-Bi}d-evidentl^desiE&ii»©TlitfiE'ip6vss&kI’iR6drc<i>sjrs6i be continued }ftvti*i|bl>y
•attentive,-and daily-sent meisudh presbJ^^Afttbougbt^woiddfce acceptable,'
sucfeas fruit, fisK,;and jnilk. Although -it; ikstinfuf, acGejdingta.the Bjr-
man'tenetsj tGj^eprivejanysihehag; ofilife to- satisfy a carnivorous appetite,
yet thejiihabitants do not scruple to kill game of all kinds, and abstain
only: fronr.domes tic animals ; even in this they often relax, and always
grant a most • liberal indulgence to strangers. I was allowed to send.my
Portugueze servant to the neighbouring yillages to., purchase fowls, which
we got very good, and sometimes were able to procure kids. The Birman
farmers do not breed sheep, goats: giving so much more milk. It was privately
intimated to me, that there would be no crime if a servant of mine
should shoot a fat bullock when he met one; that it would be ascribed to
accident, and- I might make reparation to the owner, who would think
himself amply recompensed for his loss by two tackals, about six shillings;
and the beast being dead, there could be no sin in eating i t ; but that a
public sanction could not previously be given to slaughter one. I declined
supplying our table by this evasive logic, and preferred the Want
b fb e e fto th e risk o f giving offence, and wounding the ftclingscol pSftpfe”
who omitted ubopportunity to manifest towardsus hospitalityand kindness'.
North of the town about a mile, there is a good deal of. cultivation^
chiefly of ric e ; the fields were well laid down, and fenced.a T h is quarter
is beautifiilly wooded, and diversified with rising grouiidsi' We observed
many cart-roads and pathways leading into the country in various directions.
The soil is composed of clay and sand, and in some places is very
stony, particularly near the river. Early on the 14 th the Maywoon
politely sent us an invitation to accompany him on the same evening to
his garden-house ; I was not well, and excused myself; Mr. Wood was
-fetheWlse engag#fcjitnhét©'det®T. urfderlQoks to-Vrepresent us. The May-
SwboHjsîtpplicd dîrtn-w 1th* a* hoi lui dus coiA^3|iî£c,laiid iode lumsclfi?"
thëy crossed: :t hcplirtkllS, lin.er,, b^tdrcmentionedfiland* traversed a .country
the’ road was- indifferent,* and, led
through 1 two !verÿi,neat s diales t,„I lie), » also\p,isstd |seyçpl straggling
houses," wfiiicbp cbhsidëredi, as . pouipiy ieof>tagesy were«, ex-fcj'ëpn,e & com-
JoEtablei In -their waytthey sayfia,caravan of,waggon q’twbi.cB had^epme
flopi ai gréât distance,
inhkbitants in, many places .Were emplpye^inw clearing th ^ gA u n d , and
"Bürflingi ihoïlong gias£ md 'brushwood! ,Oii umiuS^S d c g uden ibout
five miles distant, the’-Maywobmatid. fus ayup ih)i ammik^lioihsthc, Dbc|
«fêWwas thp^p'sh distinguished,sWe|â,'ï€^â'lic5With teaipdiibsueetroeats, and
rajpârned late rQ}tfie-.evenmg,i.pearlytbyjthe same. road.
, In tbeîGoûpse o&ur walks, noifthedeast oui ïouwobfiÏGtît'h.it pruseiited!itsèrf
',was a ffatWtqne, of'a coarser.gray granite* laidhorizontall) ou'dfpccltstalepf
jfcasomry, si^Jfeettînrlength-, and three, viSde rpr’oteued li om, fire w-c lthen by
fhs.wooden shed. This ston.pl likeJhat ahjgquqod-ing.' was said tm boar, the
■îâehmne print ôhtftêdbof»of (daudma iyàrim.Wë Were informed that a similar
“ impression ivto bo seen.un, ajarge lock situated fictjsujri iv o frills, om da^s
ffotfikey wqsfciof Memkecfcji?©n th& plaiic^ol the hh’u wpw ards> <».woeful
dred emblematical figures are eôgrayèi^fnifseparafecompartmehts -, two
convo hi ted .serpents, are pressed-beneath the b e e f -and fivp-coraÿshells, with
' the involutions to the right, form the toes : it was explained to me as a type
of thé creation, and was held .hi profound- re Verân'çeMyÿhërê'. is', sÿid4(®|be* a
•similar impression on a- ropk*on Adam’s i fjq n>I tiicf of (Ley Ibfu, and
it : i | traditionally behëved, both by the'Bitaanssj tlaf biample^khd the. ©in-
* See Baldseus also Knox’i Historical Relkioh'-ofCSffeaf'^