twenty in il©ag® and only four in depth : we were conducted
W, a .flight cjf; siQiS-. -uyffia^ a lnc iP'g^ fepl$ ppo .pl$$fesj iiexfc the , sparcej op'~
posite to the thrcnie* whiwjtais ilj\a\,s. left vacant,’ashbelng m. Jull.vsiywif
pflns Mjytstv .O n ,q,ui op i^iM£nw^Cjdj>^tiii'c]i,n?aI'i the, throne? as at- the
Lotoo, was alone visible, which we judged to be about five feet high g
folding dpois sj,y ^c atp h^fnfoQijjjj viav. jt§|j,oftiliKpne,- called,
¥a.?apsto', was, ; '^^^ ffl.sid ffia ji^ a lh g allery ,
inclosed by a gilt balustrade, extended a few feet 4(>th^,E§lit^Li®|tt*'COn 4
taming four umbrellas of state ; and on two tables, at the foot of the!
thropp, .Wjere .gjaetd sev u al^sse-l^il .gojd. ol .various foims, andffojr.
dillcroiU. giKjKit^s^iinniLdiaLcly’ OiubthoShthttfec,,» a , splendid* ptiasitlp
ros.e in1:scyqnls.tagi.si4boyc the roolsc of*tliejbmlding,ytrowned byJa’ teey,on
npl?rglli.^from which .d gpiralirod^wats^jp^atg^above the-^hofe. | .
We had.j^gpt,seaj^d,%^li^tie mprg than^aLquarter off-an hour&\fyhen;fche.,
folding.dfioj^lhat concealed,the seat, opene(j^yvith,a lopdy^sgdand^djsA
covered his Majesty- ascending a llighl ol s/upy^that led up^to^tli^tfetjiic^
from, thpyii^pe^jjapartment; ,he . advanced buOslftwly^ and ^eem ed-^^to,
possess a free,usp of;his limbs, bm n g p J jh g ^ ^ su p p o rt^ lM se lf with hi>
hands on the balustiadc. I was mfopnecl, h(^wievyfk)jha^^us.«^ppaiKuu^
of weakness, did not proceed hom any bodily »iuhjm.ity^jju^hom, the w eight?
of the regal haiailifedpts in which,he was c la j^Qgtfd, d wbaUwpjW^rejtold;
was true, that he earned on his dress filtccn \iss up« a rd sp ifch y pounds,
avoirdupois,ofj gold,,his difficultypf, ascent yvas not ^uprising.,, On ^ c h :;
ing the top he stood for a minute, as thopgii^tg, tak^uoath, and Jflforijjsat,
dow& on aw embroidered cushion with his^^g^.in^erteck^HiacrpTgn waq a,
high conical cap, richly studded w ith pi cctousy tones; hiSjfuigers w cio^p^etjj
pd with rin g s j/^ d in his '^fess he lhtfiappearai^^'^man)jGasgd.irv