in pious obedience and the road of true religion -; the ease and happiness of whom-
daily increase, under-the auspices of such a Monarch ; Master ofthe white, red,
and* mottled Elephants; may his praise lie repeated, far as the influence of the sim
and moon, of him whose servants place the fortunate foot of favour and confidence,
like the blooming Lotos, on their obedient heads :—Such-are* the high
Ministers, the Guardians of the State, from among -whom the principal Wpone
gee thus ahnounceth.
The illustrious Governor General, the Representative of the King" of England1,
die Governor of the Company at Calcutta in Bengal, having deputed Captain
Michael Symes, with letters and presents to the Golden Feet, who happily arrived
at the port of Rangoon On the eleventh of the month of Tagoo, in the Birman
year one thousand one hunched and fifty-seven, and the Mohammedan
year'one thousand two hundred and nine, on the twenty-eighth of the month of
Shabaan, of which the Governor of Henzawuddy transmitted regular information
to the Golden Feet, together with a list of presents, as follows : two pieces of gold
muslin, two pieces of silver muslin, four pieces of white flowered muslin, four
pieces of silk, ten pieces of variegated silk, six pieces of plain satin', twopïécèâ of
flowered satin, two pieces of velvet, six corabahs* of rose water, one fine Crystal
stand with appendages, six crystal water cups bordered, two pair of candid shades,
two crystal cups with silver feet, two large crystal bowls, two large mirrors, one
double-barrel, one rifle-barrel, and one plain gun, one pair of pistols, six pair of
golden slippers, twenty-five pieces of broad cloth, an electric machine, and the
Bagwaat Geeta.+ When this intelligence reached the Presence, orders were sent
to the before-mentioned Governor, to expedite the-journey of Captain Symes,
with his attendants and baggage, also to provide suitable boats, and every thing
requisite for bis conveyance, and conformably to these orders, the Governor acted.
When the deputation arrived near the great city of Pegham, officers of rank were
sent from the Presence to meet Captain Symes, also a boat, such as is used by
nobility, with two war-boats to tow it, likewise guards and attendants to do him
honour, as is consistent with the duties of friendship. After his arrival, all necessaries
and a suitable house, in an eligible place, were provided for his accommodation.
* A ja r in w h ic h rose w a t e r is u su a lly k e p t .
. t A Shanscreet p o em o f h ig h c e le b r ity . S e e M r . W i lk in s ’s e le g an t t rans lat ion .
From’thé east, from lie teijf.~oê«Oudekeril,* in the empire of Gondala Siyry
' Tîtiîogÿ - comprehending Tartar.y, rilthe-sKfobbsiand Potentates, wbempf^e dependant
oritte Sov^dgntytof,China, dm. sublime has
sent’ to -his Majesty thrée^viijt^hhs'danghtêrss^ lintercourseand^Ç.pftdên^.subsist
With his kingdom, presents aire exchanged;; and;ambassadors^pass, between,tha
monhrëfoï' Thlsyeteç.i ac<oÿding-to customsdhe illustrious messengers Jntalpree,,
Kélloree, and Inloree, arrived at^e^lden^ty-withpreseBtsanà*wife?.'; Pfagio
the habitation of« these a hoüsefwas e ^ e 'd ’for the members (jf-thtf,-English
Deputation, neitherifer distant, xAor v ^ t t i l ^ . e v e r y thing.theÿ-stoM m need
of was provided, and guards were stationed'!» protept them.
one hundred amhfifty-sevm, oi year of dip
Hi<rn a one thousand two hündred and ten, and the sixteenth'oiitbp lfci man mostly
Toozali'en, ôr fourteenth o f the Mussulman montbis&iffir, the :.fihi$e^ ;-P-ePu'i3
ties-ànd%he Ministèr'ftnm Calcutta!, -Captain‘Michael S ym^biming-^l^liand
presents, Wére attended!« the Presence by oflkers,of tank and dignity^ind,^ on.
the mountain Merti, in thedofty' Soudma, the Dmtas resorK-to-jpisie obtgsauc$
to the divinifSaggiaroi, so in the Golden Lotoo, where were sea^d-tihejE^y-.Mien,;
or heir apparent, Meedaw, Lord of Ghagring,,ffietehfcsHop^d^B^w^pM
Prome, Bassein Miejr,i-Lppti'of Basseinp^bd-allv die-, ‘Royal
--Ministers and Nobility, the 'EngKsib Gentlemen,vtogether with *thq
Deputies from China;" were received with ceremonious atteittion,. an d 'th e a ters
andi:-the*presents were there presented. In that• splendid assembly, they .were
fcûhourâBly feasted; and at the same time was.optined the friendly'lri^*;w^ich
, was read by die Reader of Government, and the-contents, expressive of a desire
to cement friendship, open a free.mtercourse, and encourage trade, were explained,
arid they gave to his Majesty Été highest satisfaction.;. It was likewise mentioned
that further particulars would be communicated by Captain Michael §ymes, whp
accordingly addressed a Memorial to his Majesty, at which .his Majesty was
exceedingly pfeawedi- ji \
* I apprehend Oudeherit tobe:Jèhol, the Tartarian residence of the Emperor :0f,China,
t The Kiflgdf Ava-boaitSof haring threteChinese ladies, who,Ais courtiers say, were-sent
*0 him by the Emperor of China. Ofthe tmth-nf this there seems roon5,to>d^^^. „,
$ The Prince Roy alls called by vaqau$titieI« EngyPraw, Eogy Mien,Engy Tee Kien.
” r