ff. a Jettarqdite^éd stiÿ
mander at Cliittigong ; this.Idler the Birman minister, &■§-it was lÿegsév
^sfi'i^nghfm.i.staker huti more-probably -by. design,
.^fosnured n^/mdatirm ifn®^ ap,j4rn^ianifei^j^j9& The circumstance
iwasiawprted .t® SiétKmg,,9rd |ted
' deposited vet tjheiLotoo, .-»A gWen»t0i*ne.
-tikimwem punctually obeyed.; '
itiihvser, sA. proposal was. fet-cmad®,. that A-^tmd-d.ig^iimÿsfelf
■Bæücit its.ïestorajtàesî^recæivë.-it .as /as act. i®f gr^e,^hdcdh.' .
Riimg^hy/brnvirirtg with ray-faoe-towards the palace. • From this I .entirely
jdissented,,as îfthe-aàirseofiefimplaint^aswjtf] me, affld qsnhéâ®®6
■measuae heeh.V3®labsd by their breaking tl»fifcah,3Ï^iJ»h«aagi*fi.lhik Ifep
proposition originated