a small rivernamed, iÜ thëMays^o'f'^léhcfoTir., .S'Roe-kiaung, or the Golden
Streamfr};|fer^rvre1'JspëQÏ'‘ a - night; rendered unpleasant,, by the'"stormy
y e athdrf J‘
We readied Neoundah'eaïIjtiBn the-9th of -JtdyrAt this place the de-
putafiondrom the capital, which I‘ had'heen apprized of by4 the Sha'w'bun-
cfer, wasrwaiting tiïy arrival. hSfhë' Sereef'hifórined-jhe^ that a-tgmpöraiiy
house,uwhich I saw on’a clear piece of ground about 100' yards' ffom the
brink, had been erected as a compliment to me ; it was *muoh'llfgep'tftan
that which thé Maywoon Had prepar|d at Meeaday^Earlj*- itt the aftern
o o n ! left my boat, and was received at the house by-the^BffmafcsdStóS
with' every formal testimony of respect ;t on a part ofrthe>-fiö'ör,-'elevated'a.
few -inches,' a carpet was spread, on which I took my seat! • • T heïprincipal
person of the deputation was a Woondock, or ‘state i
the others were, the governor of a district calfetf^Mi&tgdohg, noijfe-oï'Ava,
the governor pf Pein-keiiig, bordering on-CHina, an d the Of
the Siamese gttards,_The Woondock was a lively -man-,, about- fort-y-five
years o ld ; the rest appeared of more advanced age, not less than sixty-fife
or seventy: they all wore the tsaloe, or chain o f nobilityfeThe-Woondack,
though from his station he had precedence of the rest, yet such
high rank as the two governors. The utmost decorum was preserved-sat
this meeting the Woondock spoke in the name of the p&ifc and Bahai
Sheen interpreted in the language of Hindostan. After pompously expatiating
upon the honour which his Birman Majesty had been pleased to confer
on me, by sending a deputation to welcome me, and a barge with war-boats
to tow it, -he asked some trivial questions, and offered his services to procure
whatever we stood in need of. Having discoursed for a short time, a
band .of music and a company of dancing girls were introduced; drums,
gongs, the Indfai^syriiiljtiffor guitar,t he B imu ifflffijlifiir
lQud/*ar^b'a$gife$a)j.ig^ts^a'lf4QSbcI^'ditn eV l^u ->ps ii)li tl4-Jr.no> f-^ \m o n g the
(fencers, o n o j i y i d } R ((-^rp/ani()nsJjfi'\sAinmcuA,t(il, Loiin and
elegance of movement she1 was richly dressed, and in shewing ^hf'Taodcs
ib ^d ^ (^g !p raM ® ^ ^ ,d i]fe icn t‘,(:JiTj1ijJti:iJ'?.t<!ti'4pJ{bk,ci.k.£!} l m <_ is opt-t t
The m?nii^4sB4G!tssj‘y*i4\H}j)>pfcpns(m.iiit;tpith^Ei|glish-t^ste;
,in v lwt b tht„tiim_fi>ancs) 'mridenivfirouL qiutlf,,io sfov}t.,4rl he entertainment,
however,-seemed entirely losKU[o(3ipthe>e]jfe£s£ \\ JiotsjH m jVjlV/hfe111
sibility, chewing their beetle nut, and regarding » ith profound gravity the
voluptuous attitudes of i very beautiful woman. The aumsumajt (did /not
ehdltil^l'fe «it'tiyjAfplc! loefe, l duua^ifei h W» iiffispoV' f e j l y A v b m w t f
|am.<i>Ti«i'thofmusi( r-ans .ayd-danceis. r§hc.dijmjr.b olhi ct^.^cwied' v\ uhoi|E
Ceremony, "and wo passed, thejnighj;|5r£'bpardS;our^rgspeelS^e'ib9^§:-'4t'%'
fe^Fhe!next'morning I was ‘againnvd^lf'dgf.jrb|b,np, jtlic, addjtional^honoui
ol^tiie .hompanysok the Maywoon- ul %guq,--/^h)i-)hj,pjlijii eH th it ] '.
either front pride jor policVfhejiad n c \u h e lm c 'j p u f e l ^ t j . , t o ; pay.;
llieW oondock, however, was h u e his superior WM c c o n u i s l - d h o u r
-’ensirindiffereni ^subjects, and the May|?eont informed hip^Fgn"ds|Aat Dr.
JBjfehanan was a botanist?, apd had, made several}dl-^ihgstpfvplantsH OjWrps
wis^- %ing, 'expressed to^sgei’them, the Doctor ^ ^ .^ ^ g ly . gr-ati^Bfid^thpir
-furiosity with a 'sight, of some that hada-bgen j^eputfd byi1 the.' Bengal paiiaj
ter. under his own ‘inspection; these wwegmjtamly rfecpgfy-ied, by -the
Birmans, who mentioned; thg names of the origipai^ ^ t^ e y are themselves
Fond of vegetable productions, whieh they usd v ii\ generally in jirtcdi,"
Pipe. About, eleven o’clock tte^^a^ly^Brtjife^up^and^it wa^ s^tfel^iliat
we ishould pursue qpyqurney on the^ollffl^pg daypt?«^
Theifekemawing time- was spent in viewing,-as much'io# thisfjonte