pf foie alahaster, aïe sculptured here, and afterwards transported to the
remotest earners of the empire. A t this city, they passed three days in the
performance of religious ceremonies -, proceeding, thence to PagahlO,* in
past ages, the residence o f a long dynasty of kings, and still famed for its
numerous temples, they renewed the pious rites 1 after which they pursued
theft- journey to Kama) whence ^OOO men, under the Princes o f
Tonglho and Pagahm, were detached with orders to debark a t Maoung,
(formerly J,Qon?ay][, and invade Arracan, by penetrating through the
passes of the mountains. When die Eagee Teekien and the Prince of
Promo reached the city of Prome, the Seree of Shegoo was ordered to
foil down the Irrawaddy with a strong fleet of boats, and enter Arracan
by the, creeks and channels o f the Bassien river. The rider princes re*
mained at, Prome five days, and then crossed to Podang on the, opposite
bank, three miles lower down; here drey halted fifteen days., in order to
give the other detachments, whose routes, were more circuitous, time to
A t the expiration of the period that was judged necessary for the co>
operation o f the different detachments, the Engee Teekien ordered the
Prince of Prome, at the head of 7000 men, to advance, and attempt the
defiles of the hills leading from Podang, whilst he conducted, in person,
the main army, keeping three days march ftj the rear of th e front division*.
* Pagahm was once a city of no ordinary magnificence and extent ; the writer, of Uii's-
memoir, accompanied by the Viceroy of Pegue, ascended one of the pagodas or praws, by a.
decayed and dangerous flight of steps on the outside ; they had from the su.mmit a view ofr
ruins, thickly scattered over the face of the country, as far as the eye could' reach. The-
Viceroy remarked, that to count the number of decayed temples on the plain before us,, was
among the proverbial impossibilities, of the Birmans.
Two generate of reputatle*i sd<jr0sftpajjfed tfei Eagee’ Terishn, Kioumes
Matouiag, and Nanda; Siekyan r- fehes detachment-~sfen« by water; uftdef the
Seme, tfgftgheidlf'devtimtiriDte briwetftesni-thas wteb by tetrilwdd arsivis
This officer met vSthsfflO' 0b:staeleu.ntilhe.-reiche’dLfihevft&nt4ersof Arracafo
where,; hearing that the prince, sf.the" ©onnby was preparing do afetnck
him, hfe judged it most .prudent- ta hah; andwaib theiasppra&cb M hM
friend»,, in. Id prevent the’ArrteaHers. feotn- cdpitoteting,; their force
against his pateyb.
Th e Way pursusedi by tile junior princes',* was- ydt more difficult and
dtetant th an th a tfby whichfie prince royal proceeded} probdbltefhey weijs
sen« oidy to make a dfoejstens, and drittacb thri.atfonifo® of the emeffiy.
After matfch of thieve weeks, the Pnmce dflProme, with the
advanced guard of the main- army, reached (ftqimg\vat,+ two days journey
from thW fort0 Arracan, Where,. foirhingi the situatiftn o fth l Se^e^ hS,sfcnt
2 body 8f 1000-111615, under ail Ackawoany to'Mh as§§»fon.efe.f.' I
: impatient of delay; and probably desirous of seizing the present ogpopf
hiliity to distiagdishi himself, the Prince of Promd rcsolVed to .assault the
fort before his- brother should arrive;, with this?-in'fcent< hid 'w rpte to the
Scree, ©luring him* to advance next day with- the fleet, ptfomteftlgi to- cd-
operate and support him. In compliance with. the. Prince»', eommarids-,
the Seres p u t his armament in motion; «h&:ipfttgi®f Arracan. had; fey, this
/time crileeted a-flfeetof boats, whiril Surpassed', in sfoe, thirto of ,fhfe JBir-
matisp although they Were inferior id, point of numbers'. Ans i^foahtiDok
* Xfi® Princes of Tongbriapd Pagahm were infants «it this time; rl educLtion of tfce armies
was intrusted to otnefs. . It is a customary thing for Eastern princes to serif,tneir sons into
the fleld, at a very tender age.
t The distance is estimated St one bundled and twenty miles.