thcf divinity. ..We soon turned frtjift .the^; wretebpil) fanatics, and: tfeftfS&r
jèet öf, thejrd^upid
that crowned th&.buildfrigy andiabract-ed muoh öiore »mad
respect, thanes» finagej iotB which even the statuary iepuld »<>.: PP»>
Thé spire fesè in seven sdparate stagCs, above the roof of the f£iqtHn,artd
the gold leaf, which had rdeenlly been appljedj giisteÉingdft the sun-bgams^
reflected a brilliant lustre. This iejfople!, with its auxiEkry huiyjngs,
which are^yet in an unfinished statd, willj.when n0inpktedf he t f e n a ^
elegant, in tbè empire* though perhaps not só spacious ,aS thitk \fch«du*$
the present residence of the Sérèdaw. IFrent hence we werei condneted to
Whit is called the Ghounda, or place for the reception hodhepose ohttrafï'-'
gets, who come from a distance to offer up ;thefridevotityig. Ifeccm»^u:niT
cates on the north side with the great tëmple, audds ,aho jy'^bé%i|tiful
specimen Of Birman architecture; it comprehends five teegjflgBwtSl^ar
rated by colonnades* eahb.fioisisdng©fi tlh^yrjhuy:j.#tfe^U<^iS®9,;;^ n-
dred and feut all together; the two central rowfewOrO i-abtmt, jtwénty afiajë
feet high, but the external ones did -not cxcebd- .feuttOert^ A ey wore
painted of a deep crimson ground, enliyeneA.’frvrfestoeas «iS^goid-fcleaif.
encircling them in a very fancifrd and gj^sing [manner,, andgin^aiSlyle
much more conformable to European tagej ithhir^^SW^^ %1®^ös# /
'gold. The ceiling likewise was j embellished, with a ;proh|s|o»7
Work, executed with great labour and minuteness. JVfeasurieg hyf .oUr
steps, we judged the length to be-fiye hundred mad, seyenty^siX-fef t,
and the breadth of each distinct gallery about twelve 5 the e&&t%l*-ath’er
.wider than those on either side. A low railing extended.alohg the outer
pillars, to prevent improper persons and dogs, from defiling the, place.
It is built upon a terrace of brick, elevated three feet from the ground ;
the-floor is made of Chunam, or fine ^ ’fSKd*,' composed of lrme,-p6und^d
. steatites;-and1 odyithj^olU'sionlhyC dlfidt'lorins^l hare^ahd smooth surface,
^laat.jShmes» lihv. mub^MOiii^eoiMiLtyr mfolmeffus1 that this Edifice had
been lafelwciYcLd-* iL*ftl^Sole^^)dii.\|iSthe senioi IWf.mgce It certainly
.iv.Hcots;fci(.(litV()tM&,'iYi?ij^fe^(!iY^a!nds is^^^otelih^fibtb'thfe country. '
• The [Shat- ®ff<|h§ d'ay,j w iftlMud now1’atiaiiiecMt^reaUAlriouc.1 and our
h av in g ^ p n in tor&sfanp.i/rereiscfrntn biolum^ulhtwo o’clock
in tiiC'aiic t n o o n 1 uidoi cili^pSrc' ohu |)(Ssh; c 'x tiVi 1i’e 1 c^i@5lU|^ni.11 here
.W<yiii/o®^^lc'.Lcd out seises,’ hut likcvfi?c JoilfliPlgsph. uduHc/dl ilidn pie4
IVrcd for us' - ( >nr eonriuefors. aw M^hdiSH^?lJ(tu!tidn*‘8i'stiatigcA»!(could
not tail sou& Irouis/j}» sti’i Jjjjti’ mWiui^KRiffflbw aYlP
striking <dyYa?'?.Airdn'ohtjin'* would ffio^^apimf*crilMoi,’ay id waif under*
|jtfe shade(tof ithiS'-hospitable ho o f till ftlicFaflj.i>r«)c¥fSi tl farijtcxjf?(I'w'oi i) sels „
^ybueefessanly, to ■-a burning sum1 VV ebhiid* brought \\ ltbmsif irith&Jiisi’IilSe
ol out friends, wine, bread and h u tu r and cold lowl/'to whicli;the iSKaw-’’
bnnder--had- added'a* turene of exeeltei‘f’J^fynicc Illy got 1 p, and a tdfei able
|agnd"pii|taw. We ,at down’trlyoflpTe^ias? abom^TOo'o'clock’,1- ail'd a’fte'^h"?
.Was finished, GDnihrufc’d-S^recline up'oh'-our*unite? 1 m 'f.uirieip
by a* c’ubk and- r e f r e s h i n g f r om the! west. ■wTnlstew'e eonveised^'Hindi
contemplated the scene around. ■ rl
of ojif appearance had^collfeeted, wereJneither intrasite -ffor »troublesome.
On sin fi an oi cation, in most other to an trie s^ol-th e‘-T a s-r; i^is/piobTtfole tied.1
from theprejudicehbf bigntfy,‘we'sfiT)iiKl‘:nbtJhave'been sifffeicd:tdl$Cprart
without receiving’ some'insult. or"‘ieb ’at kiffg^sbYnb -f'ncli^boreo’fcdhicrrfpt*p
but here," notwithstanding1-we entered thelr't'riids,t,]sanehhc'dJ 111 dsse^ we*
. were every where treated wl'fih.f’uiiifore^b^il 11\ ’ ^bQijrre^oricei! i^jffiis'e*
who accompanied us-had ^dubtjltss--sonjt5drifluince''in cbifntiandmg the awe
I M B i