thatyfhe Engy X^efeieorpr heir apparent,-wasAo hold a copr^on the following
day for the purpose -oiAdfu^u eduction and that qw^ttendance
would he«expp6tèdt^ö.ü.t the hour o^^^M^ï'IEhese instructions^they had
Teeeiyed-'frbnk .the Maywoon ofrBegue, tb-ijtyhotn I wrote an Yre§ly, that
^akjthe stipulated localities,-which- had ‘heek'-Sgreed to -by air parties,
had-been infringed on-the preceding day, itYhecamq^neeessaty; before I
could accept, of the prince’s, invitation, - to -rècêiveïk *po'sïtiYey|sSuf a-nce,
that -they-would- be .better observed on- this occasion*.- i I likewise^ represented
the conduct of. the Sandohgaan as obviously disk$pe,cthifr-%d
hoped, that he would not be allowed to.offieiate againronikWint-r'oduetion;
but, above all, I desired to be explicitlydnformed, wh^ftef&&lfSt] the Engy
Tegjaen purposed to appear in person-, without which I could not possibly
think of attending his court.
To this letter I received a civil reply, in the Persk'n langiiatfc^as’slining
me that some part of what to me seemed objectionable, originated in mis-
takeTthat the Sandohgaan should be confined for his improper conduct;
and that the prince intended to receive me in person: these assurances,
coming from such a quarter, were perfectly satisfactory.
Since my arrival I had been apprized óf a circumstance, of which I was
'before unaware, that it was customary for a person in a public capacity, to
present, something of the manufacture of his country, or some rarity, to each
member of the royal family to whom he is introduced; it was likewise usual,
though not indispensably necessary, to pay the same compliment to the
chief ministers and the principal officers of the court. This present being no
more than a piece or two of muslin, or silk, was too trifling to be regarded
by the individuals, foFits value; it was, nevertheless, expected, and the
omission.would be considered as unhandsome: in addition, therefore, to the.
things that I had brought with me, I gave dire< tions to purchase such ar-
ficlowofvtEuiopean*, as' wetej. mGStl^feertteidVian'd
could be procured; Ubcso^all\)Wc<l»apj|.CSibtot?i')^i!hd''.iijsti ui tions of Baba-
Sheen and the Slnwlmiidei^who iyoi<-js<S-good astLiwatquum me with the
^esta^llshcd-i()Ms%an<Uth^propoiii()ir io:,]x'Hp*reseriLe<t-C()^ea(Ui;.nL-rs<)n.'i *
A Afr.niiie oobklj-otisthe JirslgultagpLembei ^ ^ e i 1osseU>iRei’iiir\,er.riieorIy:
with ait(tg®td^igie as pn.itlict h)imor,‘,(Liy. lj.i*,cnwseqp&fce<i®f‘311
jappheaUbiiiElkuLmaile-, to die M i\ wooii^bfe^egue tcJCpIi tnis-syeu' liosfc
prov-idddjfer Mr. WoodyundjDi-Jluehjnan This W/j sf.iff trkjjin,staiil i wlin It
ffiejjjier the gentleim
Ijmp&r f r a n e e i d o . ^ a n y * u p c-11 l i on ,fjl j ad n ^ ^ iq jq i^ p r'in cm b e is «£;Jhe
ljyhincscf*embassy luen suppfred wit h’ tllei-n^ly dgas-.these, people paid’vuiilit
strict attrition tq tfro inini’pe'tU&w idei, expie-jsiyetoi rokiit^-v,,. tank I dnl not-
think it right* that the geptlemui with me „should be.pj|>p^l,cjefu] m t de^vc§;
'infeiioi to the _snboidinate.niemb,eis of*^,Ut(^fflt^i^l,deleg<iihiii, oi, Wrhith-,
an ,a,equjesj.enee m a less dignified mode of^imrrvf.yaftc.e tfi wniliuldmes.s
were allowed, would, on my part,, fij^q^eep ai tafcit.adjiriwssj-mi>lU^
We proceeded tfripugfr fhq cii y%y5fe ro u ie w t. puTsued.bctoie,, wuh the
presents-carried id .front, andS^serftmg.thesiu^e.ftrdop'ol,profession. M my
of the houses were deeorated wilh}Jlower-pots antLg^iiJaiifjs but, thefSjtjjj^
tators weie by no means so numerous as when we made,our List,enti arise.
We dismounted at the top of a street witfrin a few |pfrdfed,yjpfe;ef^the
surrounding wall of the piince’s palaee,.wliere,stagcs.had been
our convenience; from thence we were ccmd ucLsd^d > t h e It hot m vw likh,
was situated a little to the right h a n d ? p i # k t ^ p ^ ^ g a . l f | ; k w a s
another building of a similar kindropposit^i wlueli wrewyao informed
was used only for trials,. and the trans act-ijJn ,of $.J||>lic business,; .-.but the