without mercy ?put to death.' Nuttépnï likewise* suffered tlhe^dooïti of- a
' Nuttoon did not put an endno thé'distürbances'that
agitated "’the Birman empire. ' A ^oüfigef. brother of Albmpta,
Ifemdogee-Praw, who1 had i recently? befen- appointed
aspirédtoiindependénce, and Refused to pay'horöage' to'hi»'Bfóthér-%- sói¥.
Whilst/measures wer&4akingftoireducèihimVhfe'SüdÖenlyidetached aqbody
of troops,> under a-general named Bala-meing-tein, wS§ ^lirpifiitedrtHfefort
of Prome; hut the Chekey or Lieutenant of Shoe-'döirg-northap®»n!afrer
assembled ® respectable force, and-compelled' BrfaPmeing-ïein’ to-abandon
hia conqne^1 NamdogèeT’raw raised an army, andfaccompanied by- his
brothér-Shembuan, marched in person to Tongho to punishÜfiê cdfitumacy
óf his rebellious relation, who, not daring to risk’ an 'opeh 'actiónf shut
himselfjwithin the walls of Tongho. After a §igge*bf‘tfrrefe nmriihi^tbF
gaMstmisfoSidtfed ; several of-theringleaders werö^dhishèBlfwith*death;
mercy, however,■ Was extended to the rebellious-uncle. ^The King^p’afed
hisfftfe, but-during the rest of his reigi kept him a close'pnf&ef*'’rin
thé fort of AYaer ^
: T h e appointment of a new Viceroy, and the arrangements necessary to
the restoration'öf good order in these provinces, next occupied the'attentiori
of the King. This task being accomplished, be returned with* his bfothdr
to . Monchaboo, from whetaèevhe-éóoö after removed the sëat pf-inipeMhl
government to the city of Chagaing, the situation of which, equally convenient
and salubrious, enjoying a pure air, and surrounded by the most
picturesque scenery of nature, had delighted the King' during- his late
residence, whilst directing the Operations« against'Ava. The three succeeding
years of his reign were employed in reducing the refractory to
^TOêdMrî'e^^M^^tàbiybingîi'-tîiétV^oyïLjbt^îlidtily > oh -ai'fmftér feà&iÿ.
Amongst tÇqFturbukfit das SEmpam, the Pe^N^h'foft^ira^iW^ih^fo^
mWly'éx'pe'H'en'ceMâtliètclraièncVvdï îVlônjpra tiitsimiiV, 'almriRbifa'd .Blcbt
' ^ ^ i^éd'mtb^awhr^as^séwBÿftÈSæèiH^îiëJèr'SÉ^the'MartâbàîïipïoViindei
t-Ke' ' résîdbnce- of jO T T ^ fi^ rand:} f r i e n d s ,Mi b f i c e j b f s d i g n i t y / -
SdTO3g*!lis that-mob^hK1BMd-,'KëJG'6^düèie'a,nimsélf1-like a*dutiful; servant-’;
fKèd’death ‘of* his lf^ eM r^ ,S h b :^evef^%§.H|Pllb^tin'‘Jlldaib'aa'n’is‘'bFeas‘ti the
' BSnuS'pf uuf^diïH^ràHïude^âifô fflo^h^lt^ÿjKtjj.thêîfaflierj
eâmeStlfoppôrtuÀftywfo¥év8lt'%g^nstfttê'%onïu'0n this-SoGa’^fenj beseems
®naweïdst his'prtr&ùcëVitlffiire^ifflimP^sî Hi^rêfeUo&tWasTedbre^ahd
jSpPnjpsubdüed;' he was prisoner,Mfid^ât-lds'tTsufferëd^Wl; ïdfesÆh
.^fftiéh he KïcP beforeso narrowly^eééapédid T-hè Pfegu'ers3 ad SfràM^',^%ery
flüîttèrous rodyVlikfeWise “réVol-ted, ;buf-were suppressed --by- thët&ttivi^ÿ-îaF
th e !Vit?erdÿ ‘dPTèguef%itho’ù#1^âife,ifi'^ any* 'seriousftdânger tbs'thedstatei
ÎTO^fôrêigh^^e^ddition was undertaken d^mlSiÉâtlie
mtéïh’a'F-stâfejdS'>hi^îîènipire hâ'fdly rendered sdch ®prbjfecdipracticaMe;
but of'^ÜOTt 1-dQratibft,’,5ÿël?> hë49s'* sïdd <46 diligently
împtbvéd1 his time; arid‘beriëhrètflKis^OTmry-k,as ïnùchî'ais circumstances
Would*admit. -Hfe died at* his'-tHpitakdboüt^fhe meiïfeh of Marcl%ii 7!64, oF
<Çh?iiiiïd^isiéâse thàWbrought -hiafother'td^fhé'^wë,*ïeraâg béMudmim
dOgëe-Praw 'peoplê- Speak favourably*; bigbtry*i^a*scfibed as' his
principal failing:’-he was1 inflexibly sevéré 'on-bfhbsë-’who4 traftsSgressed -
àgÿfiàsï’thè' tenets ‘of1religîôn/'or* omitted âUghl of the*rèSpéct*!dÜè‘to the
Rhahâahs-, itis<mmistéfs. ■'‘He püÉishèdlsli^M-Mrfofalities with'ïhëfrigÿÊfr
due Only td atrocious crimes ; slaÿiïi^ animals‘fodthe purposes offdodÿ was