theirnative fteedom/ifci't:heTmj^k ^ i th 6: róglit, !when .allèsut'the Watchman
1 'vfêm asleep, itlfeyüp^sed ‘iö isiléii^s ÉhröUgfctbei jeaptknÈsi apNini
jumped out of the stern windowsfiaïo Aers6aj'<aQdswiam'tom islandshaif
a Mile-diSiatdj-v^fe it Wasiw^vaiiivto pursue them, had there been iangr
such intenhón.^ bót tbs» objéctwas to rétain themebyikindhiess,- mot j By
compulsion, an attempt that has faiisd» sn»@vdiy>tèhd.tsi Hunger may (and
these ^instances are Ware)- induce them to put »-them’sel ves in th e power of
strangers; but the mojnent that want is satisfied^ nothing,'short-ofjeowoièn
can prevent t h e m i r a returning. to a way of life, more eohgedial totifceir
sayage nature. The few implements they use are of the. rudest te x te d ; a
how from four to five feet long, the string .Htade of the fibre o f a'free, or a
söp of bamboo, with arrows of reed, headed with fish Op iwoöd har»-
defied in the fire, is theii-principal weapon. Besides (this, -theyieaiTy a
spear of heavy wood sharply pointed, and- a -shield -made of bar-fc,>*tOi-de-
Fend- themselves from the assaults of their enemies; for even these poor
wretches have rights to assert,- and dignities to maintain: necessity has
taught them an expert management of their arms, on which they rely for
subsistence: "happily for them, their numerous bays and creeks abound
with fish, which they shoot and spear with surprising dexterity. They
are said also to use a small hand net, made of the filaments of baffk-; the
fish when caught is put into a wicker basket, which they carry on their'
backs. Having kindled a fire, they throw: the food on the coals,, and devour
it half broiled. A few diminutive swine are to be found in the skirts
of the forests, and among the mangrove thickets in the löw grounds; but
these are very scarce, and are probably the progeny of a stock left by
former navigators. When a native has the good fortune to slay one, he
carefully preserves the skull and teeth to ornament his hut. They cross
B É cfp fish ifcWfw/inQcanceshfeitnfetfcof a hollow' tree, Of- on.
raft# of;baffi|60iywh&h t o y difec£t>’fry pMdfes,- > -Their h&tttatiônsi display
littfe1 the dêtï^iof^^ld' feesstSj^ifôiKEstiu^/staokân the
ground, arèi'bohiid » g è e f e 4 t the t ^ m à fastened franaversely^hy-others,
to ?afe is-- left- on tone - side*
jdstHaigdfeiidUgh td ‘àdfîiit of entrance-: leaves» compose their bed;. - Being
mîtdi' •iheoririnoflecf'by11 insèéf $, >*heî* ‘f i « wbctipatioai f e é ïailtp
pîàistëf thefr 'lM5difé#'âlfo^el*'With ihud, Whifibiihardèning in tb e suny forms
àn 'impÀe?iJalÿfen arm-èur;l,lhe'y*paint-:tliefr'Wodlly!;hends with red.ochre‘
Æ É ^ a ^ ^ ^ h èW ^ é iü S bdittplÉkéîy;d¥é'Ssfâd,>‘âi¥nctièlhydôï« àppearande io
hW w iWfHâMuti hüinari frifm. - 1 -1 ;
| 'Thbi'r M ïg id ïf^ fh e simple, ‘ -but ' genuine honkg.e^af -flatee, to the in-
ccWiprfflèrisâjlé- rider :Of die - universe,-éxpresséd-ht adoration to the sun,
âstftepfiffi aiyartâ Lfrtost'dlbvraiïs: source of good;“ t e the riiote aÿthê<feepn*
daW -po^erïfland -to-. th p ;.^ rt^ o f .thef.;wppds5 th^ W^ti^s^.amd» the moun*
Hitts? dl inferior agents. In thmspfrit of the Stdrias^tBey confess th e ’in-:
•ffülÉti ty a*d,-;dtiring- the-South-West ra©nsoc®,when
Éttpests^tëvàîl -with unusual vdoleiibe? !thtey-dèprgeatd! Ms wsatklbg ikiM
blwrasses, which they'Chant in small ’ congregations assembled on the
frékëh, sdf-onswme rOck'^hat'Oyérhartgs tfre mem .• -Of a - fu te e > at ate, itis
ha^b1 àh^idday WhkÉ pbssibly «riyesi from oiir imper-
of diScôvferisig ihfeïr ©pjukmsifife affoïdsy hdwevfery satbfastiny
reflection,' to find, among the most -ignorant kid bavbmcnss of mankind, iâ
^hâfifftràliôn- of- thb gréait and pleasing frnthi,- that a$l reasoning existeriez
acknowledges a God. The half humanized Andamaucr invokes thelumiA
paries that, find him, light : mid in that simple a n t ^ o n ta n e o ^ praise, he
'offers up >the< purest devotion of an uneplig^tenecji