to their faith, and |jjs,Geptihle of ,-theprejudices whicsh ignorance, and priest?
c r a ftin c u k |te jjinto>nnndsxu n m s t i^
doctrines of^jChristianityj, During his days of leisure,,the king had directed
rq.uch of his attention dQgP|FC>|lWd|i|^5tndie^i'!ptd -became a thorough
hi jndicitdsastr^ogy^ Bramins, who though
the Rhahaans, are nevertheless held in.high respect by,the Birmans*,had
for,|g^s beep accnstomed .to migrate fron; Gass^and^Arracau,; td Ayah
where they alwaysrrnpt with a favourable receptions,- and, t^.afgqunk-af
ttefes^^dtffi knoyfledgRs^iiie a p g o h ^ d y ^ f ^ o r s of science. A cgllegg,
was established, and certain lands appropriated fw ifttpfti
doctors composed almanacs, calculated eclipses, and pranopnced, froimtheiR
intercourse with the planets, the propitious or .adverse, ,segspn>,.t«vattempt
any .momentous undertaking. Mindciagee l ’i aw had avgusjpgiejl;
himself to reverence this sect; he received from them instructions in his
favourite study, and listened to their predictions with implicit credulity.
Long before his elevationjhey had foretold the fortune that ayi^edvhim,
and the accomplishment of their prediction, confirmed Braminical Apflug.
ence: he appointed a certain number to be his piis ate chaplains, yi ho. ,qn
court days, arrayed in white robes, and standing round the throne, chant
a solemn benediction in melodious recitative. This , ceremony is performed
as soon as the king ascends the imperial seat, and before the commencement
of public business-. Prompted partly by the persuasions of
his inspired counsellors, and partly by that desire of change which Birman
monarchs superstitiously entertain, Minderagee resolved to withdraw the
seat of government from Awa Haung,* arid found a new city. The site
fixed on for the projected settlement was judicious : about four miles
Ancient Ava.
-hbrth.-easfr ofs^%,^éherêü-sca<’deep5 and extensive lakeiCajled Tounzemauffo
formed bljb thaiirifli^xf^foüheSRitóeKfduriing-.thesmonsoon'^thróugh -ac narrow
channei^jiii&hiafter-wards.e-xp.anteandjekiSpf'ays a^bc^^sflwatei» a. mile;
^ % ^ V ^ ^ ,^ ® d^^ehcoi^ghf'>miIes4ïMgw>|fp|i^la'kettfii^t 'takes a
- ‘hoBÉhé-Hly .dhreetion^frtèg^Lyi pa^SHekiwith the,,river; it afterwards < curves tdj
the south-east, in .v lesseningr-.s'-Rtettl:and‘diniiriishcs,'mofjss,) favour-
with«the ri\er-.oufcftievsidés»-infaloses:a«dBWandihealthy,p'd-imsula« on vihiehï
A^feöhjsrapoora,- the nameï'gïvën to tliej ifcj\k£itv' now'stands'.-' Buildin'gs in-
thet-Bu'inan» couptry are composed* foRltliePmostt^iarit.i'lr.iviodifff.myi w Jter
^hu-rtage hung-heie convenientji the ohhtownewas-spculiU dcmolisficdVand«
therpresfent.capitah^set'ifront» its» materials«; -whilst :sadl|waathssta-ssddaitye
used incremoval, that I ’mmei apooia hecamc mwadshort ifrmefioiiC''®forfic^
mM flourishing anefewell built pities qf.tlie.E-ast; .the fort, likewise/, which«
is spacious arid! regtikiFfl is completely fortified after ftte Asiatic .manncr.i
A ilofty irampai t, pr0tcotad?jïyla parapet, and«-sftoiigthencd by bastions»
composed -tofc.exsellenft .masonry^ is^KÜieri sdcuredt by-- ^detepfedibiroa#
ditchpfaced ivrth, brick jiand filfdd withtwater: thecgatewhysf'a'FfeYguarded'f
by <feannon,eand retrehchments d&fendcthdpasse’s; bfl'fche difeh.-bi«
-«TJf^firit year of the reign of MindemgèejS'was^i&tihgÜishpdbbs^lfe’l
atftehïp©5f another peMyan^urgent,. -who; mfedita ted dotting iless> thaif th é '
overMraw oithe'Birman; a n d # e re-'estabLishment\dfi tf e Taliën monarchy.';
A'!<fhnatacïïfi&hfii3afafiiof Rangoon/ named Natchien, as rfihn' offtridatP extrac- ?
tifHi', availed hbnSelf .of> a-i-próphecymirGöl-afêd^-alialg1 ih^vül^k^i' that yad
person of his profession was to prove .the insfhmien© of defiverarfcè ‘tb"'.tl®!
ï^g u e people; and on the-feith of thi^ prediction, -Khcihd®cfed-tSeVeral'
Peguers, who lived in.,thq district,,ob .Dtdl-a* to enten into.-bis designs, and