medidhe^ Ah induration ànd eshargemeiïtfoiP'the^spMen, a disease .'well
known in India by the name of Boss* was generally its-coneomitant. The
cause of these fevers being local, could not be remedied. Situated in the
full sweep of the south-west monsoon, and the ctoadWeing obstructed by
high mountains, the island is, for eight months in the year, washed by
incessant torrents. According to a meteorological table kept by Captain
Stokoe, there appears to have fallen in seven months, 98 inches of water, a
quantity far exceeding what I had ever heard of in any other country. •
Sail from the Andamans—-make the! Island'. 'oflWtirtVondcom .— Arrive at
, the Mouth of-the* Rangoon River—delayrd'^fitri 0/tBil‘ot—pi ocud -^
Precaution ‘of^h.'Custom-house* Offecdr'.—A-Deputation fnpih Rahgdotl
meets the Sea-Horse— singular Appearanu o f the Deputies—Art,n eat
Rangoon—extraordinary Conduit of the (government7-^-1 'rnomfoH^
| ’able Building' allotted fo r our Res idenC-e—Restrtctiort' imposed bn*, du/rt
• People.— Commanders and Crews ofthe* Skips inf the RivertyrbMbitedi
front holding any Intercourse with the' Sea-HdrseT^kSituationiiinplpa-
-,'sant, and degrading— remonstrate—declare my Intention to with-
r-. draw.—^GoWcessibh^On' the Part o f the Rangoon .(government. .
rfJlfcvH^^passed fike' (^ays •“ in this wildi sequestered! ihdifejhwhere khe
novelty o f the 'scene, and friendly attentions o f oui^entertaiin&r-s, Captains»
Ramsay"afid- StokOe,* would'have■ rendered agreeable,?: we
prepared to1'depart. The Hindoos, whose if bligion forbids,, thein.tpj drink
water drawn-by impure-hands, had filled their awn casks?; t.and thelstock
of our' iiufnetousrGOtnpany was replenished/ On therkpAwe reimharked^
andstood'to sea: next moihing at day lights uiade.'the island ofr Nhrcon!|
damis_ ab€tdt tywenty leagues east of the-Apdamans; * a? barren» roekw rising!
abruptly’out of the ocean, uninhabited,: andjsseemihgfyvdi^titute- ofj yege-i
tation. The wind being? fdul, 'we were vobliged t6 thfckq . andfori- -thei