$sfc@otma, Foff@®ialum, aocoidm« 'to&hdvllftuloifs#of India1;5 OipGaudma,
diopJK.MSifJnf^oh UieimijfdcaVciTi pa rts'' is \^tfd^mhlfn\ is'bedfn'if
• jMiilosdphcr. ‘ arid' ls'fft'y JlftAJlUim.iris Iji.lfi.Acd to>ha\e flout ishcdraBB™j
•2300j ui<;llt. m- tludl'mlijm' s^lumlsijrt'li't.' hcti.1ouo\ ‘idigiou
i and philWjp'liy :ili4t&R?p rodents'1 Roodli"isiii.rfcil'
Gaiidnu, o r’('.»iitnm1, whit h .is libwfa VommiiM'l^ri.-bufk titappellation»ol
Boodh^i&setf:^4h%4 iHaig^*^s'(thc p&tmahf oEjec’tj®^rsHJi^Mall3coniilnes
situated1 b etw a i BLngal’ aiuMjfoha. dJnci'Wkta’rfes oft Bbvdlii&diitc i d w itll
those olffUialnn i for«tlite honoui ol antiquitv,? md fiiTcclli n h th i'M n e
numuous -1 fic^Oiiig'ik/o m CcVlhn<ard ‘B flfi’f s 'o f !11‘ii,'pnii.s10 oW ef
and thu Bn mans 1?Jfc”npAv.lcdgc WdiawSoriginallj^iciepAed^thuL rtligiwrff
"lrbmtlf.it lslind.}. ‘'I t was bi ought. sayJ,thc'.Ithahaans»4 ln<st'droin / chcftX;
r (,®tylbn),t(j .Vrlacfaw,'and>(hriht-c v, av mttoduced i tin t ’.V \ a*'-and|ifawbaulyj?
'iiitcrChina; for -the' Birman's ’assert
p&This is $f§UVi«fis suliject oft invc^uguiofi^ltricl ifid wftkinrcntitosiimonv
el bhcumstances. added to llie"oprfiloti!> df&flBf^hiosdmtcll'fgcnt-w
seem to Ibave"little doubt of the fact Ii tIfi nSj^VWsVcvci' EdflCriRinstraktr
jh fe ohd |he,p6ssibiljty.ol (hsputc, till wo d u ll“
fgc^-fcn,Qv?;ledge' of GHinesedgtters and a t cadi,^ ari^sj^ni thou,
Sfdfeamin^ Little can ari-presentibe added to,;tte %h' s cas't; owlieisub?
jdet by'thfe ^Iafte" Sir WilMA^bies^ in^Ki\^i?0dijFse<lddiV'tldfei to^thc
Asiatic Society mi’the CRmdse: that j?ri'a£ niah his fxpicssul'br?l%jBf^^
tion in positive terms, that’ *■ Boodh w a, oe *of'
* Sir 'Wiliam Jones\0n’ the Gods of Greece, Italy, and India:
t This agrees with the account oftKfe Siamese computation given by Kasmffer.
f The Birmans call Ceylon, Zehoo.