golden femoufc,whiktatigilded, o f ^& h ^ l^ a ig% |^ ,W a § 0ljp®kAotlIASFy
did; iffiKsddiiaimbdi^^^suiB dejoOted- Mpft® be
between fifty .arid ‘sisctjr years old, of.a fetrong make, in< stature «rather ;be=?
nektha middle height* with hard features a tid d f aidark- Uyi*
thd expression' of Ms countenance was not Unpleasihg and seemed, I thought-,
to iridicate am intelligent' and inquiring mind.
On li^'-fet^ajfijrfaxiamoe-df- his Majesty, a e t l ^ b e n t their
bodies, and held their hands joined in an attitude of sapplieatiOn. ■ Nothing
farther was requited o f us, than to lean a little forward, and to turn in our
legs as much as we could; not any act being so-ufipolite^ or contrary to
etiquette, as to presents the solesTof the feet- toWards^he'fetfeiOf'a cfigM:fied
person. FourBramins dressed in white caps and'gowns, ’Ohant'fef the usual
prayer at the foot of the throne: a Nakhaan then advanced into the vacant
space before the King, and ra ile d in a^Usie^ca&enefes-thSrflame^blP'lach
person who was to be introduced on that day, 'arid* the'■jJfe's'efJtt-W which,*
in th e character o f a suppliant, h e entreated bfe4Maje$fy’s ateceptatace-.- My
oflfering consisted of two pieces o f Benares gold brocade; ^oI^sBddhclh'a'if
and Mr. Wood each presented one. When bur gSmfes ;Werfe-&enti56h£dj
we were separately desired to take a few grains of rice in ouf hands’, alld
joining them, to bow ter the King as low as wer^i^YeM^#fytei0$ ty f tylth1
which we immediately complied. When this ceremony was- finisfeed,'the’
Kinguttered a few indistinct words, to convey, as I Was informed, a'fi order
for investing some persons present, with the insignia of a certain degree of
nobility: the imperial mandate was irfstantly proclaimed aloud by heralds
in the court. His Majesty remained only a few minutes longer, and during
that time he looked 'tat- us attentively, but did not .honour us with any
verbal notice, or speak at all, except to give the order before ^mentioned.
e^t^ncfeif^lt^T fqfejfeg djQ.orfttWerei Gjgfgd^)and tfyfi
ptM*Tfeb,IpJfeedip ■’f
I JjjjdespjH#
JWiTOd§{!Sri'YM®hi^etSipJ®he.i jp the court, on either Tskfeipf. 1^*6 Mb
defendothe ■dB.trftnoffifythft.palace. glieds-protefeledithemi from.the,w,sathflr,,
awd thfty- gjldad.- alhrovani a royal ^eytiagfeal&o •.WM.ferWifoiflg» ffK
/■Arj gnw., wo cbmagship-- i-3!
alpair Qf'ho^fba^e^sqdilfldkrAStef I
(..We returned asjjasftaljtqj^ie v^gre-I pn4frstqod tj?^s, f e i e ^
fawn-th« ®ingrl®lthe;(^Q¥6rnqi> tfe©e£aji qljlndia, 4ft.-,b? tPE^PPied, t,o
Ine, togethentsfith s e a # o f e r dggu§iep,^! tfeap cemprebsAdgdikf^h sqbjq^sJf}§
fop uBoawMafe^jAa: members of the royal family had ascended
th#$pz$%ph«|^#?tb§"-i#p8g|ed; ,let{e^;;j)5|g ?i
. trayffhswej»fey; a JHlfebftsIft» inclosed in a 4ffle^qfpw<»4 d?©31^ ^ , . . 3^
hOY#l#>W^feia^i^hF|otbsr^he.modfeo£^riflait,j’^ ^ s i^pJt[,'iljrcq ^ ^ 5 4 o
#scajSj§^e^Ehe4 dfl, jeqqirq, ^nd
who was efettgplrwith the. dehYery,rjpshc^}e4iltrftlpSl^si,jjB'^9-)l><fte t t*l
was a fetter feotpifes Kingi-,tq' .th6;Qoy,en^,.G§flek4li fe el?? JMffil
riiniwtancft .pmdncedgftmq-idpfeuhfy.t as y4tjbppjt ^e!8 fe4j|^^ljMS lfePS^
tofehofefhq f e te s yfAs feng&J}!^
int^p^teirljx^^ifeWoj^.no^rffi^Y^-Un.1? ^ fljjb^BiSTO
a suitable manner, wUhnr^^int^liPP was. a reply from his Birman
Majesty to .the letter of the British .Gqyemor *■]?ƒ$
a copy of a royal mandate was anrexetk to it,^gracting to the Tiiglish
'nation, certain valuable immunities and prjyrleges .(^irade. ^
Whilst we were in the outer, coun^Jbr&af in which tl^e Lasted is situated,‘