gg Some days elapsed in fostixfi^e^ein^nies', during whicfc both the; besieger»
anrl Wieged barf frequent and almOsfc-uninteBrupfeddntei^ui^h^tfae'guards
on both sides relaxed feth^ir vigiia»sev'and small parties ofBmpansfQund
their way into the whilst the Peguers visited the. Barman camp» with-
outjnnlestatioB orinquiry- jj Afompra, who, it appears, had
«£ a d o rin g to the recent compact, privately introduced, bodies- of armed '
mens with ,directions tp secrete themselves within the city; uintiTtheir
services should be required; arms and amannHtiQn^weEeiaiso'nsnveyed
and lodged in places p f concealment. Mattersfdpneeveiy were not ma»
paged with, such circumspection as to oprevent discaveiyiGhouparea,
the king's nephew, received intimation of the meditated 'treachery: he
instantly ordered the gates of the city to be closeAi and., having found
outgjtjap re j^ k o rie s wbe!f&7ihe'weappa& were^lodgedi.sands deteGtedaaany
Birmans in disguise, he gave directions to put to death every,: man of
that nation who should be found within the walls, and opened1 a fire upon
such part of the Birman camp as was most exposed- to the artillery of
Sbjafort. II
Hostilities now recommenced fury; Apporaza with
his royal niece were detained in the Birman c a m p j the nricle under
dose confinement, whilst the lady was consigned to. the guardians of-the
female apartments. The Peguers having gained no accession to their
strength, and added little to their stores, during the short: interval- of
tranquillity, were not in a better condition than before to resist the enemy.
The Birmans observed the system of-Warfare they at first adopted; so that
in six weeks, famine had again reduced the.garrison to a dieplorable state
of wretchedness and w ant; the most loathsome reptiles were eagerly sought
after and devoured, and the clamours of the .soldiers could no longer be
appeased;1'' Âc few^ssi3#te',lilàids4)ffgrafts -Were diséoverëd'i-and
m-ahyt Were' suspddéêd Mp crowd’ thronged tumultuously
ioiïud'ilK*fpaa'ht’?srwCwlr(fAipdla*\jïi<w‘hoin;'<iltti rÊé^shhïkSÎTOdfcTafebaân1?)
and ^hë'imprisçmîhent^f.Aiplj^ra®^ tïfè‘ cârefdf dtfh'diïlg'’ the fortress
tireiy "devolved; IrrorddrftQ^l©n,cê‘”^&àsBtiif^l6h-dseAlfotefeféî!'c0uld not re-
’Élkim^he qrdsrêd a genferaf seqfeiRfBrrgSaM>, and"gfahtM permission ta the
soldiers forcibly tf& enter whatever hduSês-'Ml^ftdÉf This lî&erice1
was diligèntly^dfprdfèdp aHdfthP hoiSSe' "ôf 3f near refotiahJ-'of tfie king was
discôve»ed--’f cfc-^ritaih- hfbre "grain, than- either ehenprès'èrttî raïtüà'tion of
resêlt^èiysrîéfosed.‘,Tlie crowd; adthdr^edibyrih^péiÉ&îàMifcbf’tS'fetfetpti'eâ^î
jÉÉteéÉildftb' fa8 èfiby‘'^ôléîi<f&’'whast was Sot to be ob tained by entreaty :
ahÿibt ensued, ÆdSBà^^i®^ w*® atdëifgth
ofeli^ecNb abandon his- house-.' -R-êpairing té lfefe f'o^!lï¥ësidefie'é v£l34é*ut fpfe'd
vidlentaâîvëêliŸés:jàgairist-HhOup,a¥ea, whom -he aetMdcfc 4oM)he king éf'hâfi"
bbnring an* intentiefeho deprive lisceeV^reign 'o f ‘life, and- seize t&po'fi'.fihe
:ipÉt§#Éfy of 4 lM w ’i^*%'®si0'fiiâüpiÉfedkwfej than,
hazard'!#Kb -dàhger-fA pcrSbn ftltil
the perfMy'éf’à:'ffitBteh%nd:’ whose insbêciifty
ièéffls'tô hâ've eqüàliëd’his- iHfcptune,l<ent an èar fovthe^ccWpHifttsvof
a ’Man stimulated by sudden ragé,'and pA^hâk } e a fo ^y |‘ thé %Éhtap|iy
and distracted monarch resolved to'kpth>sueihife‘!'G®®nsel ; buisBëmg toôr
timMfopStliyéb ’a%w Ké? wêakhess“'aridf sfispicion; 'te'sëM-'sèiAêt' pfiroposahf
tô Alfempra to surrender siiÉiy ,ft) Inimy stipulating. for J i ^
leaving the rest t-o the’diseretion of-the con^pet&ï&r» Aeeoidifi^to9&e plan
agreed ’the 'Birmans advanced- to tho gates,I’wfafch-w-fere immediately