TO AVA, 21
hody : $hey;pKofe§s, e®hba;G|f nnda#bstfffln- from! eyery sensual indulgence.
The prescribed! punishment, foi^a, Rhahaau deleted* An an, act of i'lcynt?
nenee, is expulsion, and pklblic disgrace ;. the delinquent is seated on an
ass, and his face daubed with black, paint," interspersed with spots o fifb ite ;
he is thus led fhr,em|®tfre streets, with a djrum hewing before hipi, apd afterwards
turned out of the cify(|{||^itt^ueh 'instances1 qf dtegr,sd%^n tare
very ra,re?». The, juniors are res triced from wandering about licentiously,
either b®$Lay or night. There is ^pfigr- in every convent, who ha»1 a' disE-
cretionary power to g rant pemissipn*. to gjj^hhfaad.
The-Rhahaans neypii d^es^t^eir-own victpa^. hdlduig it a,n abuse fjl
|i-Uie to p.erfqftn any of,,the -eomfiapn» h in q tio ^ ig ^ ]|^ ^ ?h i'c^ SQdongf ‘as
they o|ptg|y&iHiust divertJhein from l In. ^bMc.^ t, y i^n^p^ition ot the jtffl
vine essence. ,Thpy receive the ^_nttibudgijg, ,'qjf thf,hpf y, \ready,£,q^ed,,
'and-prefer cold food to hp(t.‘ , Atf;thgydawn of th^mprning- they*fc^gmS(tp
’{^•ambulate tj^tp-wp, to col-lptjf ^^plies/or- th ed ay ,--* ^ hj^on^entrends
forth a certain number of its members, who,walk at, a qpich5p^eA through
the streets,:1 supporting with the.right arm, a ^ ^ -^ q h ^ ed ^ b gX y ip ^ |h ip ji
the donations are d ep o sited th e sp usually jf|opsi^t%,p|'^oije(f -;rkg, mixed
with o% dried and pickled fish, swgef,pi£ats, fruit* kc. fD u rin g \^ ij, walk
tfrey never cast their eyes,,to theyight pr tq jf^e* lpjj^^l^egp^th^irr^c^d, op
the groped; they do not stop to solicit,-andspidw fvenfepkat ^lio^pi^is,
who appear pore desirous,to bestow,, than the, p jhpr^ 1 1 ' '
Rhahaans eat but once a. day, at ^hq.hour^of.npon.
ty of provision being commonly procuredthap^ofljccs.for thcjinembu^^f
the convsast, the ^surplus'^disposed'-ofpsjcharitably as it was given, to
the needy stranger, o r the poor scholars wh$ daily attend them, to be in structed
in letters, and taught their moral and religious dpties,,