No. V.
CAMMUAZA, or (Re Ceremony used af Ihe Induction o f a Birman into the Order
o f Priesthood, called Phonghi, or Rhahaan.
P r e v io u s to ordination the Sabiet* and the yellow garment o f priesthood shall be
delivered to the Candidate; he shall'then lie enjoined to‘repeat thriee, with a distinct
voice; the following sentence to the Upizee* thatpresides :
“ Venerable lather, I acknowledge y o u to be my Upizee, my preceptor, and
ghostly guide.” Having spoken these words he shall approach the Gammuazara,
Or him who reads the sacred Gammua, who shall Sayas follows i
‘' O Candidate, dost thou- acknowledge this to he thy Sabiet, and these thy sacred
vestments?” to which the Candidate shall audibly answer “ Yeas’" ' The Can;-
nmazara shall then command him to recede to the distance of twelve cubits, and
turning towards the audience shall address them as follows.
“ Let this sacred assembly of the professors of our holy religion attend to what'
I now impart. The Candidate who stands in your presence, humbly, and with
due submission, implores of the Upizee to.invest him with our holy function; and
as the present time seemeth good for the purpose, and convenient unto this assembly,
I will forthwith duly admonish the Candidate.
“ O thou who seekest admission into our sacred order, be attentive unto my
words, and beware lest on this occasion you utter an untruth, or criminally attempt
to conceal aught from our knowledge: learn that there are certain incapacities
and defects, which render a person unfit to receive the holy induction;
. moreover, when in this reverend assembly you shall be interrogated respecting
such defects, you are to answer truly, and declare whatever incapacities you may
labour under, of what nature soever they may be, and how they originated; nor
ought you to stand silent, or decline your head when you are interrogated, through
shame or fear. Now, even at this time, in the presence of this assembly, may any
one of the brotherhood interrogate you at his pleasure.
* A W«e lackered box borne by the priests when they perambulate to collect eleemosynary
provisions. See page 2x0.
t The chief or principal of the monastery.
)! it 0 ‘Cahni'dafe,'Ift'llfcfifkffected w ith th e lep ro sy ;1 or an y imptire disease?” T o
w h ich the Gandidate#sh‘all r ep ly , c‘ Pro'm [Siifetó comfplaints I am free.”
“ Hasf'tlïSu' the’ieroful 1, S t. Anthony ’s h ie ,’ airy sclurrous affection, cahtcï*,>on
itch r f f ïa f t thou an asthma or oppression1 Of th e lun g s 3 H a stu liou J an v hererlx-’
taffy1 c om p la in t arisix g h o u r af tainted I vfffree kik blood ^ A 1 tl tBa u sprung fi o ta,
; dw a ils 'o r giants','or urt'iffiou^uuder the infltfence-ySftt sorcerers, ■ e v ih g e n ii m il the
möun fains*'?i?‘~’ lv
* a ll these disqffedifimiSodsT am free.”1 1 ’»
L‘‘ O-lsaifcfielafeV aft thoö a man'perfeet in thy vifility, and allA^members'iïh
“ I stoP^erfècb”—*»“ Art thou leghimató?’’’ “ I *asiAlegitimate. ’—ei‘ Arfehjintlit
bdunden vassal of any ford;! ot' the" slaveSoftiany man in1 powir?®|‘ I am nolsli
’“’Arrffiefu’free from 1 lebt “ 1 am.’’— Have*th\ parents granted thee permis !
sidö', ‘ïlnd'<hast fhóti attained' the c'oihplèteia^toflhwentytyeajrsïPi’^KMy’pa'rerits!
after Knave1 attained? the1 s^e- b y ’twenty-'year s ‘-Are th y vestt
m e tis h n d 'S ab ie tr ead y r v “ *ïdfe^tareffeaSly;’’ _’' ‘
■* 4 ‘»’O Candidate,'by what appellation wilt.thb'u be k"nowfhi^‘‘^By.'liB|itJdf JVaca
fsmïrerffi^S ^ ^ W h a t i s th e title SRth yiü'p iz eê ?’v - {‘ 'A'ssenfrïi t^peïfoetióriJ V h
T h é Gammuazara shall thus proceed f -
“ Reverend Divines, I beseech you attend uijto.tri'fo win (Is., Tin ;Candidate*
hütfably intteatS' drhwüjSiz^^nmisSiön into'ourtmïly order, and him nave I’duly
admonished. '* Doth’the present appear unWïhwfesse'mbly k mbfef ahd‘-proper tAne
thatihe sRoöItrcêns'é'Tdrward?"•’1 'ThKIPriëks'reply ct*(^mefof.ward’’ ThfefGan-
aidate having advanced twelve cubits shall then say,- “ V( ncrahle and hol^nifrfv
I, a lowy'snppIiant,®wftn*‘uumïlity ^^fförfeyoutlaid.-*•' ©Ü-1 if'pity.dwell®ittiiht
your breasts, snatch me'ffom the walk óPdéath^ïróml'the Way^bfrgiuners, and
place me in the höly haibifation, me seat-ofi virtue and'divine''péf&ctioia’.l’ This
intreaty shall be-repeated tbfèè times; after which the reader of the Canmniarifijus
proceeds :
“ Reverend Fathers here convened, the Candidate ir iy hW presence, solicits, h o ly
orders from the venerable Up iz e ê . It appears-that he is free from a ll defects', cor**
póreal infirmities, arid rrieritaf incapacities : he'has likewise received the Sabietp
and the sacred vestments, and in the name, and with the sanction of the venerable»
U p iz e ê , intreats in d u c tio n . L e t those who assent to h is admission keep silence,
* Aerial spirits.