^tnbanuy*. and miIjySsj^P'îs,1 1 I u m' took ahS^OElitisnit^.lf^ealI-
111 hi» milruâ
tiieis and* addles, >a ,lK^s,udjhi*]i idil)d.-nÿivucertc> 1 VJkr^fjillilkk ijpieiu ofP
^fcLfé bdou; >llrsi U»hmSs<lu. «dise»Tlx.fC'lliLfyoiftiJiJy
$3 very fatlguirtg,^ bm£> uy:fî(3f|>'opu soVimiffiiiiou tV di,jsu jjjpinwhc 'was*
«Jfjwjids ob tliiî^à-m’onllis 111 oacLJiinu ihb^oiiyî’î'ÿ
ol the piïfjçy ince. of B mioo unuliflïiIpoiiotMied Ëf^ufto M melns'ejA. oriVunbitf4
lay dircfu^lwiiounf uns d 1t iM-|§rf/At^ilni 1 \ d ta sM (4ii e\ J lk d ïiid a ^ iiîf
on (.aruls arufe ri-v a s', lit iWjf^i^l^n^ttl^itV.riioro'.'vvi.ii. fw.ol'l mgujgbsf
jsppkui"ni» (dunajÿme. diet’! in"<n/p3 ondiato\ tS^femni_^*i$*tilRÎoBjifOTmc l\u^.
raiP,tor fat tar ibÂicÿîô : ihèJra'lcLi^itf tlu36r1 i t r r j j g m e [mn-oiSM^Tof
Birman^>hS¬ liberty loSpahs^atfHvill’ i r i toS 1^ 11dKv .-’ovtlîè
Stehinese into that of f.h'e'Urrrna'ns ; but* tlio OoveinoVdiasi iftwePui
passports* 1L g i\e ,n“
accustomed to allix to such-pàf'As^rafKl/kkt^i'^^^ïïnw^d®Qci™t*Tî
his roiite'‘fto Pekin, which lie afienvaid»1 presented to me. I li td'^aV'
'çmus lot casLons to acknovdi dge the atpaitmiiy <înjL*,kiîi'dnt s^ ô f^ S fi^ t^OE
well bicd and intelligent mail, viho seemed to>)(?£i^^pit)hle^p®m^iis%fiP
vels, and to;have ov<Âct>rr U thhtsalfec tcîi ïe ù v e v ln d î i%ll^uitl!oi?af(uraï
iaeteristic of a Birman courtier.
On the 15 th of <August£the- amvakof^eVl'es'sJ-.ngc'r' frbVijidkuïgp'or^sUïi
by .Captain 1 homas, as the bcai u ol lotte) s md riew sp ipers 11 -et h idtbeJrï
brought horu Calcutta,diffused among its that ssaliVlatdiiritvhie-h-th^^Vnilk,','
who have heen in>> remote countries^auel JftrM drsent fcroW their1 Irietids^can
truly estimate ; it was the hrst communicaiion sso'h'ri(J}‘^.e^ ^® s^nSejorais1
departure from Bengal^ and the situatfp>i3!'^f',&fldir;>»iii(d^j!^pc v\ asSSstthat
time extremely.iinter©sting. .