been à f Ifmmerapobia.^ê^âjfital,1 k%ëCüme*-of o u n fe t^ ir iv a l. Hc
had Jaeéfr ofâer€a%ô^nyf?oni kMr'tHômeetMhè. deputation', -aid^ame w ftb
Ml'thë ,pbmpjtHafjhfs%jftion^wduld allôwffilÀ* tb'disptay; Ms.-hargetwas
pfb{use^"dë:chrkfed2f^ii:h>icolèursI“ahdHîMs -boatmen-Were dressed irop^P
fôrrfi. ::On'laddihg^-he'-fîrst;-paîd his feèbaplimfehts tcî- th e -M a p p e d ,vand
kftérWàrds ^iiifeifîph ‘nie: ’a i mÿ boat. : ■
éxcIte:là^gbt‘ér£-thaffJÆs'j?eCt®l^;w d ie ^ lo iif‘tBEdd©®^#vê>,^:eveérated
w;th tamislïêd'gold lace, and on his head a broad brimmed hat flapped,
bound also with |o ld . He spoke the -language of Hindostan imperfectly,
but well enough to maie- ldmself understood. After an awkward salutation,
half in the Birman, half in the European manner, he informed me-that he
had been sent-by an ordër from the Lotoo, or Grand Council, to meet the
"Èhÿïsli’S ë ^M h n v ^ d ï d a^àâto^melthat his Majestylhadsbe©IPpl^.M
t h direct that three officers of distinguished rank i shouldipWeeM's tp^Fas-
gahm-inew, a city seven days journey below .Unwriterapbora, to wait- oür
arrival, ank feseort us to th e ’é d ita i. .T4» King, he^obsTet^edphad d e f i n e
the extraordinary honour to send -a royal baige fofimy .persoBahaccpnimd'
da&ofi, with two war-boats to this was considered;as. a .battering
-mark of his Majesty’s good inclination, and we drew from it a favourable
omen. To have our barge drawn by war-boats was an honorary privilege
granted onlÿ to persons of the first consequence ; it is grounded ion .the
idea, that it is inconsistent with the dignity of a man of high rank to .be in
the same boat with people .of such mean condition as common watermen;
it-is a singular refinement,, and furnishes an additional instance of the
characteristic pride of the. nation. The Shawbunder displayed great
.■shrewdness in hiaJ|tpTrsati<m.< llujasked n^seydjj&questions- respecting
tbVipci-WLis \Mtl3,w®^j*I^\>a,11m\c>u.d^ii4d!'as*jlie v§Jitt,^some degree
be* conadlEp^asillSiQiahijhiq^pgitk^ptjfied his cuyjosity^&xplaining
^»ctjeral„teims iht. natuif- of ihelmjsston, and th^^tpAiLyinf,vvhuh I ox-
pected to be received, without at a|Il; djscdqsing the specific objects I had in
i f i S w l
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