new government, and abolishedthe regudations a f ia d e .b y ^ Birman gene-
The king, who had ptellanimously abandoned his thi’Qrte and people,
is-said-to have perished in
drably ascertained; probably5 by the daggerioftoe usurper 5 who haying
g a te d over to e populace and conciliated some men of influence, t e n d
few obstacles to impede bis way to toe to to te :
Detotelee, who had so emtoimtly distingtehed h t e r f , was toceived oh
hfeiretat» to -A fa with maayr flattering demomtratiohSa Qf ^ » p te s e ; his
h r cord of nobility , was tereasedhmm s k to n t e sttingsvdadte
was farther honoured with to e title of iNa-ma-boo-dee, or most iltostrxous
eom m tte te T t e (3Mne® being vanquished, and the -Peguers jtq^ppeaf-
^ a » n e « so d ^ r e s e d , as to leave ho apprehension of to s tn rb a n c e ^ th e
state',’ Deebedee was again detached to punish the contumaetona tow e se ,
to d reduce them to vassallage and submission; he left Ava on this, ^dftrice
with a fleet ofwar-boats, early in tfae monsoon -of .the year .17 5fe|;} to e troops
Were debarked a t Rangoon, and proceeded from toeijce.hy land. On Ibis
occasion, the Siamese anticipated the intention of the Birmahgene¥^,-;and
met him in force on the frontiers, where the opposition he experienced
flora the enemy, and the difficulty o f passing the rivers, which had not
yet subsided, were such as to oblige him to retreat; he encamped on
the borders of the Sitang river, whence he wrote to Ava to represent the
necessity o f sending him te th e r reinforcements.
In consequence of this application, Chedookaminee, who had served
on the former expedition, received a commission, appointing him Maywoon
o r Viceroy of Martaban, and of ail the possessions belonging to the Birmans
southward of Martaban. Tins officer was ordered to make the
levies, necessary for the assistance o f Deebedee, within his jurisdiction;
after.' which Jan 'wtetoi®hfc* toatf-sgenteto
uniting toekfotes^sito^ntomence hnstffiriag.against the Siamese. ,
I The SMtheriily,; o|^hedopkamin^e
extended, <$tore chiefly inhabited .Ihy the families of^Tpilieng, <or PegtoFg,
ffegue, from ©alia, candy he to stoic ts adjacent; out of these iQhedqok,$mt e £
Was®hiiged to- form hjsaire» tenues- -The sPjeguers, who,were tfep jSupr
posed fctJ'bc suflinentlyi ec otiultdi to the Birman gov crn^iy-i^pito, opnsi-
«fcred, in many respects, as naturalized, sjshjectsuof tfre
*b|$y>ieqBiiitod to Goniribate 'to, the -ptobltetesigepfliepd?»y,cCtooishimg, « e p .
and'Widrebyj/ mtofce' toe native-Birman«; jlnf&et, toe-sputhenri
countries were not capable of furnishing Birman recruits sufficient for an
mniy;; t e t 'AejtelfrderaGe jiBpched fri.thedPeguefSiWBS, inithjs.histanoe,,
fatally misplaced, and their treachery averted from toe Siamese the gathering
Deebetoe,iprobablydisgusted.;;bytoe:appoint|Tientef Chedepkamtee to
the Maywoonship1 tsf Martabauyiofrfaiaed .permission to;sretire feom- toe
army, and return do toe-feqpilkift: on, his:ideparture,, Ghed0kaa)inee :sue-|
ceeded to the sole command «
Among the toaopsthusraised, Wene three popular chieftains of the Talien
nation, named Teliakien,' fTeUasisn, and Meenatzi, men to.toterpjjzing,
terigiteg: sp irh ^ a n d ^ g te a t htouenne amMSgstlthter people. TheJ$§guers
thus tofltetoahin a-toady, iandiptovidgl witiranns, •becamev.'coinsoiotaskof
toBiTten..'^tongtods;a3SimseitjfrwhiGhv stimulated by toe influence lofjhek
chieftains, inspired them with, a desireto regain. their empire, and retaliate
their wrongs on their oppressors. The army was assembled at Martaban
when the conspiracy was formed: at the close of the -first .day’s .march,