no mention is. made of bis ewer attempting a Second d » e to disturb the
government- of his brother.
Narntfogee Praw, although his brother’s designs were frustrated, fowid in
a less dignified subject, a stffi more d a » g « u s competitor. A reheUfo»
that bore a serious aspect, was planned and executedby a p e r t » of sdpffi
riOF oapaeky MeinM Raja* surnamed NuttooiU. n general.- high in the good
graces of the deceased nuanarch, commanded the; rear of the army that was
returning from Siam. Namdogee had always harboured «ft ewpfry towards
this man, who, sensible that' he eoffiffi aspect no p o te ^ fe n ag»l«it; the
reaeutaaent of a vindictive despot» MM* passei*isg,,a eopide*ibte ;ll««ei’ of
popularity, determined to. contend for empire with his .new sovetfeig^
When certain mteffigifree: arrived of t b actrol: tteeeaso o|<^ifor«pa,. b «
Stead nf proceeding to Rangoon, where beats .w a s povicted to trfespmfc
the army up. the Irrawaddy, ha marched with the. uMe^ospedhfo«,. at the
head ©f the djviaiop of the army unde? Ms command, t o T o s ^ i J®d took
possession of that fort, w hich is aceouated the. strosgeit in , thej Birtna»
^BBiphe. Escausaged fey the* afoerfty with wM&b fefgddlts?* espeuaedi
Ids cause, and aawous u t push. Ms rising forttjBgSi he a garrison i*t
die. fort, awl: advanced by forced, marches, towards; the capital: as t e
approached; hfo party strengthened, aifo: the fortMcations of Ava were
surrendered to him without resistance.
Namdogee Praw was at this, time at Monchaboo, making levies to.
oppose the insurgents. Affairs, however, were not yet- in a s.tate.. of
sufficient forwardness, to, enable: him. to take: the field, as he placed, hisj
chief reliance on the arrival- of the loyal division, of the army that had
embarked, and were bn the way from Rangoon ; hu.t the progress, they
made against a. rapid stream was slow, in comparison, to- the: celerity
of k bold adventurer, whose success- depended on his expedition and
The distance from-Rangoon to Mênchabööv by the Irrawaddy, is abtt®
Sot? miles*.. Id--the months- of June, July, fend August, the river, Which,
fit! the hat f e d dry seksert, like the Ganges, winds over its sandy bed a
SioW an d 1 sluggish stream*, as.'Sbbfe a?r the .mountain. torrents." fill,' swells the summits of its banks, inundates the adjacent oo&nfry,. and rolls
down., a&impetuqus currentj unchecked tilji it approaches' sfea, and fi
repelled by the influence of the flowing, tide.- Such violence'would he iifo
^imcfHntahlijj*id: ofi.the rive» <taribg.ffiffi.pêriod' .frnpraoth
eahfe,‘Wét&?t >nof Cöutat^tictéi h^tfag;«t¥femgtih ofi.the^bftthJwest mona&tffii
Assisted b y tffis wind» and canefoUsty k-eeping^wfoMm the eddies. @f tfifd
banks, the Rirmas^boa*s>4se their sails, and ifrepjepely mfedte a mbre expe-
dfrious passage-a* this, than a t any other season of the year.
The division efithe army that embarked * tRafigot» rèsehed «Mgaihj^
ffie'Wëst. bank o f the forawaddy, oppuskfe tor Ava*:
Shot fly after t-hfc latter city had Mien int® the tends &f Nutfoon ;. whom
thefereadth - b ffe ë #iver,-atid a want of boats, prevented from taking any
dlfotsfu&f Steasuwsi to ■ oppose- the junction of tup! detachment-w^fth. the
fbyal standard.- Nfefefogee PraW, WÏieïi- advised* dfi ttfeht fepWïflffi, marched
down from Mohetehdo'yft^Mthe’W^pS fed bödt&l^tBfid M ëS^Ilékted-
Sttengthfeifod By fflisi Union, -the Éiiögfo fofée;' tfo^d'ëffibl^éXéëöisd that
# ffië rebel genieraï; especially dy the ftóflÖbiiSÏ' flëffi fiffif cSffiffiaiftded
the riyer,. not only secured the safe embarkation, and; landing of mèn and
stores; but likewise cut off all supplies by that dïfahrièl frótfrtHë én’etriy..
Tfiese ffisadvantagéS deprésSed the -Spirife' óf Ndttoörfs- attffieVefiM; A- Namdogee Praws forces- having1 cffi&ed- the' riVer; ahirrëgfilfe