c o n te n tth e y Spoke the^Binn'anf^I^^.ag^ndtfferently,' aiïdr iiftprder tô
jêngage tthe ir» askeçf1 tfré* man^fvèçàl ^df^idns, wherte hè
^ippeted t^gotsUioHi^oliUl -'i I Ie replied llut-hd should agluiubocomea
^piM.- u^i* ■ clj|l'tj.$^‘ * âre-ttfté
Moùnzing?.»tti$l$ji‘$!béS aMj*m®tfr&r Sfi-lte/wôîld'1, whotgFdy^,ffiis,|He éarth
as twtV feèesfin a drÿ.‘.’{|;|i(W;h8tfr fié meatit
by this,mdtaphor'»y^Ô€il4fl!'M'0® tgM«® & s it«w$s a- tiwieJtôf-sutiî'èss'fs drand
eternal r ^ ^ 4 ö nï J11<^ 4 l»a^Bÿ'>iIIo adiWI, tlia.fr tho \lounzirig’fe§S|j||| on
thé great mountain Gaptra^whore flip’ images <ïPlie‘.ilv_.ici iue-TJjbpdfiild:
They-hadi no ^leâ; ôf'â place;^j|pÉffiéiîrewàrds affidJpamishmgnts^àa^deny
the existencS'!pfj|sm liî^thâî^ïq&mry ; fchey.jtdcfr.'îfo,# j^ayt'tvfhilsfes living,
because thëy'caÉÉüofr, i» :t^^lifep-sed'tj^ê|î^pûnzingj^butw|â«;thdiilc,-stiiàt
their images pray to* ihem* »after »mortal flot^a^c^'i^l he^buint thwÆ^ledTîÇ-
and' aftèrfyàrd^ coflèct their ia^t'es'1 in an UïBji-yîhitsIffi’thg.ÿs GonveSh t-â&’a
house, where, if the urn contain the iclics.of a in an, »they 'kètpjüisii alaysf
if jjjjgn woman,- fife ; * 'after», WhjGh;it\fe^ôéT4'ed^toi)Élrè »plagp^ qfeiiife&men$
and deposited in a grave, and:on the» Sod-that eàye^itjiisvfaid a*,^o%deiâ
image!. of i thé} deceased', to-pray, to îthe'Mo unzing .and •pi^tëethth'ë'-hones
and ashes. ", v
- These are the-rude »potions ôf-religion! eftjefthined bySft^e harmless
untaught race, that in h a b it thé | lofty-- îHc^htâihs-‘fi'hichf'dMaè ' Àrracan
fromAsia,., and who, as children p^natof^t^ljg'htiri^ihl'tlîefr rfitiH alâ''
native freedom, are for the most paTtinSapetably a-Versfevt'p. KoI^'ahy'com»-
töerce with the people of the plains. The Birmans,^inee»tfrev4oflqups‘t^cl‘'
Arracan, have compelled many, and allured a-few,“$è set4édrf,j§iïi^|fijf ait
the foot of the hills, where they are treated' with a humanity-frhafete.iïds tö
conciliate them, to their new and more cmlized statgi A lai geiprapfJt’tiontof