'irttrf exoiiiitkht "pribS; and eithef frcM fbkl,t3r pfSlSn&ed SjJpfehSttsibri,
these vtMdfcft offth-riM litgrifafe Wkys'pib&ficed theft wifreslh VclMr-
-deSlirie nianftfer; Sfe aTCasori, ‘tfiat'lPtoy WSte®&cbveriSiil
th r i v e M l books ttf a IBfdgpfi- ViriflliH* 'periKSssibn, he WbtM'he rfijffi!e1»
a %dVefe penalty. tftf&'h&teflMiAre IVeffewfirstfteeBfMfe'cdfisfSBt tSffijgfr
ks a pretext for enhancing the demand, that) as founded on feet; -Ode day,
hriweVer, -wfe tinderstbba that a Marited M'Sft
bltenbe «Pffis Mittrie, and ws& likely to Itoffir piifiishrifefit. TiriteeffiMely
seht a mdsstfge to the chief Woongbe, appfEfcftig him 'of the Circumstance,
and desir&g’to know A e th e r i t ‘was illegal to SfeH bodfes friris'; f ta t if theft
law prohibited it, 1 shoubcl reject such'as fn 'Hlfufe illicit b e *tA'ought, arid
direct eveiry pfersUri tinder'My Stithority tbVlo fllfe Sklhc. The "Wtittagee fb-
turned a civil in'e.Vsagc, and the Mkn ‘was sBt at liberty. Jfis'Majt&fy being
Made acquainted With the iftair, SMttfMOfttrfl, on 'the %BcfWiftg ‘day, ‘the
principal Ifhateans fi) attend Iris CburidS, and Sufifflitted fo Iftigtti, V lM tir
or n o tit was consistent with Birman tenets, to grant TJoolcs 'ft®! treate'd“d f
their history 'arid lays, to Bffeigners. The ddftfiave, i was 't l l i i 'a l e f '
solemn dehbeMtibri, determined in die afiftMatrVe; ^fia*aad'ea,'tMf if was
not only admissible,btit laudable, for the tfis^Mhhadon *fiis
Majesty was thereupon pleased to ofdei- ahahSSoMe^Bpym thdKazawayn,
or History of their Kings, and df the Dhirrnasath, or'Cocte "qfXaws, to h e
delivered to me from the royal library : e'adi was 'dbittamed in‘ one large
Volume, written in a beautiM Mariner, arid ha'riasOtoely aaoraed^witS
painting and gilding.
My Bengal draftsmen, whose labours were-principally direeted-by Dr.
Buchanan in the delineation of plarits,'met a t‘UmflierapOO:ra Withriftfofher
artist in a Siamese painter, who wasettipioyed b y ‘the ritJttft. This man,
'though not sasH lfo ja s jte pstssffi in. myiseiyiaBy.wafl qeyjfifttetess of much
.utility furnished me withseyÉiài d^wings;dds®i$iliYi qftteeostuflje
of the country, which though executed with were finished With
tteimpst.peitfecf fidhltty,;:-among other-‘things he.hrQVfeght..fflgla .fgpp-
aêntaija« sçifthe Shoepattsidt^ee^ sftsroysil ibffljgè nsedchps'lfete 'King when
hejigbcs yi state on the \\ 1U4 # thfiipahateRjrepoitedjt^fc-fhedength^;QfJte
vessel was a .hundred c ù i^ ü insore. tha».an,e hundred yntHtfty .feet) :
I. sawlit tteaughiS glass, but^ctao-gseat a distance to observemore than
the elevated stern, the royal piasath a t iteiggatej.'Whiçh occupied A ap ibqe
pf .a mast, and the.sph®id.onr;of ttegildiug, wijthwbiêh.'it iwas^entirely
goygred,- T te Kirig..possesses ;a g ^ a t bqatSi-.s-eme §f tteap.wf
had. an opportunity taf yiawipg» teat 4he §lw#paBqd@^§.- j&by ;fef tb§ tqpgt
magnificent. :
The Birman riinnth of tesdaiaggUÿto» which had . % &•a#8B
of^piyersal festivity and r^ei©ag,.aad.«&;thi:iiteee tefflippypg
sokmn homage is. paid, to the King, M: the .Esgy
eipal Queen. At the court of theiafier, all 4?Pgh{ers'pf jfo?
fiohks pay their respects, uaauegmpanJled by fheif -ifti§h»Pds çr apy
attendants ;a n iiia this.assembly, as t»i®ch. slat© a$d| g^mpn,y,a^f;gl3ygr^^l
as-at the c « s t o f his M^eatyu. TihêianK
of ber h u s b a ^ , is expressed by te r
bdng -sot less scrupulously maintained,Ahàn &§&&&&$
We regretted extremely, that their .customs did satallpw
Queen’s court, in the same m a rn e r as. nt;that ®fcher iÿu^fiopgipther.
Age and widowhood, i t seems, gave: the htttor a priy &g&af Cîce.mqg.yg^ifg
ltom the other sex, without vioJaing 4?fîf)rumy ArisfHBriBgxregîPash- »
During the fifteen days ®f this ,V»}J3ui}i-,