called Deesa; at this place we found two commodious houses unoccupied,
close;to the river. Our.boafmenSang fatigued, and there appearing no
probability of being able to reach Rangoon by the night’s tide, I judged it
most advisable to take up our quarters here until the morning.
Shortly after our arrival had been announced, the Miou-gee, or chief person
of the killagè, came to pay his respects; he informed me, that at this
season of the year his village, and those adjacent, were nearly deserted by
men,’who were all sent on the service of government, to make salt by. the
sea side, leaving their wives, children, and aged parents at home. The
article of salt produces a considerable revenue to the state: the peasantry
are employed in preparing it during the hot season: as sbon' as the mbm
soon sets in, they return to their habitations, and till thêir' landfi‘üira|?ihe
time'cömes round for a renewal of their annual labour'on the coa'sfy’wlfiph
does not occupy more than four months iir the year. --
Making enquiries respecting whatt game the- country produced,» the
Miou-gee told m e that i t abounded in various kinds, ^^t'ièularhpR'eer.i
and that if I chose to walk out with my gun, he would be È iy ^ i 'd ’é?' and
undertake to shew me a herd of antelopes at no great distance, JL-ajscepted
the offer with pleasure: we went through' the village, which did nöTcöiï*-
S tain more than fifty houses, comfortable in appearance, and well raised ffom.
-the ground : the women and children flocked to their
with astonishment at seeing such a phenomenon as an English officer,
dressed in his uniform. Proceeding to the eastward, about a mile from the.
town, we came on an extensive plain, where the tall rank grass had been
consumed by fire, to allow the growth of the more delicate shoots, as pasturage
for the cattle. Here we soon discovered a herd of deer, but so
watchful and wild, that I could only get near enough to fire a random shot
fcomqa.fifle, .wffifi^j^jgfqt^ak^effect. I»en$deay<ouring toe approach them)
unperceived, I left my servants and guide at a considerable distance, and)
tiook,avokcuitj^ii)^sjei^'!t®&fe4®f^igh|?of mytfffompaiit&ns. A* drove1 of buffaloes
belonging1 to the-vilkSgete bU^p'ehe'd^^befmigfiVdjt^k^litneifehafr'I .discharged’insbqun;
aJaHtied aMhoftioU'eAkfcwiiiolduVoop raised thc'ii4 heads*
abdl1 ih s t^ d ‘'bfifanningfav ^ f; I sfeeiried&t® steidi oifetfie'sdef6nsive#^Evwdlked
leisrtel^frSte-thfemVwheni twtei^md'O^tib^lh^lhBid', an%»witotKeiwfails
and heads erect, trotted'tAbsai'dssine^'noti in'tf stt.tit'-fii.uft’buiifmaking-.r half
^mdle, as' ifi'afraid^t-cS advance1;o tiooUifitgfitfo^fhoJ td$ thuifeji o E
escapjri^d)^flisJh^-l'l(lh'Wc;fore<ktpL'' orr-at'4aKfufde.Fat^p,rrev nr amoliliqiTe.
(Section, stopprligiat’' tithes,- witli’iny f &y.tdft£if>ds which«-tfieVit
also'Stood'SUll, and looked at m©;*Jbut whcn'P icsuniCd mV-wav? thcy-mi^-
riicdfately ashamed«; in this’rircifi thus•nianriu rfnc,«frthem came scn-closo1
that 1 felt iffy siifialion'fcjtticniely awkward. I JjaSrfbloa'dedUny’r if le ^ ^ ^ ^
I :walkcd. I-iut-lescrved it lor mi extiefnii). As- tile beast rqipioaChc'd. 1'
stQppedmore infrequently4, which always 'eheekedlfafSv progress for; a time?
but, h&jhad now drawn *scf»'njghy that I -e^p.eGtewevoTyvd’rMarit’ito^'havfe« a
direetmhargo made at me: ioi Innately »the1 Mioir-'gofo from asdistaii’ca tlis—
Covered .mjhskuation • he.halIooed^out,{ ai#<iiiadetsigd^byi>t££kip)g; off4 his.
blue Goftpnvjacket,, bedding it»,up in the. airy. >,1
immediately comprehended.histheamng^andfiwhi-lsi.Ined^id'.away," slipped
offimy scarlet coat, which I flung,*'together- with myhat; intoysome long'
grassy, where-fthey lay concealed; the buffalo’ instantly desistedr feom st-ho
^U#§Uli;; ands returned towards the herd; qufe'ily'grazing^aS^heWgtired: This
ehnumstance proves that the buffalo entertains tfie’saire antipathy to the»
colqurofred orsqaijet that some other animals are known,to do. ,rlheMiou7
gee, when I-joined-him, seemed quite as.ffiuchtalarmediasT.was-;
D d