feted Wgrow- at tfte^ottomy^ridfermine1 tKe' foundation, and hk^*e Mrlady
caused large chasmsrih*?the different faceis'of thedorf. The materials-bftho
hbuses;jCdnsisting chrefly ofiwbbd,tK8d? ohthe first order for removing, been
transported to the new city of Ummerapoora: but’tl^'gfcddnd, unless
where' it is coVered witfi busHesi or rank grass, still retains traces of former
buildings and streets. Th6' finds of the royaltpalace, of the Lotos, or grand
Icouneil ;hall, the apartments of the women, and' the spot oil which1 ithe
Piasath; or imperial-spire, had stood, were pointed but-to us by-our giiid'ei
Clumps of-bamboos, a few plantain trees,'and tall thorns," o'ctbpy the
greater part of the area of this lately flourishing capital. ‘W?? Observed
two dwelling houses of brick and mortar, the roofs of which had fallefe^^ .
these, our guide said, had belonged to Colars, or foreigners : on’’entering
one, We found it inhabited bnly by BBts,'wMeh flew in our faces, whilst' our
sense of smelling was offended by their filth, and hy tfi^ijoiisomefinildew
that hung upon the walls. Numerous temples, on which the Birmans never
lay sacrilegious hands, were dilapidating by time. It is-impossible to-
draw a more striking picture of desolation and "ruin.
Among the religious buildings within the fort, one named ShoegOnga
Praw, no ways distinguished fi>r size or splendour, was in former- times
held peculiarly sacred, and is still reverenced abo\ c the rest. At'the-pie*
sent day , when an officer of rank is about to enter oha grfeat public trust*
or a new commander is appointed to the army, the oathnf allegiance ,is administered
in this temple with great solemnity, a breach of which is. cop-,
sidered the most heinous crime a Birman can be guilty of, and is invariably
punished by the severest tortures. How Shoegunga obtained this
distinction I was not able to learn.. We were informed that a temple of
much greater magnitude, named Logatherpoo Praw, stood a short distance
to •^li'i>rwp^Kvnid..9puboriM^i.Ti|Avlufa|kyjs?>.j^&oj^|j||iligilfie»of'Gau(lmi.
‘ foi.rned', onkoh us.cMfehlo.cMTil^ijnfoL -bfo^mple.aiidj; up igi we had St
Hp te^o.ppor-tu i ii 1. y<.
--«Lcavi n g{Ajy af i nsoiii»4J|g^ > < Jy B bI
theUpposit^cit) ofiClygam esU^jCjjfin
satll of L rmMofelipOQl
contrast at d deserted walls of Ava. Chagain, on the north
sic^bncptJbobwth^scayo^jhipcni|iiie<^^^ti^™Tti!MhjiSm‘tt tdbft5*
and partlv*oif thetfsnlc .ol§ iVii^-uJtlitll^Utji^ bfcLt i&%fcscnai tfechfi^
. uinj.cs; iiid’on thc3^jmmpj«ni}$mhi^
■vu^uigmrcgnlayl\,()JH,cjaljM^ anothci, (oAtlu fatikot e t l ^ nippnjam^.f’>rm \
t.n-:riili'fnli-:issi tiilil i.»e |ofeoAl.^ 8 1tili^.A (^ | )f v \jjjd£^rfM tscUrij> th u g
febemg aateijdja&whjtcWshi d,-andAapt atmlcj^ ii-. i
'opposite yh<^c'»Lhe-sutt shone, htll-iipon.-tjlu.jhilf>,MrtcM^^Ldicd rays
J’*dkplawhthe^b/Vw* the higheswad^iitagc ; in.achlitten (to^fn^-Me
‘«swollen. sta.tmbfithgjrrvcr gave,to,,thc w-dteis, tlie .se inU ^ co d .tevaslriikc,
interspersed with,, islands, Jtn which thoMihi'daifonv of jfemcrapoon»
«somed. to beTnpiHerseiL- NuinhcrleStsJhdat^^ ^ i m vri^.ifr)|an‘d^do.w rj$
'and the house von the wesLeni^unfyafehor sou ihu n front'
their uruntcirupted-sue ecssfon, Icnhc a continued town,/^wjJmibs*of_ a
A t twelve^'ol&lpcH we came.t o the^oytBfofahiA.channcjl tliatjconununi-
.rates with the lake of rf aunzemahn Akhrough^hith? it r e ^ ^ c ^ i ^ ’W'atel-?
from the nvei.,.'Tho situation ol^gmjrierapdjna has >alaead
scribed ; the southern lace ol the loit is washed.?duiir% tluj r a i r .iy ^W y
b y |fte waves 0 th f lake, and the houses; 0Mg|e city^a^(^!^^H|^EeX'tend
along the ban^asdar -a^the, extreme, point ofcafldii * Across* the- lake/ and BH