the Carianers, who had not leisure, being-occupied in the business of husbandry;
and that in consequence of-this neglect, they remained ever since
itt-a state of ignorance, without any other cares, than those which related to
their pastoral employment. On going away, Dr. Buchanan offered them a few
pieces of silver, which so excited theirsurprise, being quite unaccustomed to
such acts of liberality, that they hesitated to receive the money, and seemed
at a loss to what motive, to ascribe his bounty. After looking at one another,
and talking for a minute or two, with much earnestness, the women, on; a
sudden, as if his design had ju st been .discovered, all ran away laughing*
whilst the men sullenly declined the gift; in fact, they concluded that the
Doctor wanted to purchase the favours o fo n e o f their ’females,,havi|ig.>no
notion of a disinterested donation^ The ladies however did ijot-.;wajt to
ascertain for whom the golden apple was designed,,a n d lt was ip^vain he
tried to convince the men that their suspicions were ill founded. These popr
people entertain a delicacy in regard to women, which their .more, enjightj-
ened~conquerors do not feel. To prove, however, the
tions, the Doctor left the money on the floor when he^eparjted.- -TJjjfg
gentlemen returned by the same.toad^andjaritheir way^^amined aigip^paj,
spring, in the neighbourhood of the great Pagoda.
I had an opportunity at Rangoon, of observing that, the Birmans, of
distinction played at chess, a circumstance which, froin qupseeludedrsjtUf
ation at the capital, had escaped my notice-. This game is-held , in high
estimation among the superior ranks: the board they use is exactly similar
to ours, containing 64 squares, and their number of troops the same, 16 on
each side; but the names, the power and disposal of them differ essentially:
the king and his minister^a queen is never introduced by the Orientals)
are mounted on elephants; these are defended by two castles or yettay,
tWQi-knrghts on^horseback;, Mpnp,, two offieersj|.gn foot, one called Meem,
thefother Ghekiyvan|i eightMaundelayor. faQteqj4ie'rs: i^fffFpea^pf each
pkrty are arrangedsiefo.threp lin e s ? |^ whi4bj5®ight-sqpares remain;upqcg||fr
pied ; none of the-pieces s-pfissess equal force*with .ourj queen; .and this
restricted operation, renders the Birman mode-of playing'more.complex
and difficult than ours. The Bfi-prafis affirm- tjiat .it;ji§, a? game ofjlugh apti-
quity; and is^ae-knowledgedand authorizpd, by, thek.saefgd writings,
although every play -of-change, ,is- prohibited^'.yj^js.'.testimppy. confirpis *
the opinion of the lat&Sir William Jones, thattqhes^yps jpvented'in India,
and is not,'as;geiapr^il.Iy imagined-, of.Persian.qrigin^tJlie Birmans calljjt
Ghedreen, a word that bears’, some resemblance to„tljiq ^ap^which, is given
to thejgame,,in paosbptherparts ofithe yviorld.-.-.
- During the time that the English deputed03? vras a t . Ummerapooi^t,
Gaptain Thomas witnessed at Rangoon; ayrem^k^bLesins|an.qepif a tripLjg
the-ordeal of water, the circumstances s ff which* he thus related to me:
Two women of the>middling class,-Litigated a snaall.p«opertmbefor,e, tjfie
court o f justice, and as the judges found great .djfficulty,i%d'eGi,<jing, the
questiompf right,, it was at length -agreed, by .mutual cpps^pt, -to...
matter, to the issue of an ordeal. The parties, attended by the ,&fficqi^vqf
the<court^several Rhahaans, ,or priests, ajqd.^, co^qpur^pfi- people,
repaired- to a tank or pond, in the vicinity of the town. After praying to
the Rhahaans for some time,, and performing certain purificatory ceremonials,
the litigants entered the pond, and waded in if, till the water reached
their breasts; they were accompanied by two or-three men,.pup ,of. whom
placing the women Close to1 each other, and putting a board- on. their heads,
• See a paper on the Indian game of Chess by the President of th£‘Asiatic Society j in the
ad vol. of Asiatic Researches."