specified in wilting, it will be impossible for me to have the honour of
the general festivity.
Having thus delivered my sentiments with explicit freedom, I now close my
correspondence, earnestly exhorting you, as a friend to your country and your
"king, to advise hisMajesty with prudence and moderation, as marry events to'come
may depend on the resolution of the present day, and an act which is to -determine,
whether or not any intercourse is in future to he held with a neighbouring
and powerful state, is a matter o f sufficient magnitude, at feast to demand your
most serious consideration.
Michael Symes,
Agent to the Court of Ava.
Ummtrapoora, 2 0th Sept. 1795.
| i a Rtficr from th o p f ^ g j fA M , 4°' Sir^hMShore,,
. ■ j Govorwr |h
THjE,JHoj[di_pf AAd Air, thp Monarch, nf extenaiy^ .fjbf y«gn
jf/im f^ d e ira , S e aw u tte n a ,
M m m x a . ip fye epuptry Dzodina<rara,
Sflyf^gkgjOf all these ejt{pr^le4,- reg ie s,. Jgord {Q.f;gre£t,q&e& pf Pm/fkpt
N e m m , $ h '.
^ onJb\M0^ e’ ° f all wjpqh CQpiprfes and cities thgigp^pafS^pdiPOi
pjeaepti of rc ^ p ^ ^ sp hm issio n lQ the Royal Presence'; a^sq fJen-
xtgyuddy, CQmmqply <$JIed Pogue, theporj pf Rangoon, tfjp pqrf qf.g(uW , Arracen,
Satuloway, tj^e port of DwarawuAdy, Mfumng^^ goft qf
ffifiqwuddj, Ramrie, die port of RffmaviudAy, Mondema, pr Martaban, 7$yoj, fyi&h
Vf \ 1^1 Penasserem; ports bcloqging. to )ris Majesty, whprp,ni.^rchani£. pade
fwt/'IS iuha^it^nt? are protected; Proprietor qf(al| Jcincj? .oCprec^qq^^tone^ qfd^g
Lasqi,« Sapphire?, Qgal; al.so ffie ngne^ SLjJ,
ver,Amber, I^ead, J in , Iron, apd Petroleum; whence every thigg.desirahjpjthat
t jf f,arth yiejds can{be ejftrapte^a| the Trees. LeWes^and
$ » ^ 03^4 1*1 h^radise j Possessor of Elephants, Horses, Carriages, Ppp Arms,’
Bo ws , Spears, Shields, and- all piapiigr of warlike weapons; Spyereign of valiant
Generals and victorious Armies, ,ipvulperabfe as the rocje Makakonda. Makanug-
g*r?> Ummerapoora, the great ayd flourishiqg Ggiden'Chy, illumined.. a n d jll.r_
minating, as the Habitation q f Angel?, lasting a5jhp„h.Fmameptj ay^emj}ellis;h,ed
witjr Gold, Silver, Pearls, Agate? and the nitje ordinal+ SjQnps; the Gplden
Thrope, tjie seat pf spfendour, whenpe the royaj, pumdateji^spes ^gd, protects mankind;
the King whq performs the tepd%des-, jpeurabent op 9IJ kmgsi, called Mar\~
gianlerra, all pf which this great King duly performeth; who^ rmderst^pcli1!^) by
divine aid, is enlightened to guide his people in the right way, and preseiye them
* I could not discover to what class; of preciousstgtxes I, asm belonged
t Wh»t these wore l.qqul.d pot Jgarp.