yrere compelled to pLy* their trades-according torfhKroyal'pleasure,“without
any other rewardTordhei* labour than a bare subsistence. These people,
-however, were encburagted,. as. are all strangers,: to' mUrry- Biniia'tf skives,
■ and ^BiSider--thetnselves as ealrnfiy d * “©offipiMcC^ith w
hospitable and general an .‘invitation, confers feVeh on': slaves: taken' in t^lkr
^certain immunities, fe te which tebse who'feftee tfe^doiffieteJh ted-fry law
debarred: n
• 2 -Tbis; cu^dm,?Jo wMcfa-;the Birmans fbfldW the exteiple of the w p lll
and best.governednations. o f antiquity, is IsinguteP amongs^t* thdcivifiim
countries of the E a st; and peculiarly remarkable in" a ptepfe-'&ho believe in
the Shaster, and derive their religious tenfis frdin”an
are surrounded also by kingdomi,wterewbmen are ^ e p 'lf ifiiW ^ ra d fe S
from the sight and converse- of Strangers, and where thd^fiteffisive iySdm
of casts or tribes admits of no proselytes1. Ifisw e ll knowh,*fh®eV'en'tHe
public prostitutes of China are strictly prohibited from havm^dfifSrcourse
with o tte r than aiCbnafe ;■ :MOr tey-TofiigH-wtete-pertefftM To enter
the territories,-or visit the ports o f that jealoUs- nation. i5Fhe ^Hindoo
women of rank, are no less inaccc^iMe^ t e d ;admfrsi<Utd^ilr#% s ^ ^ fi||fb
cast is not attainable by money. To -iefch te rre i^ p r^ d te c ^ tte^BiKilml
are Superior; with a Lacedemonian Iiberalityd‘tte y .dedy ?ixbf !ffil4Tiiiff
forts of connubial commerce, to men of whatever clShate of complexion.
They are sensible that the strength of an empire consists in d ts pbptearioU;
and that a prince is great and powerful, more1 from the frnteberr’dfJ his
subjects, than from the extent of'his territory:- litefce the politic indulgence
that the Birman government grants to every sect frbely to exercise! Its religious
rites: they tolerate alike the Pagan and the Jew, the'Mussulman or
Christian, the disciples of Confucius,'or the worshippers of fire; the
ebil'dreiKbf.wte'te'bom.'af’a Biiman'AVfamaiJd-eqiiMJijibecome- -.ubjcctSsof
p#statedte'^aife.JeUdtledit’o.>feheUteii|ipj:®1/eet'kn^akdflpiwi!lege3; as if they-
hadllpruhg'froUff^line of Birtna'n. weestr.y.ij i
,fl'W*HenShembuan?sdcGeed€d»toi|(fefhrone| he.EenToved.'the?s'eafitCif‘gaMMi;
ment from- ChafgaSttgy, the-'rgssdences o f his*1 bAhe^amd - immediate* prede^-'
.cessor,- to Monduboo, \\licie.bisrfathur<Alonipsteidd*L.ep[ his coui tty j\ itld
this&ftuation alsoJaetecaMte ’discontented*;.' andifcis^saiddrom-certakdsiiper-
s ttti o u 9* i-c a s cm i sb1 s ligge s i et It i b \ astrologers!» .[gain* c iiSingedk 11 i s£abade;»! an’d
made Awaidfaufog^tortaileieiibAvay thei metrop) ji^of|tte' empire^ T h e city;
wliK.hr hod iallen, huo i5hwm\wsiqun.LL\.rebuilt; now 'k-ournsd and- pi aw s -t?
, aWke'ghubjtoon^SCockadoEiw t it erected and»ihtgdnfBSffiesiCibii,,uyhbd»«harfe
teen-neglected tsi&petthe expulsion; of- Nuttooh>d0|s|))4.diht^g-tEpspeptable
s-tat&Sf repair.
-iThe brilliant success that attended'.the;recent> itrnptiem,ofttbotI5n?m;aps-
ifft^fe^Siteiese'' country^ was .productive efr nOip'eteanendadKteta-gd^-E
tlidUgl^bBatisi^tiio Siamese wuc f.ir from bung utsubju^aUd people-, dlfhe
inliuent tufintv that subsists‘betweenuhese lwo> nations, *vulb ptobably
pfevpn'tdhe pafstte vasSafogel’ofc ori& to the Other*,i:tmlessip®)ke?L}by; su’eh
repdatedidefeats^<-asteustngari)a'apt0dnti'’ttU®liEpitidnfe ,Sfton^ii^i’B[ee-,
bedeerhad?l‘ed Ms army within-the cqtenes^df^diedBicmanvdotenions, the
yoke ofvttet Gdnq&drors cwas.idisclaimedrip Divarawuddy: 'a, manr/named
PidticMn|f, ®relation of the kmgr andsohe»whbdfeld/an official statiorfcabpup-
his pel son. had/ previbus.to tire capitulation, redded to- a town at spjthpdis-.
-'lance;, attendedibyhiyfolfowers.-'- Ass6oniasiit,wak kno wm thak't tefcB}#
mahs had. withdrawn i-nto their, own 1 tblritoriesv he fefiarted,o ate thephead'
of aoriumerous troop» of:teherents;.\b}£ wtese&aM‘He "eatey-'displaieedrthe
+ Temples. - Praw is a-Urm kp^lMSstofSh sacrectobjects.
* Monasteries.