mitigation of duties! on his -merchandize, iitr consideration of supplying
annually -a- certain number o f ifirelocks for the royal arsenal. .js^qofr
Aguizaty-ari Armenian, to whom I had detters.©finredi%dealtdarge^^ in
foraignhcbmraoditles'.' These people naturally behold with-a jealous eye,
any a dvanc eof a-commercial nature,Hhat(mighti tendtt& diminisii their
influence, and deprive them of that dictatorial power,/which they- assume
and exercise over ail mdl'cfrants and mariners that resort to'Rangoon'; but
o f none are they so apprehensive as of the English; a :-eoArieetj0h ;with
whom might-teadr the Birmans to transact foreign-business without their
assistance, and give them a more adequate'sense of' their-’own -interests.
Under these fears they had long been disseminating the seeds oftsusj^^shi
and warning the Birmans t<f be on tlieir guard against Biilisli fraucUiai
w eR ii British force*;- but no sooner did they-hear oftKeopresenbdepkte
lion,* than ;the alarm bell was sounded from all'quarter#; They* represented
J[as I was credibly informed) our designs to be of the most mist hievoifc
tendency; and even endeavoured .to work on the: supers tition<-ofi;the
people, by the-solemn promulgation of a prophecy, that in- lessathamtwelve
months the English colours would fly on the Rangoon flag-staff. These
artifices, however, which were not now practised for the first time, although
they could not deceive the Birmans, still it is probable were not altogether
void of effect; nor is it to be wondered at, that our reception, though
respectful from the deputation that came down to meet us, was not perfectly
cordial. There is also reason to conclude, that the provincial officers
of Rangoon knew not in what manner they ought td ;act, not having
received precise instructions for the regulation of their conduct towards
ns, in matters of ceremony.
• Conformably to our recent arrangement, .Mr. Wood left us on the
|#^éd'®îg1,h ^M ||^ n d , ,Stéî^mMedf‘b5l®oea-Sheoirf Set? out for Pegue in a
Wi|modi'0Ù9'-'l^ t^ ^ llip îè ^ tiëW ffôS f('®>’'#ëatHèr‘. .'This* day the captains
of tîïi$pïïiïèipâfeMp^mtKd fiVèr''dliîe'd With tae^O'H^feb'féC' T h e RayWoon',
kndwinîgilfhàtë'I w£s* t0f'hàvefcdmpaIn y serffià? whole abteflopè',1 vdth Indian
ygg'etables* ii^ahüttdan'c^;-; âjadf’âcqu,àwlea^&j''f:hat bdat§‘-Woùld’ be in rea-
dmeWfoiî^uSi'îïfPdhë; fdtlâ^-ih'g-d^tàt^'Mofif^s^I'' Had promised* £6 leave
R'angoon by thé e vehiri g’-s* tide1:* ' » K :
lo Tl^'-m'ommg^ o f tlS'^MfQ^m^dft'y'wdS*' sp'0nt:'irf^pr^arati&iJ forfoifr
ijiâürïiey' to Pdgtfeî HavingfiioK# ëbfrfe'tes a- right understanding-with pttr-
\dfts'sfe’potŸ'ei!, I dM’ttd*'seît(^d>ïdl^Wd^0â's"hb¥e'p^f>%fmïy*sheavy bag-
gagef wMqJjÎM'âs dlëpdsitèdS, iïftflt® h'Olgtfe? ufed^îcfi'â®gWd&r three’soldiers,
jah|l^ôme^ser<vaMs|<WJtem!'^e -were ' obliged te^lêayè feêhifr# ott’ account' o-f
:|th^i^pO'sifibriJ.-fcThe 5presents for hhi#<Mïij ê'sty-Vere frïK, taken out of the
lship/'a'Sî-mânyibSiîe-ardeles;vfre^:Of^à'ib'rîSleinattiref an®di|EÿS£!& injury
’ftom^ientoyade. Llikewise drew ups-a shb^êdbtter â®fsfrü6tfons for Gaptain
»Thomas,. leasing him in most?'tase%a latitude to act from the dictates of
ih te oWmdi'stret i anj> on which I.knewiI might with safe ty4ely.; at th&sanae
time I pointed out thea pÎTdpriet.yrof'fisiLOgheveryj means ».to psipeiiiate the
•inhabit^ntsv andicadtionèdphimwte jrepress, im hiS'i'Bâropeanacifewv dhat
'thoughtless h#emperance WhfoMigi.fhe; icharacteristià of .British - seamen
when they gefe'dhj shpres m i I
A'boubnboïE'fchrè&'boaitsîwerê in: readiness at khete^eek near oim dwelling.
IThfeiOnaldesigned' for-my.cbnveyance’ was'comfortable, acGoplihg.tb
/Birman notions of accommodation. It consisted!: o f three small- compartiments,
partitioned by fine mats,, neatly fastened to slips’ of'baïfiboo- cane ;
theinner-room was lined * witfolndian chintz; 'tit&rC'qf, howevér, was so
low as not*to admit*>dfoa person-stefbMg■-'upright'*, «an^ineôh#ériîè»cè