EM^B/A S S Y T;0 <Ay,A. m
W:?2,Phs,ety,e4 a ^dl^Hpgljtfd hejjaj^arkety^hioh^yvas attended W.holly by
Women. pa s^M tjafpugh on a.hand-
^ b i l t i i i 1) t>i dgefithe■ JiAfftlv of.iWJtii>h-|ifw Qfife,ed.. thajt^dnrjrig jthe mpn-
S$fM!febe iriundSiiqn*, eXtended) to«! porfsider%bl,e distance, jirfd a-jlittle farther,
We leading,to Mfeengoung.^jQn.JpjJJ' right Jay the
Uh-tiSslLoy^e;;ji pirn l 11 s, c Cp'vvjjyjjMjjDh §ueh
cgflSpi^nqu&.pb.jee?§_ frpm>Jh.e»C&r^4i<lv aptfljj^abgiit^ mifejjye arrived, .ft
a vihfige^gajled Pd&®ti3? or*p9ijk,$iJJ^g&ix J$ o ^ 1I§ Jjeirjg a ma&ufactpry i(jf
fcarthen ware. The*Jatpnpsjt d£>h|\q^enfeg .preyented. oijrJurther'|jragrpsh.
yV;e TQf^ra,edvby a ro*id fifet ]gd$o£th.e iteft, ,of;th.e forty)® aspifagSn p®pjway,a
neat village tsitnated :near;the banks .hfithgjfiyer'-, i
By meantyof ;qu£ .hctrs.es noys: .enjoyed ^corrypnieaicei vdhich in coh&g
lip we d id not pbssess. . A.platjbrm .bad heen chnstriicted m,|a'ibroad,bodfe,
capable,of containing,five.horses,: ..kaihroughti,three feontethb-xapitaly. and
added, two-6therd:oh the 'w.ay. dow^n.: littleirbublei.-.wasyp&asiotied''b^-
embarkingo pr Jandirig them ifitheiiBitoanv^cdonjs^wereiteSpeht,; andigfhe
beasts tractable. Early, next, morning tree, mounted; and pursued the abate
ti . A i preceding evehigg. Numerou^tempfeadinedtferohd^p» either side,
bitkEpe (Balytof the number attracteds^r,titular d o ^ 4 $ i:it .was surrounded
b y a h ig h brick wall, from which^elepliarits bead'ivfoj'teubot mrsbrnyj iverc
protruded in siith a.fnannei*iias';tdigiye the,.wadL aa{ap|temfa'nchjioBjlJSng
supported on the baidss. of .tiMie-ammalsij'ith^f^ple'iwaiaa'. pyramid of
brick; .about onfe hundr,ed- feet high, arniamehtedl wifa ifesgiMeds fiitribtfelkfi.
Passing tbr0ugbPdt'Mil]age;w&e?di^itP aitotfea called KyeockZeit, remdrki
able for being the^reShmstnufactory,of marble idol's, tfcihhabltkatssof which
were. statdaijies.,b^ trade. I saw thirty.’Qraferfy large yirds cfowded.-With
artists, at work on images of various sizes, b u t allied the same .personage,