d e r f f i e sin'g^ar EngRsfe'WcS' dreSSfe «'uniform was
a phenomenon perhaps, never before seen in this part of the world. My
attendants also-created no little s ur pr i s e the dogs, numbers of wliich infested
the streets, set up a horrid barking; the men gaped, the childien
followed me, and the women, as usual, expressed their astonishment by
loud laughter, arid clapping their hands ; yet not' the least indication of
contempt was manifested, nor any thing done that could be construed into
an intention to -offend. Whichever way I turned, the crowd respectfully
opened, and the most forward were restrained by others. The notice I
took of a little girl, who was alarmed at our appearance, seemed to be very
gratifying - to the parents, and the mother encouraging her-child, brought
her close to me. Had I entered a house, I have no doubt but the owners
would have offered me the best of what it contained. Kindness to strangers
is equally the precept and the practice of Birmans.
At the upper end of the present city are to be seen the ruins of the an-
eient fort o f Prome; it had been a smalt pentagon, b u ilt^ f . hrjcfe Mid
from its situation must have been very strong. The modern fort is nothing
more than a palisaded inclosure, with earth jfirown up behind it. 'dLow
hills, on the eastern side approach the town, in which the rains have
formed channels down to the river, that are crossed by wooden bridges. I
passed some stone-cutters’ yards, where artificers were manufacturing
flags for pavements, and slabs and vases for the use of temples, out of a
fine freestone which is found in that neighbourhood. Adjacent to the town
there is a royal meriagery of elephants, consisting of two rows of lofty well
built stables,, in which these animals are lodged during the rams. I saw
some that had been lately caught, under the discipline necessary to render
them docile.
The citVof Piome md'flit pw>\ nice m which it stands djyffhe faglfir'll
1 dr cstdtufl(ff did Vöcnnd siWol? (?he'fmg;'?tfidyUikewi;set®^'Kfhi his title.
PromcmvSomainlLS'c died llSen clsaicia, oi s>mgfoHhih,£ fhcBtimms b^vd
Jin old‘le’gfendai*y t^l^Tespeotiri'g th’e oligmriïftüms uamè r ii® » P ^ e d that
a fivoiaïhe feinaIcfslc^eoffluffrbhTrg!ra®gi.c-,,*(» 'the might* s/i^ertignw ith
three eyes, importuned;-her lord fopa giff5)fesfec,gr»tu.i(lwnicflimMg.'asked
of what extent, rfeplifidJ&sSfnihff fertni.'wfrhSthè ;hf af|y ^MÖnoiro^isNË^^d
when shè'pihi.tetédltfae * s&etofiknWn t HM-frhaltef»lÉa^feq>aest was granted®
arid'she used tEef-saitfe ifrlifiie. The '^un'huifuS^ftrid^sroi ibs* rsfcm ïousfl
I had ndt htCufie toigo’dhnmgh tile whole (lirilfï^dSldfï^butSfwïfs informed
that it conUMiicd tnorc inhabitants thin''Rangoon, am lïhacE'fat fritter siifM
plied market. Th é Sefefr wldi’ me'that ,the'''miitiS pfral Iargfe fort,land ,ci-ty$
much surpassing the present, Stoéd’f^dctti^ra^ö'ieasfward ofrtHeShriVQ t
th é lateness of th e hour prevented me froifi c’oht inuing ■ &ytr dsfedfdheSt-'t a
We departed from Prome at an teariy hour on the Tlth< of J'uni>,uind
sailed ‘before a strong SO&tfaeify gale tiff we cafne, to Efiuoodang,4 a
small village buiiï Oii'the Western ‘fran’k d f thé'river^ A high hififeSastéöiiii
caïform rises abruptly behind it, on tHe top of whiofrttiiêre'is aUempld off
peculiar sanctity, havfrig 'ö&ce been the abode 'ofiGihuliïu \ the* rnipie$-*
sion made by the foot'of the divMityfrii idrewö'riii&"é$tó-©ri(a ftM.jif
thafble. The MayWoön had goneife&bre US to pêffor'm4 is-dë\èffidn^at4 it?s'
place ó f worship. The hill seemed difficult öffriscéh'f 5 ’’several
.people wént Up, but the day being wet and stotthy l,'fIétilirïefJ-'ihélüiïtIer,-‘
taking. We afterwards made head against a 'vlolbril* Craft ent in ‘the aid of
S tempestuous w in d : there was, for a long nay, 1 ufo improvement close
to the river ; obscure fiamleès té distant ifttekvails just' sefvèd' to sb'd^thas
the country was ndt without inhabitants. Zèéain;’’off 'the west, &gptarcd'