Here ^a^&jp|foui}d tanÆJgr^i^ü^|çmBs, i and |h|^e|&;vçâin<J .ç|1ejêjtwei;e
ï ’typ ,'cajriage®\inj8yaîtm^|, handsomely, gilded» with^a ipair]Mj;k^'.es-, har-
nessed to each : these vehicles were of a light cons true t ion, on four wheels^
open atthe®Mesy'ftndf»eSjVered witlra^onvex canopy. The. prince1 sat on:
LgrlSed chair?' he wasqi sléndepman^andyappeaxetj'to,he.,&ldf$$an'.’the
pïinçg^of'Prenne, whom he^iksaid not to reseBîbie.,iii any particulars ' rppei
power which this * prince jpossqsses^ must be considerable,’ as ;h$s ig&veivftd
mentv formerly the independent .kingdom of Tongho, is rich, extensive!,
and populous; and the fort of Tongho is, at the present dayr.deemed.,,'thé,
strongpstin the empire* -Perspn&'of rankpwenbserv^jwerèibere permit£e.^î
to introduce their beetle-boxes and:^^ttifflg5pots,'which was »ot’ifetsGa^ei at
any of'the other courts.'. Our visit bein^onohidedpr^eiretaf ned^Reme!»
The heat during the early part of this day h a d i ^ ^ ^ r y ^ ï n terneyi-but
a refreshing shower towards evening cooled the ai», apiferenderad théinïght
pleasant. We were not surprised when-we came back, "tcrlreamlt-hat the
senior of the Chinese embassy had died during our .absence, as he had been
so ill in the morning, that his colleagues declined taking a share in the
ceremonials of thè day.
On the following day, at the customary hour, we. crossed the lake, and
proceeded with the same attendants as before, to the house of thè prince ol
Bassien. His dwelling was very handsome, and the pillars of his hall, which
the law prohibits him either to gild or paint, were covered with flowered
satin. Many men of rank graced the assembly, and some who wore high
military insignia ; but none of the royal family or the principal ministers
were présent. The prince seemed a very awkward, bashful youth, about seventeen
years of age. The situation of his. government, which expends along
•thè sea; coast, as far south as Cape Negrais, gives him the poweitei'thér>t.P
obstruct or assist, in a material degree, the merchants who tydcfefo Bassien;
melihed^'th-b^gftfst^hSiylu^^ltljSi!) Lc* Shi b I't^j^heS^erfe^li^lhi.b^ffeyta'd'-i
di issmgSkim ini', i^imiipljTiiuu itv tiu'Jnifei 'ftixpi e4sirfg 'ti t knlmfcl^rh'eift-'oSl
thS jlMndWS^#hie¥w^Ugehi'©ifehde'd||^Sh^fi^rS to
trARdfip,htViffiji I^lokePnfttli^lan^s.f^cSot l,l< "I* ‘i’ 't® l^airltacnfeifce1
was’ tr^ h d latS ^ ^ ^ iB a lM ^g ^ i The princ e was embarrassed; >ic g8g|g§|RS
tciMptt'duw^^)]y;*buUh ul‘ MwhlhepoVer- *l\\o‘ of 1Cil'K4c[i?‘to'vfl'mO?
linn, and,t*iMt-'.{ pioSti.Ut .fitundCf utu*rh£^u^()'t^Fii’i^^.4S^g5Vie(l'wiuf
oughtJp fthP; rins'
Highnfess‘could nqt‘titter a*'G®hhedieeb§£M:eilce'. <t^<leng¥li)tl#5!lAV(oll^ ■'{if
chid* minister, relieved hun, by making .aiiiJppbsUe* rep’U iti rin^rrmfe*
Om.eijteiUnnmcntwas JieVCrly thc^Sftityas .ft? tfhe dtli’likp’Miik.s' hroniriiehco
we,went to the palace of the funior pi irftcpeniitlulh’eg ilirii beehi'en':'1;? (fidt?
derived from the atrcieiip-^ifry»nl.'lhat-Snaml'V\$]iwftis^the1 sSAfijfhi s govCrEf#
mem.- lie seemed1 fivcliei tlfan ■fii’?fbrt>tlier, rvlierJi v ed te l3
^asiWoon. was aivery VerifeEable p e r^® ^ ^ |^ ib a ^% ! f iim rd I e ifH;f)i^?ih^
ftered in one parLicular’/romany- Vehad-ybtJDSooried jMWasf fijlmvas t/itro-
%tt®dpn€doiibt in comphmcnt to 11; anti as their ichgaoTf dfies?iff)? ffilEiil
them toreat meat^ ‘but •■'only prohibits fbte slaughter omi^ima® M?®e!,'pur-J
poses Of foods,1 thhte was no'crime in the’a crwservingi^up to'fls^tjrpartak1-
in'g of it'themselves':' the ‘drily1 question''Was? ho#< the •hi'M:'ea'm!e1tdip^S'^
prived of life ? ''fo^hichj’nbidtmfet f Sh. excislpfery*answe? fecMM ha’vf^eeri
given. This, however; vfaS a matter vyhiclfit- did riotmecoiM us* th ’distcuss'-j