iN^p^el^td^g^Ms^V^A t©’ the P-uMip, I ihey<the dictates
of' a dUfyfinfchmbent ‘ off^etfep^ the' incidents of
wroife Mfe? maW;^ffoi'dred Mm visiting
coimtr'ie^ mafa]©eimWuti'known, ot impeimrt^T defe&lsfe'iaff
arf®ib^^mmuni’e&tmg{K^dnroi'rna1liafi','?td add ■ so me what
to the^^otk-6hg'eherat M'h#wled'ge% ‘ -
' Of thS* ^irigde^M' Birman E mpi^Pfjl'itfli
Si knowhnto the’ iEtirbpVafi^^rldi Hhatd nSany* pefSolishof
Jffeerai eaflfealtion^iWifelPthdmaMe^dft&e'ie&flntry/has been
fodntidned|~wdre'' at> a lofe^Pori’ what pa?t‘ ‘ tif chfestgllte^to
'mik <j3c$ii?ronandante' v sw w^n' uhkequUinteil
with the' exiSteScdW^SdcMd ‘iiStio’H.
Thx§ :©bsehpity:’rfefeddr‘sIkn^^jkjl^^for^Jintl'odlicing my
Work’“ to the' Publie, 'dfth^edSslCfyi; ’ and 1' ha^dCorilyfo
'laffifdfit my: own Mability'"td5 do^iiaW^tb sd> Important a
subjhci* The military professioii, in Iweiypart o@he world,
i's"tinpropiti*ot#s(td litte'^ar^’attttinmefiils? $ but rnlndia, ‘where
no 'repositories df European learning5 late to be found, and